The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3801 Sword Emperor


Zhang Bin took the opportunity to collect Tibetans, entered the black American people, and rushed to the wounds of this monster.

And continue to go deep into a distance.

It is always movable.

The outside is too dangerous.

Tibetan in the monster, but it is safe.

This monster is in a face, and the head is skull, and inserted finely.

But I can't feel that the enemy disappeared completely.

The rest of the monster is also looking for and chasing in madness.

Unfortunately, I can't see Zhang Bin's shadow.

So, let it go for a while, they give up.

Continue to swim in the sea water.

Look for food.

And Zhang Bin also secretly got a sigh of relief. At this time, he also discovered that his forehead was all cold sweat.

This time, the attack is too sudden, almost in the case of nothing, and is surrounded by countless powerful monsters.

If he is not a magical treasure like Tibetan Tower and Ume, this time he may be traged.

Fortunately, the wisdom of these monsters is not very high, if it is the monster and other monsters to negotiate, check the body fine.

That is certainly available to the beautiful.

The consequences are also unimaginable.

However, now also in the monster mouth, there is no danger.

Still not optimistic.

Now Zhang Bin has finally understood, why only people in the black sea area, no one is out.

Because it will die.

You know, even Zhang Bin is almost falling.

What else can I escape?

Zhang Bin lapped for a while, he was able to move the hateful to the ultimate speed.

Slowly out of the muscles and came to the lips of the monster.

But it is almost entirely in the hard shell of the monster lips, just reveals the slightest.

Observe the situation in detail.

Most of the monsters are in the water.

The paint black as ink, but the monster's head is more, the eye on the top of the bead can make the same light as the lantern.

Therefore, it is also possible to illuminate the sea.

Let Zhang Bin see many wonders.

This is a powerful monster group, they are group, and join hands to get food.

Their food is very mixed, not only to eat bloodballs from the seril, but also hunting other monsters.

There are too many kinds of monsters.

And it is very powerful.

At this moment, this monster group is on the monster of a huge mountain.

This monster is very weird, just like a island, surrounded by heads.

Any head is very huge, the mouth is like a black hole.

And Zhang Bin's monster is like an octopus, and it is full of heads.

" ..."

It seems that the monster of the octopus is madly shot the soul attack.

Countless rays burst into the island monster.

It is really intensive as a rain.


The island beast is completely crazy, and more than 5,000 heads are opened, and they are crazy.

Suddenly more than 5,000 black holes appeared.

Crazy rotation.

Singular power is also acting in many octopus.

Call ...

The soul attack of many octopus beasts falls in black cave, can't hurt the island beast, and they all fly, screaming in the mouth of the island beast.

However, the octopus beast is also very cattle, and their neck is lingering.

It has become a giant network, and it has always spread to the end of the world.

Therefore, the island beast wants to swallow them, it is very difficult.

At the same time, they continue to issue horrible soul attacks.

There is no stop.

The head of the island beast is also attacked by some souls. After all, all squares fly to attack. ,

It is difficult to use black holes to block.

The island beast has made an angry shout, it suddenly moved.

The body is all floating on the sea.

It looks a huge island than the moon.

It has 999 feet, and anything is huge.

It shows the gods and flew rapidly in the sea.

Flexible pole.

I instantly rushed into the chapter of the octopus, the mouth opened, madly biting.

When a bite goes, it is necessary to devour thousands of fish and beasts, and the teeth are also extra sharp.

A bit bite, any octopus beast connected together must be broken.

The octopus beast continues to attack crazy, but it is not afraid of death.

Unfortunately, the island beast is too strong, and their soul attack is difficult to threaten the island beast.

Therefore, the octopus beasts are extremely defeated, and they escape.

Zhang Bin took the opportunity to escape from the mouth of the fish beast.

I am quietly suspended on the sea.

I don't dare to move.

It is reasonable to escape here.

In fact, this is very dangerous here, island beasts are too powerful.

Zhang Bin succumb to the nine layers of the close, and did not grasp it.

Such a monster must be alive.

Say it is God who has not tasted.

Because Zhang Bin suddenly discovered that Sword, who has been sealed on the forehead, is constantly beating.

In other words, the Jie Emperor may be nearby.

He didn't know that the Jie Di is dead or live, if it is a body, he must also converge in the Sword Emperor.

After all, he got great advantage from the Sword Emperor.

His swordsmanship is the inheritance of Jian Di.

If the Jie Di is not falling, then maybe is trapped nearby, he certainly wants to save her.

The island beast did not find that the umers were quietly floating on the sea.

Even if you find it, it is estimated that it will not be intended.

The island beast is also not sinking into the water, floating on the sea.

Its more than 5,000 necks and heads are also in the back.

It has become a countless peak.

Although there is no plants on the peak, there is a soil on the back, and it is full of plants, and even a very advanced fairy medicine.

You look up, it is definitely a continent.

Will not doubt this is a huge horrible sea beast.

" ... What is that?"

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly issued a very shocking voice, because he saw it from the gap of the mountain, there seems to be a building in the depths of the mainland.

Even, he has a magical premonition, and the Jian Di is on the back of the island beast.

No wonder the Jie Di has no way to return, it is estimated that it is sleepy here, it will not come.

In fact, even if you can escape, there is absolutely no living road.

Even Zhang Bin felt a rich death crisis.

Zhang Bin went for a while,

He will drive the umerail to slow down the island beast.

Fortunately, he is much stronger, and now you can control the cruelty of the hammer on the sea and resist the grant of terror.

It is really a dead surrounding is the island beast.

Even any monsters are not, and even the blood vine is not.

Already escaped.

It may be afraid of such a horrible island beast.

"Don't come over, go."

A horrified voice suddenly sounded in the island.

That is sent from the mouth of a windy woman.

It is Jiefang.

Obviously, she also induced that someone took swords in the island beast.

It is alarm now.

"Is it a terrible danger of being close to islands?"

Zhang Bin stopped, and his face has been vigilant.

(There are four chapters, nine in the evening. Ask the recommended ticket.)

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