The gold morale began a paw to break a big mountain.

And directly grabbed the mountains and flew up, then throw the mountains on the ground.

I sent a sudden sound.

Suddenly smoke is vacant, crushed stone, countless plants are downtown into a powder.

This momentum is really too horrible.

Unfortunately, I still don't grab the fire.

I can only see the broken Dashan, there is a deep cave that exudes an incomparably dangerous atmosphere.

And there is no doubt that the fire beast has sneaked into the depths of the cave.

The gold carving beast still has not given up, and then I rushed again, tearing the rock with a paw.

Rocks are rapidly broken.

A few hundred meters deep big pit appeared in a grab.

As if, those rocks are like tofu.

Let Zhang Bin three people see that it is stunned.

Darkness is sharp.

They clearly know that the rocks in the hunger continent are also extremely hard, and they are very heavy.

It will not be too much in the universe.

It can be seen that this gold mad beast is powerful.

The gold mad beast excavated and slowly dug a deep big pit.

And the fire beast has finally caught the way.

Have to rush, continue to fight with the Gold Mura.

But of course it is impossible to be the opponent of the gold museum, and finally, it will kill the gold cargo.

Directly swallowed it.

Then spread the wings, and the pen is straight to the mainland.

Just a moment, there is no trace.

"This is definitely a gold museum."

Zhang Bin, Jian Di, no death, the gods, muttered, "It is likely not to be more than the god, but the little god. It may even be a true God."

They also have no delays, once again.

Continue to display stealth, quickly travel quickly.

Of course, it is extraordinary, I don't dare to have any negligence.

Now they really think this is the road from the Black Sea area to the beast, and the powerful sea beast is endless.

So, I don't have to hunt any sea beast.

Tell the vibrant, will lead to super powerful beasts.

In some areas of many strong beasts, Zhang Bin even sneaked in the underground.

I have been walking for ten years, and the location of Xiaoqing Mom is not too far away.

On the way, they didn't have any adventures, but they have experienced the danger of many terror.

This is indeed a place for experience.

"Bonology, our food is not much, you must find some to add some, otherwise, we may be dangerous when we go back."

The Jian Di said seriously.

"This is indeed trouble."

Zhang Bin nodded, his face became serious.

Their preparation is still inadequate, when the edge of the mainland, you should hunt the beast and prepare the very adequate food.

And now, in turn, any beast can be said to be the beast of the beast.

Have a horrible to the extreme strength.

They want to hunt each other and have been too difficult.

Although there are some foods, you can let them go to the local place.

But there is no food back.

They have the possibility of starving.

"We don't go forward now, just find a place near this, lay a blade, constitute a horrible array. If there is a sea beast to enter, start the array of law, kill, be our food." Zhang Bin Shen Yicheng Will, say seriously, "If we are super powerful beast, we will not do it."

"Yes, the son."

The Jie Di and the unstead of demon respectfully promised.

Face is also extraordinary.

They know that Zhang Bin's way is very good, but it is also dangerous.

A beast super power that may hunt, can be forced.

Think about it, the gold museum, that is, even Mountain can be broken.

What array can ban it?

The two are, starting the array, a war, which may attract horrible sea beasts.

Zhang Bin's three people were looking for, and finally found a place where it was found.

This place is a hill located between the two mountains.

It can be said that it is the way of the beast.

And this hill and Bai Bai Mountain are a bit similar, which is the gum of the rock.

It is not connected to the outside.

Therefore, it can be placed in the cave.

The beasts should attack the ball, then it is very difficult.

Soon, Zhang Bin three people furnished the ball.

Then they hide in the tree cave and wait slowly.

Just wait for less than half an hour, there is a sea beast from afar.

This is a beast that looks like a wild boar, but it has a sharp unicorn on the forehead.

It is approximately five meters long and has nearly ten meters.

Excorps to a violent pressure and momentum.

It has been, and there is a deep footprint on the ground.

Even hard rocks are also stepped out.

Zhang Bin has a jealous color on the face of Zhang Bin, and Zhang Bin is a bit hesitant.

Because they didn't dare to judge the strength of wild pig beasts, what kind of point is it strong?

It seems that it is powerful than the sea snake king.

Soon, the wild boar beast has come to the center of the array.

If it is still not active, then it is too late.

"Daddy is not used to use the dead cold water. Dry."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and immediately launched the array.

Suddenly white fog appeared, the gravity has skyrocketed countless, space imprisonment, time stagnation.

This hill seems to have entered the picture from reality.

Zhang Bin's three people were also blasting, and they showed the soul attack.

There are countless dense light rays with a murder of the sky.

Due to sudden changes, the wild boar beast is a face.

Even the reaction is not too late, and it will be recruited in an instant.

The soul attack all bombards on its head.

But this guy closed his eyes in advance.


The wild boar beast did not fall, and did not make a miserable call, but a surprised roar.

Its four feet crazy about it.

Suddenly rock collapsed, and it fell in the underground cave along with the rock.

Start madly destroying the blade, it ran in the cave, all of which, the furries were chemical.

Rocks are also completely broken.

Smoke, killing the sky.

"I rely on, this is the terrorist beast king that integrates heavy channels, which is so much?"

Zhang Bin three people see it stunned, and the face changed.

More than just the shocking each other is strength, but also shocking the wisdom of each other.

In an instant, it judged that there is a cave in the ground and has a display.

However, Zhang Bin did not panic, and his eyes were blasting.

There is a storage bag in his hand, which is the last storage bag with a dead cold.

He did not hesitate, and he dumped the dead cold.

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