The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3788 War Field

"Who tells you?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Lao San, you are too naive, how can I tell you?"

Skyscles laughed, his face was full, and it was full of smiling.

"You don't say I can also guess." Zhang Bin pointed to the dam, faintly, "people from here. Even, he also helps you improve the strength, so you can practice to the seven floors The big success, even a breakthrough atmosphere, the breakthrough to the eight layers not far? And it also fused 8 kinds of roads, powerful, it is very powerful. This means is simply against the sky. "

"Zhang Lao San, now I will send you to the road ..."

The flight is no longer awkward. He took a murderous murder that the stone grinded in the hands of Zhang Bin.

This stone mill is constantly rotating, making a rumbling sound.

And there is a black hole above, making a horrible phagocytic force.

It can easily swallow people and then crush into a powder.


Zhang Bin felt the threat of death.

But there is no fear, his hands holding the Libra, crazy, bombing the sky.


The scale is instantaneous, and the blink is on the stone mill.

I sent a shocking voice.

The dam is shaken.

Spark is also splash.

The scales fly back, the stone mills only paused a moment, and he continued to slap Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin's heavens in the hands of the scales, the scales are slamming on the stone mill.


It seems to be a bell, exceptionally loud.

The scale hook and stone mill suddenly fly.


Zhang Bin couldn't stand the body. It was continuously retreats continuously, and after retreating 99.

And the skyscide is just a slight shock, just stand like a mountain.

The first trick, Zhang Bin is in the bottom of the wind.

After all, the Field also combines eight ways, and the time of cultivation is more than 7 million years.

And he took advantage of Zhang Bin a realm.

In terms of reason, he is more than 100 times higher than Zhang Bin.

However, today Zhang Bin has a trick to take the sky, but has not been hit hard.

Although it is far more than a skyscraper, it can resist a few tricks.

This is already enough, as long as you are not killed, Zhang Bin has a safeguard.

In fact, because of the guidance of Fang Fei, it took for three hundred years to make up for the defects of cultivation and improved the power.

He can resist the other party so horrible.

Otherwise, he can't resist it, it will be packed directly.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin was madly laughed, "The Field, this is your strongest strength, I don't look at it."

In the past, Zhang Bin said clearly that the flight is more than his realm, and the flight is tens of thousands of times, or even hundreds of millions of times.

But after his crazy cultivation, dare to adventure, successively entered the secrets of the three rivers, the secret of the mystery, and the secret of the five mystery.

He finally led to the distance of the other party.

Even if the other party gets the help of some gods, he will not have any fear.

As long as it is not a dedication, he has the possibility of resistance and confrontation.

"Yes, good, Zhang Yusan, you really have a very talent, is also very powerful, beyond my expectation." The Family looked at Zhang Bin with ice cold eyes, smiled and said, "But you still have to die here today. You have no living road. "

"Fitness, depending on you, want to kill me?"

Zhang Bin's face floated, "" You will know in the future, people who kill you are me Zhang San. I am born is your gratitude. Even, I am born is evil. "

"Give me death ..."

The skysclamise roared, with a murderous murder, the past, launched Zhang Bin as an attack like a water silver.

The stone mill is rolled in the past, and the rays are exploded, and the momentum is mad.

The murder is also rushing into nine.

"Trial ..."


"Five lines ..."

Zhang Bin is also roaring, his trial, the words of Thunder, the five elements, and it is also thoroughly showing.

Libra is flying, but the Tauchy sword is also crazy.

They are together in two wars.

From the dam, it hit the sea and set off the waves of the sky.

Crazy, there is a world.

They have become black shadows in the sky, jumping on the rough sea surface.

The war is about five minutes.

Zhang Bin couldn't resist it, and the body was treated, and there was a crack.

The five senses flow out of blood.

And the skysculus is the horror and sharpness of the imperial attack.

Be sure to kill Zhang Bin here.

"Fitness, wait for me to break through the seven layers, I kill you like killing the dog."

Zhang Bin laughed, "Goodbye."

His feet appeared in a huge mountain beast, and it was a iron back dragon beast.

Trusted Zhang Bin, hurriedly swayed, like a lightning, the fog is deep.

"Kill kill ..."

Of course, the sky will not give up. He throws out the boat, driving the fastest speed of the boat.

Unfortunately, I can't catch up.

How can the flying boat may be more than the speed of the psychedeline

You know, this can be the eight-level iron back dragon claws, which can be said to be a small hegemony in the fog area, and the speed is of course very fast.


The Field had to give up, his face became extraordinary.

Because he felt the power of Zhang Bin.

It is only the six layers of the shades, but there is such a horrible strength.

"If I have the same realm of him, he is quite doubled."

Monk is muttered in the mouth. "His tachips are much better than me."

The spin is that he is a slap in his face, regretting the ultimate, such a chance to kill Zhang Lao three is wasted.

If his wisdom is higher, it is boldly taking the black medicinal herbs, and his strength will increase ten times.

That time, he can easily kill Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin has a chance to escape, because the first trick can kill him.

"Why is the old man to make me cultivate into the nine-story big success taking black medicinal herbs? Let me have affected."

The ski is very depressed.

However, he turned back and thought, or the old man is also useful.

The Era Wars can't escape, and there must be one person to end.

If your own strength is much stronger than the other party, then Zhang Bin will die.

This is an extraordinary way.

And killing Zhang Bin in advance, it is a supplement, it is best to kill, it doesn't matter, but it can make the other party. Under the same realm, my strength is far less than the other party, the other party is not Will care, not more preparation. The Era Wars can kill one. If you are taking it now, if you are escaping by the other party, then you will hit the snake.

"Good plan. Good deep calculation."

If you want to do this, the skysclamise is secretly praised in your heart.

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