The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3876, combines three ways

Zhang Bin will no longer stick to it.

He continues to refine the fragment of the cat tail.

Continue to cultivate crazy.

The rules of three thousand avenues, of course, is of course incomparably large energy.

The cat tail is not too big.

Therefore, Zhang Bin refines the cats of the Cat, which allows the three thousand avenues of the world's rules to evolve.

There have been numerous nine levels of space rules.

Zhang Bin felt that he had a lot of power.

Even the defense capabilities of the invincible defense cover are also skyrocketing.

Because the three thousand major roads have evolved, the 3,000 Avenue Magong is also high of the boat.

"I don't know if I continue to take, is there any benefit?"

Zhang Bin is a bit amazed, so that this is too fast, it is too fast, will it be a problem?

However, he still bite the teeth and starts to continue.

Soon, he found that there are three ways of heaven and earth rules that start melt under the stimulation of magical energy.

These three ways are death, no death, darkness.

It can be said that it is three very powerful avenues.

Zhang Bin has a darkness.

There is no such terror you think, can only blend three ways.

But it is also very powerful.

This is also more practical and safe, in the future, I will use it for a few billion years, or try to hunt the beast and let 3,000 avenues.

That is only a hundred refining steel.

This is rapidly improved, and it is not necessarily a good thing for yourself.

Soon, the robbery came, because almost simultaneous, three Taou and Zhang Bin were integrated.

Original Zhang Bin also worried that the black cat beast will secretly make the bad, so that his Tiaber robbery became extremely horrible.

But soon, he found that worried is extra.

The robbery is horrible, but it is in the range of Zhang Bin.

So he only used three hours to spend three times a day.

He is powerful.

So far, Zhang Bin has finally blended 21 kinds of roads.

Trial, time, death, no death, thunder, wither, speed, dark, five lines ...

These roads are very powerful.

Zhang Bin is of course unprecedented.

He continued to take the cat's tail cultivation.

Because of death, not dead, dark, these three ways are not a general sea animal can have.

Therefore, although Zhang Bin hunted to a lot of beasts, it is the beast without these few properties.

It took about one month, Zhang Bin, these three ways also cultivate the seven floors.

He feels that he really has an unexpected characteristic, even if it is exploded, it is also possible to resurrect.

And he understands the true meaning of death, because the darkness and death of death represent death.

Therefore, today his war is skyrocketing, and it is easy to kill the powerful beast.

Zhang Bin looked at the tail of the cat, and there was still a header of the head.

He said: "Now this treasure is useless to me, do you take a little try?"

I can't say it, he cut two pieces, let the Sword Emperor and the Devil God take.

"Thank you gong."

The Jie Di and the undead Devil have not refused this time. Since they are useless to Zhang Bin, they can take it. If they have become powerful, then they can better protect Zhang Bin.

They took them.

Soon, their faces have been frustrated.

At the same time, I opened my eyes, and I didn't die. "Just let the darkness and death of the way to the nine floors, the soul and the body are strong, there is not much effect."

"I am a little, dark, death, and don't die. These three roads are cultivated to the nine floors. But at all cannot be fused."

The Jian Di also said that it is depressed.

"How can this be? I have enabled three thousand avenues of the world rules to evolve some nine levels. I lay the foundation for integration."

Zhang Bin said that he was incomparable, "and the three kinds of roads were successfully completed."

"Of course, it is the reason for the income."

Do not die.

"Yes, our talents are too bad, it is difficult to cultivate to God. You can practice to get."

Jian Di said, "The flesh of the black cat beast is too high-level, but it is difficult for us to get the benefits. However, I am also confused, the horror beast god like the black cat beast, and its flesh and blood must also have With the magical effect, you should break through the number of realm after you have used the son, you should be able to get through the gods. "

"Yeah, I am also confused. You have just enabled the rules of the three thousand major roads to evolve, integrate three kinds, this benefit is too small. It is totally inconsistent with my expectation." The unstead of Devil is also attached.

"Khan ... You really dare to think." Zhang Bin slammed, and only a woman dared to look forward to it?

"What is this, I originally waited for you to become a god, just went to the gods with you."

Jian Di said, "Think about it, can someone can have a blessing such as a son, can get the tail of the black cat beast? The black cat beast is, but the existence of the three thousand true God, its tail can Not amorphous? "

"Yeah, how did the son have not gone?"

Not dead, the god is also confused.

Zhang Bin is really crying. He was defeated by such two , but he still explained some, "At that time, Zhang Dongdee said that the black cat beast god will hand over the tail, the black cat beast God will definitely know that it is impossible, It is estimated that the essence of the tail is to recover the essence of the tail. The predecessors of Zhang Dong was discovered this, and he opened his tail. So, the effect is big and big, but this is what I am looking forward is also the most suitable. Otherwise, it is to spread the seedlings. There is nothing benefit to me. "

"The son, your wisdom is simply against the sky."

The Jie Di and the unstead of Devil feel that Zhang Bin analyzed is particularly reasonable, and he has nodded, and his face has been admired.

Rotating, two of them discussed in a red heat.

"You said, what is the position of Zhang Dong's predecessors in the god?"

"He is so powerful, so domineering, easily abuse the black cat beast god of genius, it is the god of the gods. Maybe God."

"Is there a king king in the god? Perhaps only God is? He must be one of the top gods of the status."

"Perhaps, he is not necessarily created."

"He is so young, not like a creation of God, and the God of Creative God must be a white beard old."

"After the son will go to the gods, you can do the official."

"I think so."


Zhang Bin heard the black line of the head, the woman really likes gossip.

He said seriously: "Don't guess, there is a big energy like this, anyone says his name, he can feel it. Maybe he will punish you. Maybe you may ban you Go to the god. "

He is the rhythm of scaring the dead.

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