The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3900 is finally strong.

This time, it is of course trial.

It turned out to be eight golden judges, down from the sky.

Their hands are holding a judge, and their body is also a sharp to the extreme majest.

Any one, it looks powerful.

It is definitely not a strong sea king.

They constitute a special array, while crazy attaches Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin also was secretly surprised, and there will be eight judges?

But he didn't fear, he grabbed the Libra, and the body was bursting the war and the power of the earth.

Crazy dance with Libra, the mouth is also roaring, "trial ..."

He has also floated 30 apertures, representing thirty kinds of words that he integrate.

Kill the past, and the eight judges were crazy together.

"Dangdang ..."

Sound shock, spark splash.

Zhang Bin is invincible, and it will come.

Eight judges are also crazy roar, showing gods, crazy attacking Zhang Bin.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

About five hours a war, Zhang Bin took the absolute upper wind and slammed.

I took eight judges.

It has become a numerous golden light, and I have poured into Zhang Bin.

The fusion speed of the heaven and earth rules of the trial is too double.

And Zhang Bin has also spent the robbery.

It is really a giant giant.

"It's not easy, it is really not easy. If there is no black sea area. I absolutely can't cultivate the eight floors so quickly. It is more impossible to fuse 30 kinds of roads." Zhang Bin's face floated the color .

He knows that it is not easy to cultivate this place now.

You know, even if it is Jinshen, cultivate it to nine, but only blend 28 paths.

As for Jin Yi, blend 120 pathways, it is equal to cheating, it is not a hard practice.

However, I got the ,

But it should not be less than Zhang Bin.

He didn't have any delays and continued to practice.

Of course, it is taking God to cultivate.

One law, Wanfa.

One way to cultivate eight layers, and the rest can be drawn.

It's easy to break through it.

Of course, if there is no god blood, the remaining 29 species, all breakthroughs, it may also need a long time.

It is also possible for hundreds of millions of years.

And it is still in realities.

I have worked hard to practice thousands of years, of course, is the time in reality.

Zhang Bin finally cultivated 30 kinds of roads to the eight floors, and it was still a great success.

Zhang Bin felt that he was strong than 100 times.

Even, he produced a illusion that he could deal with any strong enemy.

Just as the Jinshen, he will not fear.

After all, he is very powerful, basically in front of the breakthrough, it can fight the fart.

Now there is a strong big one, is it better to fight?

However, Zhang Bin's reason told him that he is currently very powerful, but it should not be the opponent of Jinshen.

If you have no horrible Jiuding, he may also have a war with the other party.

Unfortunately, the Di Ding has a magical magic weapon, which can improve ten times.

What's more, so long, the Jiuding of the Dragonfly has improved, which is certainly more powerful.

Zhang Bin once again refined the Shenjia and the Tauce sword.

The ninth layer of the law is completely refined.

Defense and attack capabilities are naturally high.

Then Zhang Bin refines the treasure tower again, and the Eight-layer matrix method is thoroughly refining.

Zhang Bin's face floated on a strong accent.

Because the Tibetan Tower is equivalent to being universal.

Defense ability and attack capabilities have been greatly improved.

He can even manipulate the Tibetan Tower take the initiative to attack strong enemies.

Can stick the enemy's magic weapon.

Can crack the horror enemy.

And the eight floors, it is a prison.

It is a strong enemy used to capture horrible.

And this prison is also a horrible ability, and the enemy has no ability to commit suicide.

I can only make a lot of prisoners.

If it is imprisoned, the gust is the same.

Then I got the blood in the energy source.

However, this prison can only be imprisoned than Zhang Bin, but also a little prisoner.

More than Zhang Bin, can't imprisonment.

However, Zhang Bin is also happy out, secretly shocking, this Tibetan Pagoda is too strong, it is too horrible, it seems very evil.

However, he likes it very much.

"It's time to go out. Now I should have the ability to save Xiao Qing mother and Mi Di."

Zhang Bin's face is full of confidence.

He didn't have any delays, transferred back to the cave, and opened the door and went out.

"Brother, you finally broke through, so good, it is so good."

The Jiudi flying in the sky, landed in front of Zhang Bin, and looked at Zhang Bin.

Look carefully, you can see that his eyes are all fierce.

But don't say other things, Zhang Bin, also can't see the heart of Jiu Ding.

"My brother, I feel that you are also a lot, almost can say that cultivate to nine levels is full."

Zhang Bin's face has also floated the color.

He is really admiring his nine Ding, which is so good.

May be no less than a small.

Even more.

Before the end of this era, he is really likely to cultivate into god.

What is the point of his strength?

" ..."

The baba is also flying, and the up and down, Zhang Bin, who is satisfied: "Very good, not only breakthrough, but also cultivate to the eight level, this speed is very fast. If there is any adventure, break through Nine-level is not impossible. Then our father and son teamed up with it, and there is no problem with the loose. "

"This bastard is to prevent me to deal with him, so he cultivates the eight-level big success. Hey ... You are suffering from the disaster, I will never stay." The dragonfold is in the heart, but the mouth is Said: "Dad, since the younger brother broke through the eight levels, there is he sitting in the town, the earth city is solid gold soup. We can leave the beast."

"Well, we will go to the hunger, you must hunger, you must hunt some super powerful beasts, get their blood." Heavy sea said, "Then we can be strong again, then we can Go to the hunting hall. "

Then he looked at the dragonfly, said seriously: "Hello to the sky city, it is very important."

He didn't say a lie.

Zhen Tiancheng is better than any treasure.

Because here can produce food.

After all, the hungry continent has a magical rule.

The fairy and animals cultivated in the space container cannot be fully filling, and there is no use.

Only the fruit of cultivating the plants of a million years in the hunger continent has a hunger.

Or the fruit of the hungry mainland soil growing plant can be fully charged.

However, animals in the Black Sea area come to hunger, they can do things. Have a hunger.

Of course, if it is a weak animal, it is very poor.

There is too much to eat too much.

Therefore, the plant of Zhen Tiancheng cannot receive the space container because it will lose hunger.

Naturally, you can't carry it with you.

Therefore, Zhen Tiancheng must also have a strong giant to sit in the town.

Doing so maybe the old nest.

"Don't worry. I am here, any strong enemy does not dare to attack, unless they don't want to live."

Zhang Bin said confident.

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