The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3927 War open

Of course, Zhang Bin is a careful and extraction.

Even, he also cooperated with the virtual road, hidden road, etc.

Finally, a brilliant blood was extracted and entered the syringe.

The four super powerful sea beasts have floated ecstasy, they are more nervous.

Zhang Bin stopped to draw, but did not pull out the needle, he used the secret to bring this silk.

Put among a jade bottle.

Then Zhang Bin and the four powerful beasts widened.

Of course, it is identifying attributes.

I want to confirm how much island beast.

If you blend hundreds, then they are just right.

Because it is the opponent, it is impossible to be opponents.

"First, two, three ... God, ninety nine species, it is an island beast that is extremely fragile."

Soon, they exclaimed in their hearts.

Gets the 99-way island beast, plus the body is so huge, the strength is of course very horrible.

If one of them in four, it will be undoubtedly the island beast.

If it is two, even, there is no more than one.

It may also be killed by the other party.

But they are five, and they have come to the back of the island beast.

It has not been discovered by the island beast, and Zhang Bin plans to be very good, but they have a certain fortune.

And a blood of the island beast, understand the real strength of the island beast, is the most important part of Zhang Bin's plan.

Only by knowing oneself, I dare to do it.

For example, the snake crocodile beast is not to know its true strength. Zhang Bin also did not dare to put it in the first goal.

"Although powerful, it is still in our expectations. We continue to hunt the plan."

Zhang Bin said.

Four sea beasts nodded, and they raised the magic weapon high and prepared to hit the island beast.

Zhang Bin once again slowly extract the blood of the island beast.

Since the speed of the extracted is too slow, it only took half an hour, and only one tea cup was collected.

But Zhang Bin is very excited, because no matter whether it is successful, it has already got so many blood.

Perhaps he can make him blend some of the talents.

It is important to know that there are 30 kinds of 99 treasures that are integrated with island beasts.

If it is possible to fusion these thirty ways, Zhang Bin fused to reach 114.

That is not far from Jin Yi.

Perhaps it can also close and the distance of the sky.

The four beasts are also very excited, and their faces have been looking forward to the color.

Of course, I expect Zhang Bin to take more blood.

Let them stand in an invincible place.

It has been over three hours, and the blood extracted is more than about six times.

This is basically Su Bin used.

At this time, the island slightly shakes.

Obviously, the island beast feels unusual.

"I am quickly drawing the speed, you are ready to attack and defense, because the island beast has felt."

Zhang Bin said that the way to make extraction and started to extract crazy.

Speed ​​instantly increases millions.

Suddenly, the blood is drawn out, just like the Yangtze River.

Just a blink of an eye, I extracted a hundred kilograms of blood.

"Hey ..."

Almost at the same time, island beasts have made a crazy screaming.

Its rear is suddenly shock, and the rocks above the top have become fragments, and they go four.

Of course, only Zhang Bin is the rock here.

Suddenly the smoke is trunked, the gravel fly.

It seems that the end of the world is coming.

More than 5,000 heads are also murderous, flew over.

Pakistan Zhang Bin, as if there are countless black holes.

Obviously, it is to show the most good way to swallow up, and a few people in Zhang Bin caught in.

However, it still does not equal the power of swallowing, and the four beasts will move, they are crazy in the back of the island beast.

Ten, ax, sick, sword.

They are all real artifacts, they can improve multiple strengths.

And they all have been fully utilized and even interpreted.

It is a big mountain, which can also be made into a powder.

Therefore, this attack is horrible.

... ...

Four loud noises.

The turtle shell is broken, and the flesh is flour.

There have been four huge deep pits.

"Hey ..."

The island beast has sent a violent scream.

The body is also constant.

An unbeatable rejection power is also there.

The role is on them, you have to shock them out.

This is of course a magical magnetic path.

However, the five guys are strong and terrible. It is the power of the pigs, the space of the space.

Let them still stand on the back.

Four Beasts of Beast continued to crazy hind the magic weapon on the back of the island beast.

Hey ...

The sound is like a rain.

Zhang Bin also continued to crazy to extract God blood.

The more pumping, the more the strength of the island beast is reduced.

" ..."

The terrorist attack of the island beast is finally coming.

It has a scarlet ray that is extremely horrible among more than 5,000 heads of the eye.

With a murderous murder to five people.

At the same time, its partial mouth is crazy. Suddenly there have been a lot of black holes, and it is crazy.

The power of terror is also role in their five, to swallow them in.

It can be said that this is the most horrible attack.

It's simply destroying everything.

"Sealing the sky, give me."

Jin Peng beasts shouted, and it spurted a blood red cover in his mouth, and it took them in an instant.

Countless soul attacks are slamming on the cover.

Excall a red light.

Although it is still transmitted, the power is reduced.

I don't think about them again.

Moreover, this cover is very bullish, and it has also resist the stewing power of terror.

Therefore, they are still safe, continue to dance, madly bombard the back of the island beast.

... ......

The turtle shell continues to break quickly, and a huge blood cave also appears.

They all jumped in and continued to attack deep.

Even Zhang Bin received a syringe and used a madness of Jiuding.

Because it has taken a few hundred kilograms of blood.

It is enough for them.

Moreover, they now break the back of the island beast, and have made such a big bloody, they attack, while the blood of the island beast can be swallowed.

Zhang Binquan to show the gods, Jiu Dinghe, and then apply three gods.

The power of attack is also very horrible.

Nothing is not on the Dinosaur Castle, and it is not asia from the King of Jin Peng Beast and the Sea Beast.

As for the baba sea, it is not as good as Zhang Bin.

Therefore, every trip, there is a big hole, the meat is crash, the bones are also broken.

Blood is splashing, but all by Zhang Bin directly swallowed.

"Hey ..."

More than 5,000 heads of island beasts are screaming in terror.

Its body shakes crazy ...

(Five chapters sent, still continue the code, try again. If it is less than seven, then make up tomorrow.)

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