The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3831 underground channel

Even Zhang Bin was alarmed.

His gaze took out from the Tibetan Tower.

In an instant, it shot on the huge goblet.

His face also floated the color.

"Gong, you will start the humanoid transfer array soon ..."

Jian Di shouted in a big shout.

Zhang Bin is in the Tibetan Tower, there is space inside, and he starts the humanoid transfer array.

However, how can Zhang Bin can't escape alone?

When he made a moment, he also received a Tibetan Tower.

The Tibetan Tower is also shrinking to the limit, and the huge gobleg is swallowed in.

"The son, go, if you completely enter this monster, you may not pass. They must shield the world."

The Jian Di shouted seriously.

"No, this is not the beast ..."

Zhang Bin, of course, must be relieved, but it is not to pay a treasure tower.

The Tibeta Tower is one of Zhang Bin's largest base card.

Less not the last junction will not give up.

At this time, he finally found the mystery, and there was a surprised voice in his mouth.

The Jie Di is also surprised to use the knowledge to induce.

Then she also glanced.

It is really not a huge terrible beast outside, just a dark channel.

There is no life atmosphere.

Countless sea water along with many beasts, they are pulled by inexplicably power in the channel, and they are rapidly surging.

"How is this going?"

The Sword Emperor's face is puzzled. She has seen a huge eye to lift a huge eye, and swallow the Tibetan Tower.

"Perhaps it is a special cave formed by a world. It can open and close it yourself." Zhang Bin said, "This channel may lead to a very special place, maybe it is to lead to the gods."


The Secretary of the Secret is almost smile, so that a passage can lead to the gods, and she does not believe it.

However, her face also has a look forward to the color.

Looking forward to a magical world.

That place is a magical treasure, which can make Zhang Bin quickly strong.

The Tibetan Tower is rapidly in the channel, or continues to be protected from terrorist efforts.

The channel is also slowly changed.

Send a cold blue rays.

Excorps an evil atmosphere.

I have passed the foot and three months.

Bang ...

I only listened to the sky, and the sea water with the Tibetan Tower, there were many almost scared, the beast sprayed out from one place.

It has become a high high water stream rushing in the air.

Then fall on the ground.

It is also a black sea area, but it is on a huge terrible island.

This fountain sprayed from a half-mountain waist on a mountain.

Then collect into the big river, all the way to the Black Sea.

"Hey ..."

There are many horrible sea beasts here, all of thousands of necks and heads.

They are waiting here, explore the neck, crazyly bite and swallow a lot of spurted sea beasts.

Suddenly scream, fight, rapidly.

It is too horrible.

Since Zhang Bin shrinks the Tibetan Tower, many beasts have not noticed.

The Tibetan Tower is safely fell on the ground, and the wave is flowing through the big river.

"Bonology, this is a new world, seems to be a secret continent. Maybe there is a good treasure. I may even hide here."

The Sword Emperor's face has floated, and her eyes are also shot.

This is simply in everything, and there may be a adventure.

She is of course very happy.

Zhang Bin pulled the Sword Emperor to the treasure tower and carefully on the shore.

Observe and lose in detail.

The white fog is strong, and there is still a dark gas.

Eyes and love cannot be far away.

Gravity is also very horrible.

"Array the method here, but the array is not all started, it is in the state of start."

Zhang Bin muttered, "It seems that there is a senior wisdom creature, not human beings, is the soul beast."

Two two of them showed stealth, slowly went to the mountains and observed.

"God, what is it?"

The Jian Di pointed to the sky, and said shocked.

Zhang Bin Shi Xiangtian's eyes, glanced at the past.

Then he saw it in the past, as if there was a towering palace.

It seems to have seen a lonely emperor's figure, and his feet are all bone.

It is also a grave.

"That is the marine building."

Zhang Bin said seriously, "I saw it outside."

"Maybe you have seen it outside, is it here?"

The Jie Di glared at the eyes, "It's a very terrible place, as if it is hell."

"Mom, I feel the breath of my mother."

Suddenly, Xiaoqing, who Zhang Bin, Dantian, suddenly issued an incomparable voice.

"What? What is your mother's breath?"

Zhang Bin is also completely stupid, and his face is filled with a colored color.

Of course, he knows that Xiaoqing's mother is a heaven and earth Lingzi, who has been to the earth.

And this era.

Leave a small blue, I don't know if it is.

Dider, she also missed the black sea area and was swallowed here?

When he made a moment, he took Xiaoqing out and looked at Xiaoqing with a look.

"Mom is in that direction ... master, take me to find my mother?"

Xiaoqing pointed to the sky and said excitedly.

And that direction is the direction of the sea.

It may also be the direction of hell.

"Let's go find your mother."

Original Zhang Bin still doesn't want to go to the horror, because it seems too scary.

But now he has to go.

Xiaoqing is the favorite of Zhang Bin, has been staying in Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

It has been working hard to cultivate many fairy medicine.

Since Xiaoyin now feels her mother's breath, he must go to explore.

Since Xiaoyan only cultivated to the nine floors, the strength is not too strong, so Zhang Bin let Xiaoyu have entered the treasure tower hanging on his hair. That is not only safe, but also induces the outside of the outside, but also see any situation outside.

Zhang Bin and Jian Di were carefully wing.

Due to the greatness of gravity, it can't fly.

Even the Jie Di can't do it.

Moreover, from time to time can encounter a lot of powerful beasts.

They can only bypass slowly.

From time to time, you can see the tired bones.

Many are people bones, of course, there are animal bones.

"What is this place? How can there be so many bones?"

Jian Di and Zhang Bin have patented.

In accordance with the truth, in such a place, it is impossible to have human beings.

"Is there any human beings come here, live, let it become the Shengguang City?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of thinking.

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