The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3869 Hunting Sea Snake

The red wolf group only blocked the hole for more than ten minutes, and retired.

However, Zhang Bin was shocking, and the red wolf group did not leave, but hidden behind a hill, quietly ambush, waiting in the sea snake king.

This is the rhythm of killing.

"God, this is too cruel and vicious."

The Jie Di and the undead devil are also exciting.

"Weak meat is a rule of the Black Sea area." Zhang Bin said seriously, "It is because of this, you can go to the beast of God, it is definitely super powerful beast, and super smart and fraudulent. The strength of the beast spirit, possibilities It's really better than the god. "

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, he was able to sneak in the Underground.

Then I entered the cave.

There is no soil in the cave, all hard rocks.

Therefore, in order to avoid being found by the Red Wolf King and the Hai Snake King, Zhang Bin is sneak in the rock.

The cave is confused, much more than the outside.

The knowledge and vision cannot be far away.

Perhaps, this is also a red wolf king who is not willing to enter the championship of the Sea Snake.

Because it is easy to ambush.

And if the sea snake spurts the poisonous fog, the space among the caves is limited, it is easy to poison them.

Zhang Bin took out in the Wanyan talents, and then slowly in depth.

I dare not showing, and I also worried that the sea snake spurted into the poisonous fog.

The hole is very wide and the beginning is only one hole.

However, about half an hour, there is a lot of rackers.

Zhang Bin smashed, he entered the widest cave and continued to deepen.

He is convinced that the Hai Snake is about this way.

He also believes that the Sea Snake will not fear the wolves into enter.

The sea snake king may be explored exports, of course, is worried about ambush outside.

It took about three hours, and finally went to the deepest place.

This is a very wide cave.

How can there be an area of ​​thousands of acres.

There are also some small holes connected to this cave.

Today, the sea snake king and more than 20 million sea snakes are in this cave.

Of course, all the sea snakes have a secret law and shrink the body.

Otherwise, you may not install them.

Another sea snake came out from the small cave, depressed, said: "The king did not find exports."

"There is no export?"

The face of the sea snake king has become difficult, and the mouth has a bad voice.

It becomes focused and nervous.

Because if there is no exit, they have to escape.

This is a hunger, they can't be hidden here.

That will be starved to death.

They have so many quantities, and the food is huge.

They can't hold it.

"Maybe the wolves have already gone. The king you don't worry too much."

There is also a very powerful sea snake.

"We go out."

The sea snake king will sink.

It decided to go to the hole to see, if the wolves are still there, it will provoke a wolf group and introduce the wolves into a knot.

If it is not there, they can naturally go out.

It starts with group snakes.

"Don't leave, you stay here."

Zhang Bin appeared in the same way as a ghost, standing on the cliff, looked at the following group of snakes.

Although I can't understand the words of the snake, I can guess a probably based on their expression and action.

He also knows that there is no exit, where it is the best place to hunt the sea snake king.

This opportunity, he certainly doesn't miss it.

"It's you?"

The sea snake king floated anger and fear.

But there is no delay, which takes the shooting, just like lightning, three people.

The mouth is also spraying a rich poisonous fog, and the overwhelming is swept to Zhang Bin.

He knows that Zhang Bin may have a dead cold, so that it can't escape.

Therefore, it must be strong first, and Zhang Bin is killed.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a desirable clear laugh, and the storage bag in his hand suddenly dumped, and the heilish dead and cold swept.

Like the Galaxy Fall.

I have already fallen on the sea of ​​the sea snake.

Then, in the cave below, all the sea snakes were submerged.

"Hey ..."

All sea snakes were frozen, they sent a scream that was incomparable and fear.

In fact, it is to help outside.

Say humans raid them, let the beasts to save them.

The sound is too large, and there are some irrigation.

Zhang Bin three people also have no way to prevent sound from passing out.

But they also have no nervousness.

I am a little smiling.

In addition to the cave, there is only a red watery.

Of course, the rest of the beast is escaping without trace.

Therefore, the red wolf group is heard.

The Red Wolf King made a contempt, "" How can I be fooled in the poison? "

So, it does not move.

It is also not to believe in humans in the cave.

Just a few breathing time, the deepest cave is completely frozen.

More than 20 million sea snakes include the sea snake king is also all frozen.

The sea snake king is the most powerful, it can still struggle, but there is no ability to break the ice.

Its strength is still more than a wild pig beast.

As for the seas snake king, it is not to struggle at all, and even the screams are quiet.

Because their soul is frozen.

Their soul lamp is extinguished rapidly.

Soon it was fallen.

Just only the sea snake king did not fall.

Look at it, you can still hold a long time.

"This death is too horrible."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, and his face was also filled with a shock.

Because it is really possible to imprison your ass.

In the mainland of hunger, imprisonment is dying.

Because it will be starved to death.

"The son, this dead god cold water may be horrible than what we think."

Not dead, the gods, "Beast God is like the pool, there are 18 deaths that may be from the depths of the ground, because the body grows up, no longer go to the dead and cold lake. And there are many era hours, no The beast dares to arrest them. Obviously there were a small beast of the small Kawa, but was also frozen, even can't escape, because there was a fascinating lake. The energy source continued to transport the cold. "

"You are right, if there is enough dead cold water, you can really imprison the terrorist beast as the wild pig beast." Zhang Bin said, "Obviously, the death of the cold, may have extraordinary origins, may even come from the gods. That beast god The stone statue is the beast god, or the top of the beast is the top of the beast. "

They didn't delay, wearing a cold helmet, showing ice, and sneaking into the ice.

Collect all dead sea snakes.

Then Zhang Bin three people went to the front of the sea snake king, Zhang Bin said: "Sea Snake King, if you are willing to answer me a few questions, maybe I can let you go."

(First send three chapters, the rest is 9 o'clock in the evening.)

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