The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3921 rescues Xiaoqing Mother and Mud Emperor

Just spent more than half a day, the congenital spirit tree and congenital Lingzi have been transplanted into Zhang Bin's consecutive basin.

And many shock beasts are also out, transplanted a lot of fruit trees.

Zhang Bin didn't even use the lock chain to locked many vines and congenital trees.

The reason is that his contest basin has a magical ability, which can easily ban them, let them can't escape.

And this is also the truth.

After Zhang Bin refined the contest basin, he knew that this treasure is not simple.

Although there is no attack ability, the ability to imprisonment is super, but it can only be banned.

Therefore, in this, cultivate the fairy medicine, don't worry about the other party to escape.

This is really likely to come from the gods.

Zhang Bino has become a lot of gathering pots into the cave.

Then Zhang Bin took the little mother and Mud Emperor.

In an instant, it becomes a beautiful woman and a big man.

In fact, they are also weak, they are cultivated to the three floors.

"Mom ... I miss you very much."

The excitement of Xiaoyan is a beautiful woman.

"My good daughter ... Mom also miss you."

Xiao Qing mother is also hugging Xiaoqing, tears.

"Thank you, Zhang Bin, if you are not saving me, I will never get freedom. I can only be shocked by the beast."

Mi Emperor's ceremony was on Zhang Bin.

"You don't have to be polite, your leaves have also helped me, and let me get your inheritance. I have a lot of hidden. I spent a lot of difficulties." Zhang Bin said.

"Zhang Bin, I have to thank you ..."

Xiao Qing mother finally released Xiaoqing, and she was grateful to say endlessly.

"You don't want to be with me. Your daughter is also helping me, without her, I have no way to cultivate a first Tianling tree. This is too important to me, otherwise, I have a lot of difficult I can't go. I should thank you. "Zhang Bin said sincerely." However, I still have a big doubt today, why did you appear on the earth? And also let the bullish old ancestors have taken the young ? "

"At that time, there was a strong enemy to chase me. This strong enemy is Ji Ding. He wants to catch me, let me give him the result, do food. At the time, I felt that I was hard to escape. Take Xiaoqing At the earth. Of course, I am also calculated. Xiaoqing will not fall, but there will be a contest. "Xiao Qing mother said," Later I fled the earth, escaped back to the fairy, and then fled into the sea, but finally It was still grabbed by the Jinshen. After that, he has been imprisoned in Zhen Tiancheng. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

And he certainly understands why Ji Ding has to catch Xiao Qing mother.

Because the energy of the congenital Lingno, there are too many fruits that are more than the fruit trees.

It is best to do food.

It seems that Jinshen is also entered the human world.

But he may have no climbing mountains.

I may even don't go to the continent.

"What do you planning in the future?"

Zhang Bin asked, "If you want to go back to the world, I can send you back now."

"I will follow you in the future, just give you the result in this contest basin."

Mu Di and Xiao Qing mother said almost at the same time.

Ok, in fact, they are looking forward to the gods with Zhang Bin.

During this time, they looked at Zhang Bin to rain, and easily mixed into the sky, spent many difficulties, and killing the Jinshen.

It became the city of Zhen Tiancheng.

He also created a new era of trading god.

He got a lot of blood.

Just cultivate the eight floors, but it is a terrorist giant to fight the dinosaurs.

His talent exceeded the Jinshen Jie Ding far away.

If he can't go to the god, it is estimated that no one can go.

"That is griever you. However, two of you are free, ready to go out."

Zhang Bin said.

Soon, two of them returned to the contest basin.

Xiaoqing also went in, and became a hoist crane on the vine, don't mention how happiness.

However, she is only three days to get along with my mother.

I returned to Zhang Bin.

She habitually stayed in Zhang Bin's central Dantian cultivation.

You know, she is also Zhang Bin's close.

The things of serving Zhang Bin have always been her responsibility.

"Ha ha ha ... finally rescued Xiao Qing mother and Mi Emperor, completed a big event."

Zhang Bin is also very happy.

What makes him is more happy is that the transaction of blood has a new progress.

These three days finally traded new attribute hematoprost.

There are more than 15 kinds of footsteps, and there is a magical attribute - zoom.

Zhang Bin was also cultivated to the zoom to the nine floors.

On the road of his growth, zoom it, it is a sharpness of sweat.

Of course, the way to zoom, or because of the enlightenment of the plum deer, he slowly started to understand.

Who is the mysterious identity of the plum deer?

Now Zhang Bin is also a foggy.

However, Zhang Bin knows that the creation of the creation of the creature is created by Master of the Plum.

Therefore, Mr. Mei's deer may be a creation of God.

But it may not, maybe it is an apprentice or future generation of the world.

"Waiting for me to integrate these 15 kinds of roads, then I blended 79 ways. The distance is not too far away. I hope, I can still trader some new attribute gods." Zhang Bin excitedly Squat.

He didn't have any delays, and he immediately started to close.

Waiting for him to completely fuse this 15, and cultivated to the eight-story, the outside world has passed the millennium.

Among the gliots, it is of course a longer time.

Zhang Bin finally issued a very serious problem, or it is a secret.

The more integrated roads, the more difficult it is to integrate more.

As if the body and soul are saturated.

Zhang Bin also finally understood why there were so many people who had cultivated nutrients, and they still did not integrate too many ways.

It is a strong horrible island beast, and only more than 60 kinds of ways.

It is because of this reason.

"Perhaps, integrates more special ways. But there is no record in the creation of the creation."

Zhang Bin is muttered, "I don't know if there is any record in the God of God? There is, the Jin Yi, must know this secret, so he can blend more than 120 words so quickly. It seems that There is no special adventure, even in the fairy world, there are countless era, it is also difficult to quickly and powerful. "

He went out, finding the baba sea, the first question is not a priest of how many new attributes, but after asking him, cultivate so many era, is there any significant increase in the war?

"After cultivating the god, the body turned into the body, with the characteristics of unsatisfied, but not will not die, not to be destroyed. That one premises, then don't encounter a strong enemy. And because Without how to cultivate the secret law of the body, the combat power is stagnant, almost is in place. The powerful way is not cultivation, but integrates more, more combined, it is powerful. " I replied, "It is because there is not much improvement, I don't dare to go to the gods, it will inevitably fall on the road, will be eaten by a more powerful beast."

(There is also a palm, about 10:30.)

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