The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3777 withdrawing out the continent

What kind of deceased giant, he certainly knows that Zhang Bin is so powerful, and motorcycle days may not stand by.

Therefore, he looked at Zhang Bin with the cold eyes, saying faintly: "Just let you hand over the body, you said so much, is there any discrepancy?"

"The body, I have no corpses, all zombies."

Zhang Bin finished, the body that was previously received was flying out, but it turned into a zombie.

The quantity is also a lot, and there are more than 100,000.

It is a zombie of the nine floors.

This strength is not weak.

If you add his four million zombies, strength is more horrible.

"Zombie? That better, can only belong to me."

The zombie old ancestors smiled, and his horses appeared in the horrible zombie.

Explosing the same red light like the maturity, shining on a lot of zombies.

He is to force Zombie of Zhang Bin.

If it is successful, the strength of his zombie door has risen again.

Really the most powerful martial art.

The horror thing happened, and many zombies's expressions became confused, they all moved.

And Zhang Bin's connection is also weak.

It seems that it will be disconnected immediately.

"Come over, don't hesitate."

The zombie the ancestors have made a strange voice, and they are struggling to many zombies.

Many zombies have begun to move slowly, and the pen is straight.

"It's horrible."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, and secretly admired, the zombie theorette is not a deficiency.

Really all the zombies of the narrow.

And he suddenly understood that herself is really powerful, zombie is strong, nor is its own strength, and maybe it is taken away.

Therefore, we must work hard to break through the seven layers as soon as possible.

It is the right way, much more than getting more than 100,000 zombies.

After all, Zhang Bin also heard that the Era Wars can only rely on their own strength, can't rely on zombies, magic souls, worms, and so on.

However, this is a zombie that Zhang Bin Xin has worked hard. Of course, he is not willing to be taken away.

Perhaps these zombies can't deal with zombie doors, but it is used to deal with other martial arts or huge use.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's hand has a Tibetan Tower, and the fifth layer is turned on, and a mysterious fluctuation is issued.

It shrouded all zombies.

Every zombie woke up from the confused, they immediately retired.

Look at the zombie old ancestor.


The zombie old ancestors have sent a surprised voice. "Good magical magic weapon can fight my zombie heart? It turned out that this is the magic treasure zombie tower lost in my zombie door. I will give it to me, otherwise, kill innocent "

Say it later, he has already sounded and murdered.

At this moment, he was completely exhausted, and he wanted to kill Zhang Bin and captured Zhang Bin's magic weapon.

"Zombie ancestors, I see you is looking for death."

Unexpected Devils stepped out, her hands appeared in three flowers, cold and cold, "Zombie doors in the district, dared to be so arrogant, did we be a vegetarian?"

"Do you really ask him?"

The zombie old ancestors looked at the demon gods with a jealousy, and the anger was rushing.

"Asylum? You are too laughing, the mountain river long is a copy of our hidden door." Don't die, "Zombie ancestors, don't think that your zombie door is very powerful, I tell you, we will not Weakly of your zombie doors. If you add a thousand union, it is far from your zombie door. "

"Hidden Union League? Hehe ... I really didn't put you in your eyes."

The zombie old ancestors said, "Do not believe, we will fight here once, escape is the bastard."

"Zombie ancestors, you are foolish to the ultimate." Zhang Bin looked at the zombie the ancestors like idiot. "You won Zhang Lao San, got his wilting gang. So, Wan Mou will not let you And you have become the goal of hunting the temple. Now you still want to win my treasures, you have to hidden the blood of the door. Once you have got a chance to raid you, then you are a dead road. "

"I didn't take the old three. I didn't have any strong enemy. As for the hunting hall, it is still inadequate."

The zombie ancestors said coldly.

"Don't you say it?"

Zhang Bin said faintly, "The fool will believe it."


The zombie old ancestors are almost vomiting blood, but he knows that Zhang Bin is reasonable.

He was smashed by the hunting hall, and he couldn't wash it in the Yellow River.

It is really incapable and hidden in the Union.

"We still come to discuss, how to get rid of the hunting hall, how?"

Zhang Bin moved his topic.

"Yes, now our strong enemy is the hunting hall, the strength of the hunting hall is reduced to the ultimate, we can't give them to restore strength, and must win the chasing, let it kill it." Said a serious way to say seriously.

Everyone silently, they certainly knew this truth.

However, it is impossible to eat that the hunting hall is almost impossible.

The golden temple has such a horrible magic instrument, and it is simply sweeping everything.

The same magic weapon is no longer confronted by stacking.

Therefore, if you want to eat the hunting hall, you must have a treasure of restraint.

But this treasure is not.

Nothing since ancient times.

Perhaps, only the hunter can deal with the soul.

Unfortunately, the hunting nail is also a hunting hall.

Even if it is imprisoned in the beauty figure, the owner is still Jin Yi.

"We can use strong ways to break their array. All the way forward, finally surround them completely, let them all touch their wings," said the way.

But everyone does not agree, the array of the hometown of the hunting hall is too horrible, and it is difficult to do all the way, it is also difficult to do in countless years.

What's more, the Lord of the Golden Temple can escape at any time.

"Hahaha ..."

The sky suddenly came from the Lord of the Golden Temple, "You don't have to negotiate, because I decided, now I will leave the continent. However, I will still kill the next era. You will give me, etc. Go. "

After finishing, he took a lot of zombies and disciples, flew up, and his pen was straight into the ban.

The rich fog is blocked.

Never see any traces.

"Oh ... I am leaving, I believe that you will kill themselves."

The fog sounded the wonderfulness of the land of the Golden Temple, "If the fairy magic is really united, where is the foothold of my hunting hall? When you kill two defeat, after the blood flows into the river, I will kill again, naturally there is a way to You are all done. "

After finishing, he smiled secretly.

His hunting disciple has a lot of genius disciples who have won the major martial arts, and it is easy to mix the major garthes.

Therefore, there is still a lot of probes in the hunting hall, and you can get the latest news from the continent.

If he wants to kill, it will naturally choose the best time.

"I am going to leave? Leave the continent?"

Everyone is stunned, and the face is full of not a letter.

The Lord of the Golden Temple has a soul, and it is still invincible. Even the strength of the hunting hall is also the first.

Even if only one of the golden temples, it can be said to be the strongest martial art.

Therefore, the Lord of the Golden Temple is not necessarily withdrawing out of the continent.

The zombie old ancestor's ice is to shoot on Zhang Bin's face. He wants to move, want to instantly kill Zhang Bin, get Zhang Bin all the treasures!

(Seven chapters sent, begging for recommendation.)

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