The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3833 Terror Devil


The face of the golden giant, "We don't welcome you here, you can roll."

"You are the devil like this, since we encounter, naturally, there is only one removal." Zhang Bin said coldly, "Hand ..."


The Jie Di shouted, and the sword in his hand was like a golden giant!

The gold armor is very shocked. How did he think of it, it is a hunting of himself, and the other party is absolutely not possible to escape.

But now it turned into a counterfeit to hunt him.

Things become like this, it is simply incredible.

"You find dead ..."

The gold armor is smiling and shouting. The ax in the hand is crazy.

At the same time, he quickly retired, he wants to escape from the array of Bai Bi Mountain.

But he is a empty.

The Jian Di got a sword god inheritance, and the sword came intogency.

And Jie Di knows that she only has such a chance, if the other party flees into the array, then she has no way to kill each other. Therefore, the Jie Di's use is the most horrible trick, Wan Jianzhen.

Wan Jian is unreal, only the sword hiding is true.

Almost at the same time, the gold armor giants made a scream, and the body became stiff, and the ax in his hand fell to the ground.

Because his head is worn by the sword hole of the Sword Emperor, the bloody sword tip has emerged from his back.

His soul is also completely killed.

This is a big successful giant, and I have never known how many people have killed, but it is like the Jie Di.


When the Sword Emperor took back the sword, the golden armor fell on the ground and turned it completely into a body.

"Forgive ..."

Many of the gold armor is scared to the fat, all of them.

Their face is filled with fear.

Their body is shaking.

They knew what kind of point is strong, but they are actually killed by women in front of them.

In the face of such terrorist giant, they can't escape.

Only the big man who previously reminds Zhang Bin did not kneel down, his face floated a bright smile.

"Let's talk, why do you want to kill so many people?"

Zhang Bin's body burst into a rich murderous, using the cold eyes and looked at everyone on the ground.

"Not us, it's all he did ..."

Everyone is afraid to reward.

It turned out that, they all made Zhang Bin Jian Emperor, swallowed by the underground passage.

Most of them are confused by the call from the soul, away from the hometown, cross the sea, enter the black sea area ...

Of course, they are not only from this era, but also from multiple era.

They came here all the way, and they were already lucky.

Because it is a horrible sea beast, it is powerful to terrible.

And the golden armor is called, and there are tens of thousands of era.

Since this hill is arranged in an ancient giant, it can hunt the beast.


And it is not allowed to be in the cave. Worried about exposure to the target, causing a large-scale sea beast.

On weekdays, I don't start the array. When the beast is coming, I will start the array hunt.

But this is still rarely hunting to the beast.

Therefore, will kill some people regularly, put the body on the hillside, tempting the beast.

Start the array to kill the beast.

"Zhang Bin is mad." Zhang Bin is furious, "Is it an idiot? Can you use the sea beast to temptize the beast, kill or imprison the beast on the hillside, can not you? And, even if you don't have to be beast, you can use it. People appear on the hill, attracting the beast to start the array, dealing with the beasts. Almost will not be killed by the beast? "

"He is born to be born, killing people, especially those who are not obedient, but they are not soft, just a few era, he kills millions, otherwise, how can it be Only have more than one hundred people? "


"How can there be such a devil?"

Zhang Bin and the Jian Di are angry, and the face is full of not a letter.

"I suspect that he is not human."

Someone said angry.

"Not human beings?"

Zhang Bin's mind flashed a inspiration. Is it that the soul of the more eye beast won the genius humanity, so it is so brutal? Otherwise, in such a crisis, humans can't kill themselves.

"I still have a question, why should he hunt so many beasts?"

Jian Di asked.

"We are a fairy magic, according to the truth, if you don't take food for a long time, there is not much impact. But here is very weird, if you don't eat food for a long time, you will feel incomparable hunger. Even the battle force declines, the most serious I can even starve to death. So, we call this continent for hunger. "Someone replied.

"I rely, it is so evil and horrible?"

Zhang Bin and Jian Di's thorough earthquake have been shaken, and the face is full of not a letter.

After a while, Zhang Bin calmed down, asked seriously: "Even so, don't you have to eat meat every day? Can you cultivate plant fairy medicine? I believe that you have a space container, which has also been cultivated. Countless fairy medicine and food. "

"This is the place in terror, the plant fairy medicine in the space container can not be hunger. Can only hungry the plants and animals of the mainland can fully fill the hunger. If you cultivate too much food here, it will lead too much too much. The strong sea beast is that the array is not necessarily role. So, hunting the beast, eat the beast meat is safe. And often hunting the beast, can also reduce the number of beasts nearby. "

Someone replied.

"It turns out. It is relatively easy to get the beast, which is much better than cultivating plants."

Zhang Binna, "Just because there is such a devil, it will turn here to hell."

Even, he secretly made a cold, perhaps, possibly, the continent there is evil ability, which can make people lose its own nature and become brutal.

Then, the scene seen from the sea is explained.

"This place, absolutely can't stay."

Zhang Bin thought here, in his heart.

Then he began to try his own speculation, asked seriously: "Who is the earliest of you here?"

"It is me, it is coming in the last era."

A big man said.

He cultivated to the nine floors, which looks particularly strong.

"Then I ask you, what is the difference between the era of the era and today?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"It seems that there is no difference." The face of the big man floated the color, after a while, "However, the number of the last era is much more than now, there are more than 100,000 people, but now there is only one More than a hundred people. "

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