"Of course, I am actually a special artifact, and the syringe contains the mystery of integration extraction. There is nothing strange. You just have to do this ..."

Fang Fei said.

Zhang Bin raised the syringe and attached it to the Holden, and he would feel and communicate with your heart.

Sure enough, the strange voice sounded, and the secret law on integration extraction was also happening, and it was embarrassed to become a ray, and poured into Zhang Bin's head.

After using a hundred years, Zhang Bin not only fused, but also cultivated to six layers.

He again strongly.

His attack is also colorful.

Especially when his syringe is used, the power of attack is terrible.

The way to extract the sound can be used to produce a magical.

"The son, our fate, I have to go back."

Fang Fei's voice suddenly sounded, and then the next moment, Zhang Bin was inserted into the flower.

Fang Fei looked at Zhang Bin with his perseverance.

"How can it be so fast?"

Zhang Bin is extremely depressed, he still has a bad hunch. Fang Fei went back to the goddess or there would happen. "

"It must be left as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences are not good."

Fangfei said, "Now, I will guide you to integrate the way. Are you willing?"

After that, her pretty face is shame, I don't dare to see Zhang Bin.

"Will you have a bad impact on you?"

Zhang Bin said.

"No, guide you, is the honor of Fang Fei."

Fang Fei said lightly, grabbed Zhang Bin's neck, picked up his feet and gently kissed on Zhang Bin lip.

In an instant, the feelings of singing occurred.

Zhang Bin also hugged her closely.

They started a hot kiss.

Falling into a magical realm.

After three days and three nights, Zhang Bin woke up.

He shocked that he had blended the law, and it was also cultivated to the six layers of the closed.

Even, he didn't know how he spent the sky.

But he knows that he has a very close relationship with her.

And Fangfei is no longer disappeared.

The red dot on his earlobe is also completely absent.

"Fangfei ..."

Zhang Bin made a big shouting.

He rushed out of the treasure tower, looking for it on the island, but did not see the shadow of Fang Fei.

"Rabbit, you told me, what happened after my coma? Where did Fang Fei went again?"

Zhang Bin asked anxiously in his heart.

There is no hesitant rabbit, just show the video in Zhang Bin's mind.

Today's rabbits have once again evolved, and it can detect a wide range of distances around and then capture.

Zhang Bin looked at the video.

Then he saw that he was only a hot kiss and did not have a further intimate relationship.

But he quickly fused the way, the arrival of the robbery.

Of course, Fang Fei hides again.

The robbery is very powerful, but it is a fantasy.

Therefore, there is Fang Fei's secret help, Zhang Bin is safe.

After waiting for the world, she continued to help Zhang Bin cultivated.

Use a hot kiss.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the top six layers.

The last time robbery has been spent.

And Fangfei seems to be discovered by the world.

On the void, suddenly crack, a dark gold chain is dropped from the middle.

To take Zhang Bin.

Fang Fei jumped out and blocked in front of Zhang Bin.

The chain is locked in Fang Fei, pulling her into the crack.

Perhaps Fang Fei's secret law, Zhang Bin sleeps, did not see everything that happened.

Zhang Bin suddenly had tears.

He finally understood that Fang Fei is not a goddess from Zhang Dong, otherwise, how can she accept the punishment of the gods.

I meet her with her, it is a fate, it is also coincident.

Because of a piece of conflict, I inspired her creation of the magical ability to make her quickly from recovery and awakening.

I am equal to saving her.

After that, she repayed him and saved him many times.

I have also tried to point to him, let him relieve the cultivation of hidden dangers, and then fuse more four.

Let his strength greatly improve.

The life of life is also stronger.

But she will know that it will be discovered by heaven and earth sooner or later.

Belt the god penalty of terror and morning sooner or later.

"Fangfei ..."

Zhang Bin made a big shouting.

At this moment, he was very angry, it was very wronged.

If there is no god, you don't need Fang Fei's help at all.

Fang Fei will not accept God.

But those cheating god did not accept punishment, this is unfair!

"Master, Fang Fei will not have something, she is God, God can't fall." The rabbit said, "I will be strong in the future, go to the gods, you will save her. Then repay her. Now you want What to do is, the grief is power. Take more effort. "

"More good goddess. In order not to let me be sad, Shi Shi Tong let me sleep."

Zhang Bin is still awkward.

"Master, she also threw a jade jade." The rabbit said, "Just on the slate."

Zhang Bin is big, and immediately read the jade and read it.

The content is very simple. It is more powerful. But you must be careful, you must work hard, improve your war, and make your spirit like a rock, you can spend the possibility of fusion of the new road. Goodbye, Fang Fei Wishing you forever. "

"Fang Fei, you can rest assured, no one can do my life, I must cultivate into gods. When I go to the god, it is the moment of the gods, I will save you, any bullied you, I have to trial them. "Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his body burst a rich and extreme murder, and his eyes were also emitted.

He stood up and stepped out of the island.

Walking on the sea surface in the fog area, the pen is straight to the direction of the black sea area.

"Bang ..."

Suddenly, a loud burst of the same thunder, a sea beast broke out from the water.

This is a long monster, with 2896 heads.

The body is also a huge.

As if a big giant.

All mouth open, bitten in Zhang Bin.

Eight-level beasts!

Zhang Bin felt a lot of horror and powerfulness in an instant, which seems to be much stronger than the iron back dragon and beast.


Zhang Bin did not fear, he screamed, his right hand explored.

The instant became the sky, and I grabbed a long giant.

A long giant fear is extremely fear, because it finds that the opponent's majestic endless, the sound is also extremely horrible, and the time is also in reverse.

It didn't even end the ability to escape.

Then it feels tight neck.

2896 necks have fallen in Zhang Bin's hands.

It is crazy to struggle, but there is no use.

Why is it struggling?

"More fusion of five ways - time, withered, jade, extraction, aroma, let me fuse the road to 13 kinds, I really have a lot, I have deal with the eight-level fierce beast, and I have to fight a long period of time. Time, but now, reach yourself can ban each other. "

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of pride and confidence.

His body also revealed a sharp pressure and momentum.

"God, what monster is this, actually blend 13 kinds?"

Multi-head giant is almost scared, the body is shaking!

(Seven chapters sent, seeking tickets. Thank you.)

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