The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3816 Terrorist Genius

"Of course, it is talent. Talent is different, the number of rules included in the body is different, and the effect is naturally not the same."

A big man standing behind Zhang Bin can't help but reply.

"It's that simple?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Of course, it is so simple."

Dahan said.

"That is not necessarily." Standing on the front of Zhang Bin said, "If there is a super adventure, blend two kinds, or three kinds, even if you can't raise the third stone lock, you will be able to raise one or two Stone lock. "

"Nima, the No. 3 stone lock may be giving two types, three types of genius preparation. And want to integrate two kinds, or three ways. And this genius is likely to get God gang. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, secretly felt sorry for the Sword Emperor, Jian Di believed that in the Holy Gran City, the human beings did not kill themselves, did not know the bold, boldly raised the second stone lock, only Unparalleled sitting.

Slowly, I turned to the beauty of Zhang Bin in front.

She walked over and even easily lifted the No. 1 stone.

However, she did not raise the second and third stone locks.

"Perhaps, some people can raise two stone locks, but they have learned the lessons of the Sword Emperor, and they don't dare to raise the second and third stone locks. The smart people in the world must have a lot." Zhang Bin squatting in his heart .

He also got past, bent over, grabbed the stone lock, he only used one more power, and it is mentioned.

The stone lock left the ground, but it was dropped immediately.

Too heavy.

It is not easy to raise stone locks.

Only one-quarter power is still difficult.

"Three gods stunned, from ..."

Zhang Bin pseudo is very realistic, showing a ban, and the power has improved a lot.

This time, it is relaxed to raise a stone lock.

He also wanted to raise the No. 2 stone lock, trying many times, and did not succeed, only the stone lock can be moved.

Therefore, Zhang Bin this group, three people pass.

"My name is Yu Yu, I would like to ask your name?"

The beautiful woman who passed this level became enthusiastic about Zhang Bin, and I asked.

"Zhang Bin, please take care."

Zhang Bin replied politely.

But in my heart is lament, I am so handsome, will I attract a beauty?

"God, the man is so powerful?"

Suddenly, some people sent a shouting shout.

The eyes of everyone also shot past, and then they saw that in another group, there was a very handsome and handsome teenager who only used a hand and easily raised the stone lock, as if, the stone lock was lightweight Nothing.

His body exudes an evil breath, and it is the devil of the dark attribute.

However, what he fused, no one can see it.


The evil boy will throw the stone lock on the ground.

He walked over, and his right hand grabbed the second stone lock, yelling: "From ..."

Suddenly he also lifted the second stone lock.

Everyone is completely earthquake, and the eyes are also widened.

30,000 era, only only the Sword Emperor has passed the second stone lock, and it is with both hands.

But today, there is one person to raise two stone locks with one hand.

This is simply a matter of nothing.

Does his talents can surpass the Sword Emperor?

You know, from 30,000 years, Jian Di is the only genius that hopes to cultivate into gods.

That said this, is this boy not cultivating a god?

More horrible is that the teenager raises the second stone lock, slightly squat, and another hand grabbed the third stone lock.

Yunch again, "from ..."

He actually raised the third stone lock.

In this way, his two hands raised two and third stone locks, which were proud.

It has a sharp pressure and momentum of the world.

"God, how horror genius is this?"

"I rely on, hanging sky, our Shengguang City finally appeared a peerless genius, he wants to cultivate into gods, and it is easy to say."

"He is so handsome and handsome, I like him so much."


Everyone shocked the ultimate, and the mouth made a speech.

Even Zhang Bin was secretly surprised, one is a horror talent of the evil boy, two is surprised that the evil juvenile should be sharp, but he doesn't know the Sword Emperor's first car?

He bowed to each other and look completely unfamiliar.

There is no familiar feeling.

"It's not Jin Yi, it's not aunt, it's not a skysclamise. Who is he? Is this an era that pregnant super genius?"

Zhang Bin's brow picked up slightly, he felt a faint strange.

This evil teenager seems to have a weird, and it seems that it is not afraid of anyone.

Not afraid of anyone to win the treasure.

"Is there a god in his body?"

Rotary, a singular thought is also in the heart of Zhang Bin.

In the Shengguangcheng, it is a magical place like the five-way secret, and it is too difficult to integrate a way.

The evil spirits can be so strong, and there is no doubt that he integrates many ways.

Then, he uses gods to assist cultivation, which is more likely to blend a variety of possibilities.

Is it, because you know that the Sichuan Village Hui's fragrance refines into a buttons, and then you don't worry about the gods of his gods.

Zhang Bin also in the hearts.

But what kind of situation is, he still wants to wait and see.

He continued to look at it.

It is because the evil spirits attract everyone's eyes, no one is ideal Zhang Bin, even the rain looks at each other, and then I haven't seen Zhang Bin.

" ..."

The blanked sound sounded, and a woman who was emitted by a gorge is broken.

Wink in front of the evil boy.

Although it is unclear, it can still be distinguished. She is a peerless big beauty. Whether it is a body or a face, it can make any man lost, and a faint is also emitted, so that everyone will fall in their hearts.

Undoubtedly, she is Sichuan Village Huiuxiang.

Real ass.

It's just sleep here, you can't get the god.

"See the city owner."

Everyone respects.

Their face has also floated the color of worship.

Zhang Bin is also one of them, it seems that there is no flaw.

The evil boy is also throwing two stone locks on the ground.

Then he looked at Sichuan Village Huijuxiang, and his face was laughing.

"What is your name?"

Sichuan Village Huili incense with appreciation eyes looked at the evil boy, and smiled.

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