After a while, Zhang Bin was awake.

His gaze is also projected onto that pool.

The water of the pool begins to emit a cold, let him secretly play a cold.

However, it is also more, and the ice cold is because of the cold fish of the dead.

"Arrange the ball ..."

Zhang Bin finally returned his eyes and said seriously.

"Arrange the ball? Why?"

The Jie Di and the unstead of Devil were stunned.

"We have been in front of it, trapped here. This time, we can't read the cat beast."

Zhang Bin said, "I still have no helper to enter the attack, maybe they are arranged outside to lay siege and block the world, then my human formation can't start, I can only die here."

"Sea beasts can arrange array?"

Undead Devil asked doubtfully.

"What is impossible? Do you have to forget that the disciples of the hunting hall is a beautiful sea beast from the Black Sea area? How horror is the hunting god of the hunting? The beast of the avenue property, which is also a sea beast that has a palace, which can make it easy to refine the blast, block the heavens and the earth. "Zhang Bin said.

"Yes, be careful to drive a million ship."

Jian Di also said seriously.

"However, the area here is not large, the rock is extremely hard, and our front can only be placed on the ground."

Not dead, the god said, "Among the wars, the ball will soon be destroyed, basically will not play."

She is telling the truth.

No matter what is a bad method, it is also difficult to ban the terrorist beasts such as cats and beasts.

Even if there is an edge advantage, it is impossible to kill the cat and beast, and the war is inevitable.

Bare on the ground on the ground, you can step on the powder.

"I have a way to solve this problem."

Zhang Bin's face floated the strange smile, and there was a blade in his hand.

Turn directly in the water surface of the pool.

In an instant, the ball is frozen.

Zhang Bin said with force, twisted the ice of the pool water.

After all, only chopsticks are so big.

It can still be reversed.

Then Zhang Bin put the array on the ground.

"good idea……"

The eyes of the Secretary Emperor and the unstead of Devils lit up.

Their face has also floated strong ecstasy.

The cold ice is very powerful, you can fly everything, killing people's soul.

But the blade is no soul, and there is no life atmosphere.

The ice is frozen and does not affect the capacity of the counter.

However, this ice is very special, which is harder than any mysterious ice.

It is also a full attack and it is difficult to break.

There is cold ice protection, and the counter will not break.

They have powerful defense.

I may even kill the cat beast and get a huge income.

They have no delays, and they quickly arranged in many frozen batches.

Cut the ground thoroughly.

And they also tried it.

After starting the array, the gravity increased by millions, and the space was almost solidified, and it even stagnated.

It is greatly beneficial to them.

"We prepare some frozen batches. Place in space containers. Always replace it at any time."

Zhang Bin said, "Then we can play a long time."

"Yes, the son."

Two promises, act immediately.

When they are ready for tens of thousands of frozen batches, Zhang Bin said: "Okay, now we can feel relieved. Here is the beast god stone, such a place, often uses it. This The beast god is the best way to be the way, so the cat can also cultivate the speed of the horror. Let's try it, you can gain something. "

After that, he sat down and started to cultivate and realized.

"God, the courage of the son is really big."

Not dead, the god and the Jian Di are the face, look at Zhang Bin like the monster.

The three of them are trapped here, and the horrible enemy will appear at any time.

Where can I still cultivate?

"Hey, blocking the paragraph of the earth is finally arranged. They want to transfer to escape, never possible. They are the things in our bag." Blood snake king issued an arrogant laugh.

He is not blown to the skin, and it is completely completed, and it is completely started, and a black light curtain appears. A huge sphere is formed, and the area around the beast god is completely parked.

From now on, the world can't know the situation in this.

The humanoid transmission array will not be started.

"Hahaha, let us go in, eat them."

The cat is also laughing.

It doesn't have any delays, and the heart is moving, the mouth of the beast god statue is open.

A dark channel appeared.

Even in cultivation, Zhang Bin is also an entrance to the inlet.

Therefore, the entrance opened, he instantly found.

I immediately pulled the Sword Emperor and the no-demonic wrist, try to start the humanoid transfer array.

I want to pass away.

That is trapped in this space, it is extremely dangerous.

Even if Zhang Bin has the policy, it is temporarily insisting on for a while.

But if you have a cat beast, there are too many terrorist beasts.

Many frozen cars are also useless, they are still tragedy.

So, if you can escape immediately, you will not hesitate.

Unfortunately, the humanoid transfer is not started.

Because communication is not possible.

Zhang Bin's face became ugly, and he worried about him.

Cat beasts arranged outside the large array of blockacies.

The humanoid passing array can't start, and the three people are difficult to escape.


Square beasts and blood snake kings will jump up and want to rush in and hunt.

However, the two paws of the cat beasts, and they grabbed them.

It said: "Plan to change, we don't go in and fight. Instead, we kill them outside."


The squirrel beast and the blood snake king are almost vomiting blood, asked angrily.

"Don't you feel the situation inside? There is a rich white fog. Obviously they arrange the ball. We can't be so easy, but it is different outside, we are arranged, kill them Like killing dogs. "

Cat is said.

"It makes sense."

Although the blood snake king and squirrel beast is a bit unreasonable, but still admire the wisdom of the cat and beast, they stopped, no killing.

"Hey ... how is human, how? Just started to launch a human form of transfer?"

The cat is smiling and shouting.

"We don't have a humanoid conveying array, you think more."

Zhang Bin sounded a faint voice.

Of course, it is passed from the white mist.

Listen, he is a bamboo with his chest, but looks carefully, you can see Zhang Bin's face is extraordinary.

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