The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3811 Wars Electric Beast

There is of course the sea beast, and it will become more powerful.

The island beast is the same as a raising method in numerous beasts and humans.

Moreover, there is also a sea beast to enter, so don't worry that there is no food to eat.

These beasts are like a piece of electric , but it is feet.

In fact, most of the beasts entering the island are feet, and can be water and land.

They are all powerful, all of which are eight electric beasts.

Of course, there is an attribute, all of which are electrical properties.

"God, my luck is so good? I have encountered so many electric beasts so soon? Don't even have a nine-level?"

Zhang Bin's face floated, joy to the point where it was not added.

He has a lot of genus, and some people also integrate the words of Thunder, if they take the blood and soul beads of electric beasts.

Naturally, it can break through.

Especially small Fuxing, the most needed treasures.

After Xiao Fu Xing cultivated to a 9.5 level, he had been stagnant.

Now not there is too much worry.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

Many electric beasts have not been close, and they burst out the lightning lightning, and they bombarded the sky.

The speed is too fast, and it doesn't even have time to defend.

I am on the body of Zhang Bin in an instant.

... ...

The broken voice sounded, invincible defens covered with 13-laundry, horrible lightning bombarded Zhang Bin.

Shen A has a unbearable voice.

The horrible current is also transmitted to Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin made a sharp scream, and he was directly overwhelming.

Continuously rolling.

He looked at the electric beast, hundreds of eight-level electric beasts attacked, but it would be not as a few nine-level electric beasts.

Power is absolutely horrible.

It is also the nine-story giant, and it may not be able to resist it.

And the Thunder, it can be said that the time of time.

Time God can rest, but it is difficult to restrain the Thunder.

The speed of the Thunder attack is too fast.

Then Zhang Bin turned around and lied directly to the ground.

Yes, he is killing.

He integrates 13 kinds of roads, especially in the trial, time, gold and jade.

His body's defense ability has greatly improved, even if it is not more than the nine floors, it is not far from the distance.

There was a god armor to resist, so although he suffered from hitting, it was still not a matter.

Many electric beasts are so confident to their strength.

Therefore, they are not suspicious, and the area is a seven-level time beast, no matter how it is resistant to their joints.

And their purpose is to eat time beasts, not to make time to become coke.

Therefore, they did not attack, and they rushed in the same ground, and the Zhang was bitten to Zhang Bin.

"Time stop ..."

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and suddenly the two horrible magics showed it.

He also jumped up, turned into human form, and there was a slaughter sword in his hand.

Like the lightning.

Instantly cut out thousands of swords.

Suddenly attacking, it is completely unfair.

Many electric beasts have been swords.

Their mouth made a sharp call, and then fell as cutting wheat.

Just one moment, there were dozens of electric beasts by Zhang Bin and became Zhang Bin's trophy.


The rest of the electric beast is a great anger, and they immediately issued a horrible attack.

Put the Thunder as the rain.

But Zhang Bin moved quickly.

Skating the roots of most of the Thunder, then he kills the electric squad.


In the case of, the electric beasts have fallen and become a body.

Blood flow into the river.

There are more than a dozen breathing time.

More than 300 electric beasts were mostly dead, and the rest of the lightning fled.

They are not a fool, of course, will not continue to die and Zhang Bin.

The result is not as strong, they have to be killed by this human being.

Zhang Bin puts up the body of many electric beasts with the fastest speed.

Just received it, I still have to escape.

More than a dozen beasts like hippo will come.

All are nine-grade beasts.

Exudes horrible to the ultimate pressure and murderous.

They rushed to Zhang Bin, and the mouth was also spray sharp ice arrow.

Passically, the heavens and the earth are covered.

The cold is also filled in the world, and this forest is frozen in an instant.

Even Zhang Bin became a ice sculpture.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin fused the fire.

Eleasten in an instant.

Solid into the ground in the same way as a beautiful lightning.

Then, the rock is then sneak.

Hey ...

Almost at the same time, the madness of the many river beasts tramed on Zhang Bin sneaken.

Suddenly, the cold is pouring, and the earth is completely frozen.

Even the rocks become extremely cold.

Then the rock is also broken under the role of giant.

The cold continues to go deep.

Unfortunately, I still don't find Zhang Bin.

He disappeared like a ghost.

Just kidding, if there is a magical treasure like Wu Meizhen, you can have a hard time in a hard rock.

Zhang Bin did not dare to hunt the beast outside the city.

The possibility of falling is too big.

However, Zhang Bin still has a darkness.

It is also very thrilling, if he doesn't have a preliminary confrontation of the strength of the nine-level beast, even the opportunity to use the usis people is not, and it will be chemically formed into an ice corpse.

The strength of the nine-level beast is too horrible.

Moreover, outside the city, not only only the nine-stage beasts, but also the nine-level big celebrities.

Their strength will not be subjected to unstead of demon.

More terrible is that there is a more powerful island beast.

With the strength of the state, Lianchuan Village Hui Li can't escape.

Zhang Bin continued to control the umers.

The underground is all rocks.

Very hard.

Hey ...

The hippocage beast is still crazy.

The cold is also transmitted in the rock.

But Zhang Bin's potential speed is too fast, of course, I can't hurt Zhang Bin.

"This island beast is really a weird. It turned out to make such a thick rock layer on his back?"

Zhang Bin has dive thousands of meters, but also did not touch the outer casing of the island beast.

Then he stopped dive.

He didn't want to exposure to the housing of the island beast.

The island beast is too strong. If it is to let the island discovered that Zhang Bin's Ume people have such a magical ability, even if you don't kill Zhang Bin, you may be carefully guarded, let Zhang Bin can't find the way.

"My umers are sneak in the rocks, and they will not make any moving and sound. Perhaps, I can go out from the rocks. I slowly sneak into the black sea area, and I will drive the uitan leave."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

But he still knows that this is very adventurous.

After all, Zhang Bin believes that Hui Ricixiang, Sichuan Village, must also try this way, but she has no success.

You know, Sichuan Village Huijuxiang has been cultivated into a little god, and there will be no movement in the rock.

Therefore, the way to escape, must also have a long discourse.

In fact, Zhang Bin can use a humanoid transfer array.

However, his humanoid passing is now in the continent.

He can only transfer to the continent.

But he still doesn't want to leave the Black Sea area, but also want to explore.

He wants to explore many horrible secrets, and also want to explore the secret of the hunting hall.

I want to find the height of the world.

Otherwise, even if he got a lot of treasures, it is almost impossible to quickly cultivate the nine floors.

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