The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3932, island beast

As for the rest, it is still crazy attacks in Jiuding.

Now the soul of the island beast is not in the moon palace, and the ability to control the body is not strong.

I really didn't find Zhang Bin to go out.

So, its soul continues to attack Jiu Ding crazy, and look forward to explosion.

Then you can kill Zhang Bin them.

However, Jiuding is a real artifact, you have to be completely exploded, it is not so easy, how can you support this for a while.

Soon, Zhang Bin also appeared on the back of the island beast.

What made him secretly joy is that the island beast is not so horrible because it suffers from hindrance.

He can fly easily.

He did not hesitate to fly on the void, and there was a slaughter sword in his hand.

With the murder of the island, the island beast is in many necks.

I have a thousand swords in an instant.

" ... ..."

The sound of the horrible sound, the neck of the island beast is cut off, and the head is rolling.

After all, the soul of the island beast is now attacking Jiu Ding.

It is equal to the soul, and the head is a moving.

Even the body is the same.

Defense capabilities are also reduced to freezing points.

And Zhang Bin's sword is very sharp, plus he uses a sharp way, the way, zooming, withering, etc. Terrorism.

The power of explosing is incomparably horrible.

Therefore, only a dozen breathing time.

More than 5,000 skulls in the island beast were cut down, all by Zhang Bin, and received it in the body.

The blood flowing out is also all swallowed by Zhang Bin crazy.

The island beast is now that there is no head in his head, and the soul is also a place where there is no tolerance.

It can be said that the body of the island beast is fallen.

"Kill kill ..."

Dinosaur East King, Habit Beast King, Jin Peng Beast King, Hegel Hai is also crazy attack.

They killed all the way to the back of the island beast.

And Zhang Binhui.

It is not seen that more than 5,000 heads of the island beast are gone, and there is no exuberant. They are excited to laugh.

Because they are basically victorious.

Hey ...

The island beast is still crazy attacking Jiu Ding.

However, Jiuding suddenly broke, and it was turned into a light, passed through the big hole, entered Zhang Bin's body.

"You must die ..."

The soul of the island beast made a big shouting, and it chased it on the same, but on the back.

Then it is like a fool, and his face is full of not confidence.

How can it be?

How is your head?

Blood disappeared?

"Hey ... Island beast, what else do you say?"

The dinosaur beasts smiled and shouted.

Now they are not afraid of the soul of the island beast attack.

Because the body of the island beast is equal to false.

The horrible gravity disappeared, they can fly, so as soon as lightning.

The other party's soul attack wants to attack them, or it is still very difficult.

And they are super powerful, withstanding such soul attacks, and will not fall.


The island beast has sent a crazy shout.

The eyes of its soul are also taken out of the scarlet light, just like the land of the rain to Zhang Bin five people.

However, Zhang Bin's five people shake, and there is already a way to avoid it.

Behind the island beast.

Their eyes are also a soul attack that shoots horrible souls, crazy shot into the island beast.

Moreover, they also show all the magical, flames, rays, thunder, poor toxic, heavy ...

It's too sharp.

Thus, the soul of the island beast has undergone a terrorist battle.

It is really a soil.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also around.

There is also the sound of the island beast, and Zhang Bin and the sound of the four beasts.

Because they are also shot in the soul of the island from time to time.

After all, the soul of the island beast can shoot more than 10,000 soul attacks, or it is very horrible, and it is almost impossible to avoid it.

Three hours of war.

The soul of the island beast can't support it, and the soul light becomes particularly bleak.

And there is a soul light to go out.

Zhang Bin is much better, although all face is pale, the speed becomes slow.

But they are still crazy attacks.

There is no pause.

Bang ...

Zhang Bin suddenly released the horrible lightning, gathered in the trial of the god, withered, and the time and space.

The finite is solid on the soul of the island beast.


The island beast has made a scream.

Continuously retreat.


The dinosaur beast is chasing, buried on the head of the soul of the island beast.


Unparalleled sounds.

The soul of the island beast is overwhelming, and the soul light is extinguished by hundreds.

Hey ...

The rest of the beast is also rushing up, crazy attacks.

Artifacts, paws, soul attacks, magics, all bombarded the soul of the island beast like the rain.


The soul lamp of the island beast is rapidly.

Even the last soul light is also completely extinguished.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The island beast is out of the ground, and only its grievances are still echoing in the world.

"Hey ... we have won ..."

The four beasts sent a crazy laugh, and their faces have also floated the color of ecstasy.

Kill the island beast, they can get huge benefits.

Not only can more integrated dozens of roads, but also get a lot of food.

The body of the island beast is so huge, they are open belly, and they can also eat a lot of many years.

It is safe to travel to the beast.

"Those who are killed and eaten by you, are you seeing in Tianzhimen? I will revenge for you."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his body was also blasted to shoot a rich murder.

From today, he wants to attack the big terrorist attack, one of all the big horror.

The island beast is also one of the big horror.

I don't know how many people have eaten.

Now, I was finally killed by Zhang Bin with four beasts.

He didn't have any delays, and the lightning entered the stomach of the island beast.

The heart is also:: "I hope it is still alive."

What surprised him is that the gastric liquefaction has become ice and has not been melted.

He wore a cold helmet and went to the bottom, and then found that many fairy demon were alive.

Even, there is no death.

Of course, there is no hesitation, showing the gods, all grasped them, imprisoned to the eighth floor of the Tibetan Tower, which is the prison.

Let them can't escape.

Now he is the identity of a monster.

He also doesn't have that more time to explain.

"Although it saves life, it is also imprisoned."

Many fairy faces are filled with desperate colors.

They want to escape, but of course they can't do it.

Even, Sichuan Village Hui Liquan also secretly attacked the Tibetan Tower, but found that it could not be turned.

I also escaped my thoughts.

Start waiting quietly, waiting for death.

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