The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3781 Leaves Goddess

Time is here, which seems to be completely stopped.

The two of them touched together and enjoy a special beauty.

"Fang Fei, have you really fallen?"

Zhang Bin finally woken up, but he still reluctantly released her, asked seriously in her ear.

"Because of the robbery fragment, there is an incomparable terrorist war." Fang Fei said, "I finally got the creation of fragments, but I was hit hard. I was not falling. I am very difficult to fall. However, if it is unable to quickly If you recover, you will fall into the hands of the enemy, and the consequences are unimaginable.

"Then that you get the news of the creation of the fragment is not known? Is it very dangerous?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"If you don't have a debris, don't have any worries."

Fang Fei listened to Zhang Bin's concern to her, said, "The creation of fragments is very weird. It is not a big Fumeyer who can't get, and there is no ability to get into the body. Even, the crest is not willing to enter any space container."

"But they will doubt you to hide the cream."

Zhang Bin said seriously, "such as hiding in the soil, among the rocks."

Fang Fei's face suddenly became pale, and the forehead was also a fine sweat.

Obviously, she felt the crisis.

"That don't go back, after a while, they may forget you." Zhang Bin said, "And, in the future, I can protect you,"

If there is any other cactus, it is said to protect a god, it is simply a big joke.

But Zhang Bin, but there is such a qualification, and there is such a confidence.

Fang Fei is of course also believed. After all, Zhang Bin can put the cream into the heart, representing him is not ordinary cactus.

"Then I must seal my strength, and I can't open it again. In the future, it is a very ordinary fairy." Fang Fei said ashamed, "the strength may not be more than you, you won't give up me?"

"How can it be?"

Zhang Bin said sincerely.

Since the homogeneous body, he has a very magical feeling, that is, you have a deep fate of this goddess before you.

And he felt that if she is now in the end of the dam, the possibility of falling into the miserable land is great.

That's of course not what he is willing to see.

So, he tried to retain her.

Fang Fei looked at Zhang Bin for a while with a singular look. She nodded, "Then I will stay, but I will not be able to accompany you too long, the hit, sometimes I can't hide."

"Not always."

Zhang Bin said confident that "I must have a way to help you."

Fang Fei smiled, smile as the spring flowers.

She immediately showed her hand, and she was completely sealed.

The magical thing happened that her perise is rapidly reduced, and the momentum is also reduced.

She also has a singular change, turned into a flowers like a rose.

Exctends an incomparable aroma.

Heartful heart.

"What is going on?"

Zhang Bin, is Fang Fei, is Fang Fei, is a flower that cultivates a god?

If this is true, then it is magical. Can a flower in the district can cultivate God?

"Bon, I am inside."

Fang Fei's voice passed from the flowers, and the flowers were also open, revealing a small space inside.

Fang Fei is sitting inside the knee, barefoot, Wufa snow muscle, looks beautiful, high.

Zhang Bin saw it stunned, shouted in his heart: "How can there be such a beautiful goddess in the world?"

"In this, I will have a lot of security, I will not be induced by strong existence, and I can shield the world." Fang Fei looked at Zhang Bin with the same eyes of the words, "said that if you are tired, you can also come in and rest." Although the defensive ability of this flower is not strong, it has a strong stealth ability. "

Zhang Bin tried to take this flower into the body, but did not do it.

Then he understood that he was just a fairy, and it was no ability to collect gods.

Fang Fei smiled, his heart, the flowers were rapidly narrowed.

Finally, I attached it to Zhang Bin's ear pond, and it has become a point of tip.

Her voice also sounded.

"Who said that I want you to accompany?"

Zhang Bin is very embarrassing, but he is secretly looking forward.

Looking forward to Fang Fei can come out and stroll with him.

He continued to go forward on the dam and slowly integrated into a rich white fog.

If it is not exactly, it has a green bronze in his heart, and a small red point is overpower.

Zhang Bin may even think that he is a dream.


In front of the sound of diving, with a horrible breath.

Zhang Bin stopped and his face was also full of alert.

He is faintly inductive, and some black shadows are sitting on the dam.

When I came over, I jumped into the ban on the sea.


Weird sound was raised in the sea.

Then a horrible head exposed from the sea.

It turned out to be a hoe, so I looked at Zhang Bin.

If the ordinary people see such a scene, it will inevitably scare.

But Zhang Bin is not afraid.

His right hand suddenly appeared a slaughter sword, and he broke out a strong and horrible murder.

He knows that a war is inevitable.

This time, he met a big horror.

The big horror of the fog area - .

It is said that it is a grievance, and the removal is returned.

Can show most of the prectious power.

Their favorite attack is human, they are falling, and they also hope that anyone will fall.


More take out from the sea.

Even if I jumped into the dam, the horses were hit, and Zhang Bin's way forward or back.

"Do you have fallen, or don't be a good fortune, otherwise, kill innocent."

Zhang Bin raised his sword and killing.

"Kill you, join us ..."

Many shackles simultaneously issued a creepy voice.

At the same time, I flip to Zhang Bin and launched an incomparable attack.

Their eyelids burst into urgent flaming, and the mouth of the mouth burst into horror.

The Thunder is also taken out from the two ears.

Even if you have a mouth, you will be madly bite to Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, countless attacks are covered, cover Zhang Bin, cover.


Zhang Bin gang, his sword danced crazy.

Suddenly sword, cold light ...

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