The Talented Divine Farmer

The 3884 chapter is nine modern anger

The dragonfly is very high, and the body has a rich suffocation.

Anyone else will take a cold.

Even Zhang Bin felt a great danger.

The other party is a nine-stage beast, but also blends 28 kinds of paths.

The strength is fixed by Zhang Bin.

It's really killing the gods.

Now Zhang Bin evens even in the nine floors, it is impossible to be the opponent.

Because Zhang Bin only blessed 21 kinds of roads.

The gap is more obvious.

"Brother, this time I go out to experience, I have encountered a multi-eye beast, very powerful, one blow to kill the kawkawa, then swallow. If I run fast, I may not be alive." Zhang Bin said.

"What? The kawko is swallowed?"

Jiuding suddenly turned around, blaminging the stupid pressure and horror to the ultimate momentum.

The rich murder is also smashed like a black smog.

"Yes, that more eye beast is too horrible, just cultivate to eight, but its soul attack should kill the thorn."

Zhang Bin said that he said.

"Take me to see."

The Jiuding of the Dynasty was furious, and I grabbed Zhang Bin's arm, flew up.

Flying out of the shock city like lightning.

This strength is really horrible.

You must know that Zhang Bin can't fly in a hungry mainland.

Even the dragonflies that fuse the space are also flying.

Zhang Bin did not move, pointed to the direction.

I went to the fight on Zhang Bin.

"The breath of the soul attack ..."

The Jiuding is full of angry, his knowledge is taken out, swept around.

But of course, I didn't see the beast.

It took Zhang Bin to fly, looking for a long time, and there is no discovery.

Finally, it hates in a big mountain peak, biting his teeth, anger.

Finally, it said: "You draw its appearance, I must catch it."

Zhang Bin took a head and took out the painting tools of the dragonfly, and quickly plotted a little appearance.

The forehead is a dense sky.

It looks like an immersive, powerful.

"This is a lot! Good, very good, actually dare to appear here, it is simply looking for death."

The Jiuding is an anger.

He is the most powerful existence in the universe, of course, it is very concerned about the other two poisons.

After all, before the end of the era, the era battles should be burst, and the three toxicity is only a poison.

So, he didn't want to kill two opponents.

However, an opponent is late, the mysterious pole is

Another opponent - Long Yong born hunting hall, hunting the powerful temple, and the hunting hall has been placed in the human world.

He has no way to kill each other.

Now that the Long Shao appears here, and the sneak attacks and the kawko.

Obviously there is a huge conspiracy.

It may be rushing away.

This is a big provocative for him.

How can he tolerate?

"Is he dragon? Isn't he said the youngest in the universe? And it is the weakest. How can I suddenly become so powerful?" Zhang Bin put a surprised look, "Is it His talented beyond three thousand true god? "

Jiuding's eyes jumped, and said coldly: "He is very talented, but it is absolutely genius. However, there is a rumor that there is a horror giant to win, so his cultivation has leaped. It is horrible. However, I will not fear him. When this era is over, I can practice to the nine layers of the top. I must defeat him. "

After finishing, a rich confidence took out from his body.

"Brother, he is expected to be such a situation. Sniper you, or bother you cultivate. Let you break through the nine-level big success." Zhang Bin said, "Then, because of cultivation experience, soul may It is the buttons and even the little god or the true god. He must be cultivated to the nine-layer, the era war, he has a victory. So, we must crush the other's conspiracy. "

"What is your good way?"

The Jie Ding looked at Zhang Bin and asked.

Obviously, he was also awkward by Zhang Bin, saying that it was awkward.

If the soul of the true God, he is cultivating to the nine levels. It is not an opponent's opponent.

That is it, isn't you want to tragedy?

"This is still a long disconnection, let's go back first, and carefully discuss."

Zhang Bin said.

"You go back first, I will find him well, maybe I can find him, let it kill it."

Jinshen said.

"Brother, now he must leave, he is not a fool, waiting for you to kill him. He must have a human shape."

Zhang Bin said, "He is in this way so that you can't make peace of mind. After a while, it's coming again."

"What do you mean, I don't pay attention to him? I will continue to work hard? Is it white?"

Jiudi, Jiudu, said, "I can't help but I can't worry."

His super genius, no matter what you can humility like this.

This is also because he is not willing to go back, to find out the revenge.

"I mean back to make a good discussion, how to revenge." Zhang Bin said, "I feel the best way is to submerge the old nest of the hunting hall, and hunt some of the Hua Ti Ti Temple. If you can kill the Murder, That is the best. But I am worried, I may use this way to lead you in the past, lay horror, I want to kill you. "

"Well, let's go back, negotiate."

Ji Ding took Zhang Bin with satisfactory eyes. He felt that he had a very brave younger brother, after a life and death, so that he was very pleased.

This is a dramatic hall in the Zhen Tiancheng.

The Jiudi and the Hearts are sitting above.

Zhang Bin and the elders of many wisdom are standing below.

They anger, the big counsel, and they dared to come to the hunger, the stabbies, if they were not desperately stopped, maybe the dragonflied will be fallen.

You know, the drain is a peerless genius.

The talent is better than the baba sea, just in the Jie Ding.

Waiting for this era, it is also possible to cultivate it to nine, and the strength will be extremely horrible.

"The city owner, I feel, the purpose of this time is to kill less, cut out a potential strong enemy." A long and serious, "Because the tacit, the tacit is not aspa, it will grow up, Your brothers teamed up, and Long Yong will die. Long must have laid out for a long time, and then wait until the opportunity. "


The other elders are also discussing.

Everything is wisdom.

Unfortunately, the news is completely wrong, so even if their wisdom will, the conclusions and countermeasures are also missed.

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