The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3805 Adventures

"I looked at this battle, I lost a lot of magic. But can you live 3 trillion era?"

"My strength is too weak, but I master the sword skills of the Jie Di, I can cultivate some powerful people. So, I will not let me go to the battlefield. I don't fall in battlefield, I will not fall."

"Can you tell me about this island?"

"The black sea area is very wide, but this island beast has not moved, so I also know much about the outside thing. However, all the magic of Shengguang City is coming from the ban on the sea, they break into the Black Sea area, Most of them fall, because of the luck, I have spent a crisis, I have come to this island. And the island lighthouse also has guided effect. They have less than some of the black sea. I know someone. I also I have heard a lot of legends and stories. It is said that there is a mysterious continent outside, living in a horrible monster. Even the strength of the monster has reached the point of God. Humans are the food of the monster. Well, it is said that there are several human occupations The island has made the mainland, and human beings have been adhering to the attack of the monster. But it is not true, I don't know. "

"I rely on, it seems that the Black Sea area is also part of the universe, the area will not be less than the outer banned sea. And this area is more mysterious and horrible. The master is more. Because there is no need to be robbery. Maybe, Black Sea The area is not in the universe, but in the universe. It is the door to the gods ... "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and analyzed finely.

However, he feels that the first possibility is relatively large.

Although there is no echo robbery, the powerful monster is too much, and anything is going to live a five thousand era, it is very difficult.

Even, most of them live a era.

"Right, if it is the child of the universe, will they be caught in the Era Wan by the universe?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"This, I don't know. After all, there is no universe to come to the Black Sea area in the first era."

The old man said, "Of course, maybe, but there is no ability to live here. Here, 99% are born and growing here, and the people who have come from the Sea are very small. "

Zhang Bin nodded, he recognized the old man, in the first era to cultivate him to him, the son of the universe, almost absent.

However, this era special, there have been many super genius, and the flight is also cultivated to the seven layers, but the flight is estimated to enter the Black Sea area.

If it is smaller than him, you want to come here, it is almost impossible.

Unless the luck is against the sky, there is no blood vine and the beast at all.

"It is cultivated here to the seven layers, then rescued the Sword Emperor, escaped."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

This place may allow him to break through a bottleneck, but want to break through the nine floors quickly, almost impossible.

Because it is too depressed here, think about it, human beings are the island beast, and the mood of cultivation is not comfortable.

And if you become strong, it may be seen by the island beast and eat it directly.

So, this is a dangerous place where life is in danger.

Not too suitable for Zhang Bin's genius cultivation.

Zhang Bin lived in the Jian Dao Pavilion.

Learn the sword skills of Jie Di.

Sure enough, it is not simple.

There are many enlightenment and improvement of Zhang Bin.

Regrettably, Zhang Bin did not have a penetration, and he could not completely learn the Swordsman's sword.

Let Zhang Bin depressedly, he did not even participate in the battle in the wall.

Because he only cultivates the six layers of the shackles.

If you don't participate in the war, you can't get the blood Dan and the soul bead.

"You can go out to hunt the beast, but must be careful." The old man felt that Zhang Bin's strength was very extraordinary, "said there is a small fairy," they combined into a small team, sometimes harvest is also very good ... ... you go to this place, you can participate in their team ... "

This is a building, which has written four big characters in the Adventure Guild.

Zhang Bin went in.

He didn't want someone to go out to hunt the beast.

Not there is no ability, but he has no experience.

Moreover, if you join an adventure, you can hear a lot of secrets.

The understanding of the Black Sea area will also improve.

The understanding of the Shengguo City will also increase.

Perhaps, he can make him find a way to escape the island.

As for the hunting sea beast, he got the soul bead and blood Dan made him break through, and he did not doubt.

The beast is eating blood vine, the blood and soul beads in the body are peerless treasures.

The blood of the crocodile beast he got at the last time, it will make the eight-layer big successful giant to the top 9 layers.

It is estimated that as long as you kill some eight-level, nine-level beasts, get the blood of the beast, refining into blood Dan, maybe Zhang Bin broke through.

It is a wide lobby.

There are a lot of giant.

However, no one cultivates the eight floors, and it is not necessary to say the nine floors.

After all, such a giant, you can take the city war.

It is relatively easy to get bloodan and soul beads.

"Our Julong Adventures enrolls the team members, everyone will sign up."

"Our peacock team recruits players, need a giant bleeding that combines time ..."


This is full of people.

Extraordinary lively.

Zhang Bin has walked over and said to the captain of the dragon adventure team: "Can I join you?"

"You - not suitable."

This guy looked up and looked at Zhang Bin and said faintly.


Zhang Bin slammed, and some people did not want it?

"You can practice to the six layers of the shadow, too weak." This guy shook his head, "Also, you have a handsome than me, you come to our team, the beauty is booked, then how do?"

"Hahaha ..."

Everyone laughed madly.

Zhang Bin did not say, but he had to go on.

He did not be angry, he was in his heart, and the other party was mainly dissatisfied with his realm, he deliberately joked.

He also went to the peacock adventure.

The peacock woolen team is actually a female team member, with 29 people.

Any one is a beautiful woman, attracting too much eyesight.

Today, there are more than a dozen men in front of that captain, and they have to join in.

"I reiterates that our peacock adventures only recruit women, and must be seven layers of the same way, and the way of integration."

The peacock team leader stood stood stranched, and many colors were refused to refuse.

Zhang Bin also had to stop, he looked at it again, and he found it, and everyone was cultivated to the seven layers, only one of him is a six-layer.

It is impossible to join any adventure team, almost impossible.

Unless it is revealed his terrorist strength.

After a while, Zhang Bin came to the captain of the peacock adventure.

This team is 1.78 meters high, and the body is fired.

The face is also extra beautiful.

However, she is very cold, exudes a breath that has a refense of a thousand miles.

It is obviously a thorny rose.

This woman is very difficult.

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he didn't come to her, so he did not have any entanglement.

He looked at her, said faintly: "I am the people you need, the strength is absolutely satisfied."

After finishing, his body exudes a strong time of fluctuation.

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