The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3865 Five Problems

"You are very reasonable, I actually don't say it."

The wild boar is said, "However, the secret of the Black Sea area can not disclose it to you, you die this heart."

"I don't want to know too much secret." Zhang Bin said, "I only ask you ten questions, after the answer. We will go right away, it will never be entangled with you. How?"

"one question."

The wild boasts have flashed the color of the sly.

So Zhang Bin and the wild boasts bargain.

Finally, the transaction is reached.

That is the wild boar beast to answer Zhang Bin five questions.

Zhang Bin left.

"The first question, that is, how can we safely escape from the banned area?"

Zhang Bin said.


The wild boast is faintly answering and said a return route.

Of course, this is not trustworthy.

But for Zhang Bin three, there is also a huge value.

At least some place name can be known.

"Second question - Where is the hunting hall?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"Oh ..." The wild boasts made a scornful and laughed, and they did not hesitate to answer.

After all, he knows that human beings want to go to the hunting hall, it is a dream.

It is the ability to have this ability.

Even if you go, it is also a dead.

The hunting hall is in the Black Sea area, that is also a real overgency.

Even the beast king like it, it is also afraid to recruit hunting.

"Third Issues - Where is there in the Black Sea area?"

Zhang Bin said.

This is the death in the area.

Then he can be targeted, it is likely to take the height of God.


The wild boar beast is not hesitant to answer, and there are many places to have human beings.

One of them is death island.

Even in the hungry continent, there is also a place where humans are entren.

Even the powerful sea beast is also afraid to invade.

Ten Zhang Bin is big, this is more likely to find it.

"Fourth question - That is, where is your beast to cultivate into beast gods, where is the place where the god?"

Zhang Bin asked.

This issue will also be paying attention to where he doesn't ask the hungry mainland.

If the hungry mainland is not the place to go to the beast, he is equal to a question.

"You will go on the way to the beast."

The wild boar is faintly said, "You can live now, it is not easy."

"The last question, that is, why there are so many powerful beasts in the Black Sea area, they all have the strength of God, why didn't you go to the beast?" Zhang Bin said.

"This issue involves the core confidential secrets of our black sea area, I refuse to answer. You change a question."

The wild boasts say coldly.

"Just this question. If you don't answer, our agreement is abolished."

Zhang Bin said.

The wild boast was very angry, and he looked at Zhang Bin. He finally said: "I can answer, but wait for me to get off, may kill you, will have chased you. Do you want to know this secret? "

"We are not afraid that you will chase, we have to take escape." Zhang Bin said, "So, you will answer, don't waste time."

"The Beast of our sea is almost all of the strength of the buttons, and even the beast king has reached the strength of the little god. They didn't go to the beast, because I was worried on the road to the beast, only waiting for them. It is extremely powerful, and there is an excellent grasp. "The wild boast is said.

"Is it dangerous on the road? Is the dangerous risk of our people to the gods?"

Zhang Bin said.

"I have already answered you five questions, you can roll."

Wild boasts said.

"The last question, you answer me that I am not satisfied."

Zhang Bin said, "So, you have to explain it. Otherwise, the agreement will be abolished."

"Very good, wait for me to get off, do everything we don't have to chase them, as far as my strength, they can't escape."

The wild boasts shouted in the heart, but the mouth is said: "Our black sea areas do not have a robbery, and there are many gods, but the heavens and the earth are fair, so they travel to the beasts. The more deeper the mainland, the more you close to the beast, the faster you get, the harder to get food. Many beasts of the gods are all starved to death. The more powerful, resisting hunger is also stronger. So, in order to There is no loss, it must be cultivated to a strong point. "

"As your strength, is there a grasp to the beast?" Zhang Bin said.

"I am not going to the god of the beast, but I am exploring God." The wild boar beast said, "I will go deep into a certain level, I will return to the place where I live, continue to practice."

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

But it is secretly taboo, in this way, even if it is a hungry mainland, it is also extremely dangerous.

Because the beast is returned.

"You can go."

The wild boasts watched Zhang Bin with a cold eyes and said coldly.

"Do you plan to wait for us to go, then do your best to kill us?"

Zhang Bin did not leave, his face floated the color of the game. "In this case, how can we let you go?"

"you wanna die……"

The wild boar is angry to the extreme, roaring in madness.

The body is also struggling in madness.

Suddenly, its ice is also broken rapidly.

Without Devil God and Jie Di do their best to show the trend of ice, but also barely ban it again.

If this is not a cold ice, it is a cold ice, it is a cold ice that is not dead and the Jie Emperor. It is definitely not to be wild boar.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

Although he did not ask how many horrible things, he knew that the possibility of the most horrible sea beast is big, they just want to hit some human beings, and power themselves.

And they do not personally go to the human area to hunt human beings, which may be suppressed by the heavens and the earth, or the rules set by the gods and beasts.

After got God, you can't go to the other side.

Therefore, the most powerful disciple of hunting gods is the most powerful land of the Golden Temple, only cultivating the nine layers of the coordinate.

Also far from God.

The hunting hall in the Black Sea area, there is a more powerful existence.

This is also the reason for the hunting hall.

Even if there is a powerful real God, they can only like Zhang Bin, but they have destroyed the hunting hall of the continent, but they can't enter the Black Sea area to kill the hunting hall headquarters.

Therefore, if you want to completely destroy the hunting hall, try to create a beast.

A super genius must appear, and you can kill the quarter.

Can hunt the beast of the beast.

And there is no doubt that Zhang Bin is such a genius.

Also perhaps, Zhang Dong has helped Zhang Bin many times, including the nurse sister helped Zhang Bin, just know Zhang Bin's talents.

It will be possible to kill the black sea area, hunting the foundation of many beast princes and shake the beast.

Not only because Zhang Bin integrates the trial.

He also did not have any delays. He had a syringe in his hand, saying faintly: "Hey, don't move, take the needle."

Then he slammed it on the head of wild pig beast.

I didn't have too difficult and I didn't have too difficult.

Then Zhang Bin extracted crazy.

Of course, the extraction is the blood of the wild boar, which is definitely a treasure worth the city.

After all, the wild boasts have become a small body.

Do not die, the Devil and the Jie Di are so powerful, but it can't break its defense.

Therefore, the blood of wild boar beast is true God.

For anyone, there are great benefits.

It is also possible to force the body and soul.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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