The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3793, is bullied by Zhao Dafu

After Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin also returned to the earth twice, but the knowledge was released, and he did not find him at all.

So, he always thought that Zhao Dafu may be dead.

I didn't ask for it.

Didn't think that Zhao Dafu is still alive, and he also flying with his daughter to the fairy world.

I can encounter his daughter here.

"I am your father's friend - Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin's face floated.

If Zhao is brought to Ma Ru Fei, Zhang Haijun, Chen Chao Yue three invasive, they will always be happy.

Nowadays, three teasing are trying to cultivate in Xian Yu Dongfu.

It is very happy and happy.

"God, are you Zhang Bin uncle?"

Zhao Yunqin's eyes were wide, and her face was also awkward. "My dad is read in you every day, we have been looking for you, but I can't find it. I said that you have fallen. But I don't believe in my dad, saying that you have a lot of people. "

After saying that she also imitated Zhao Dafu's voice and said: "Hu said, how can my brother will fall? What kind of talent is he? Where is we can match, even we can live well. He must live Best. Just I don't know what the mainland is the emperor, hahaha, wait for me to find him, then I'm cool, what people dare to bully us? "

"Someone is bullying you?"

Zhang Bin was angry.

"This - there is nothing, it is some small buning."

Zhao Yunqin said a bit awkwardly.

Even, she is a little doubt, Zhang Bin has this ability to cover her dad.

After all, I can't see the depth.

Moreover, Zhang Bin is still a single gun, a person who is alone, and has no call.

Obviously it is not mixed.

So, of course, I don't want to trouble Zhang Bin.

"Let's go, take me to see your dad."

Zhang Bin did not ask, seeing Zhao Dafu can also know.

"Come with me ..."

Zhao Yunqin is still very excited and started to take the way in front.

Zhang Bin will not be able to follow her back.

Now his mentality is very stable, and the cultivation is not in a hurry.

Doing things is also extraordinary.

This will be able to grind yourself at all times, and the speed of cultivation is the fastest.

As for the experience of entering the Black Sea area, it is not urgent.

When Zhao Yunqin is a fate, then Zhao is also a fate.

It is equivalent to God.

It is the best way to comply with God.

Soon, they got out of the black sea edge area.

Zhao Yunqin continued to fly quickly, and the speed is like electricity. She also said: "Our mainland is not far away, will soon come."

How many continents in the banquet area have, even Zhang Bin can't know.

In fact, Zhang Bin has been there.

He will go to the mainland soon.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not show God and took her.

Continue to follow her.

Sure enough, it is only three hours.

I came to a reef, this reef is very huge.

Titting towering, as if a mountain stands on the sea.

"In the past, they were confused by the magic, all the way to here, I have to go to this reef, continue to the Black Sea area. Fortunately, I have met my Master, she saved us. Take us into the black rock continent." Zhao Youqin said .

She landed on the reef, and she floated a hole.

Then she took Zhang Bin to go in.

The black rock continent is very good, it is a 7.8-level continent.

This is a beautiful town.

There is a stream from the front of the door, and many immortality is very lush.

It is indeed a place that is very suitable for living and cultivation.

And Zhao Dafu lives here.

This is a very beautiful villa.

And there is a wide garden, cultivating many fairy medicine, flowers fragrant.

As for this mountain, it is called Baiyun Mountain. The name is very common.

However, there is a martial art in the mountains - Honglian.

Disciples are women.

Their family can't live in the martial art.

Therefore, most people in this town are family members of the Red Lotus disciple.

They also often go to the mountain to visit.

This is also a music that is happy.

Of course, Honglian is a weak martial art.

Honglian's Lord is only cultivated to the god of gods.

So, I will not be bullied by some powerful gates.

But Honglian has no defending with the world, so there is no crisis of the mortal.

"Zhao Dadei, see what the introduction is the introduction this time?"

A big man who looks very evil is flying in the four bodyguards, landing in front of Zhao Dafu.

Flying directly and kicked the door, just went in like a crab.

Zhao Dafu is pouring flowers, he looks very old, the hair mustache is white.

His realm is also very low, only cultivating the Xianshi Great.

After all, his talents are limited.

The reason why the reason can be flying, or because Zhang Bin has left too much treasure in too clear.

He is also a part.

"Puzzle, I have told you, the girl is not suitable."

Zhao Dafu put down the blossoms, got the past, and the eyebrows said.

"Suitable, how is it is not suitable." Swing said, "This is the mortal routing of I specially recruited - genius fairy."

He took out a jade box, and there was a tall medicine with a long eye.

It is proud to say: "The genius fairy is not simple, you can upgrade your tachips to the big fairy emperor. Then you can live a long time. Otherwise, you like this, it is estimated that there is no longer life. It is estimated that you can only live in so tens of thousands of years. "

"Tianhui upgrade to the big fairy emperor?"

Zhao Dafu's eyes lit, but it became bleak.

He said faintly: "I will not use my daughter's happiness to exchange Dan medicine. You are the devil of the dark attribute. Not suitable for the little girl, please go back."

Puzzle also comes from a small garter - yin wind door. The strength is just a strong harmful than the Red Lotus.

Therefore, it is not dare to grab people.

I can only lobby again and again.

However, this guy is also a genius, like Zhao Yunqin's realm, and cultivated to the middle of the god.

"Zhao is big, you don't agree today."

The face floated on the face, step by step to Zhao Dafu forced the past.

His four followed things were also blasted to shoot a strong murder, and smiled.


"You don't want to come." Zhao Dafu retreats after Lianlian, took out the sweat of Bean, "The girl's posture is very general, why do you have to entangle?"

"Don't deceive it, I know that she never used a true face. In fact, she is a beautiful woman." Swing smiles, "What is the more, her tacit is good, the future people in the future will naturally be very good. "So said," So, I must take her to hand. No one can stop. "

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