The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3934 Refining

In an instant, the two swords are together.


A deafening voice sounded.

Spark splash.

Suddenly two people felt a huge power of the earthquake.

They are not refunded after their own place.

It is stopped to retreat 50.

A trick, almost noisy.

In other words, the strength of the Jie Dynasty today is no less than Sichuan Village Huijuxiang.


Sichuan Village Hui Li was once again sent a big shouting that did not dare to confident.

"In the past, you have docked me, today I revenge, send you to the road."

The momentum of the Jie Di is skyrocketing, and she rushed over her own murder.

The Sichuan Village Huiqi launched the same attack as a water silver diarrhea.

Sichuan Village Huijuxiang is also afraid again.

Have to do our best to resist.

Dangdang ...

The two are like a madman.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

It's still half a catty, it is difficult to separate the high and low.

However, the Jie Di is that it is a tens of thousands of era, which is to report blood.

Therefore, the momentum is like a rainbow, the more the battle.

The Sichuan Village Hui Li is a rumor, and it is now imprisoned.

Her momentum can't mention it.

After three hours, Sichuan Village Huijuxi finally landed on the wind.

Do not stop back.

The Jian Di is constantly chasing.

I don't kill each other, she will never give it.


Sichuan Village Hui Li is a non-sword, and there is a sword in the lower abdomen.

The Jie Di was crazy and attacked.

I am fierce.

"Dangdang ..."

Sichuan Village Huijuxxiang strives to resist, the mouth is also angry: "Jian Di, now we are imprisoned by the beast, you should work together, not self-confusion."

"Then why you have documented me? At that time, isn't it trained by island beast?"

The Sword Emperor chased madly and said while ridicule.

Sichuan Village Huijuxiang dumb is not saying, there is no way to refute.

She can only bite the teeth and the Jie Di Wars.

She also understands that today is not good, and the hatred between them is too big.

Only one person can live.

They continue to madly wars.

Sichuan Village Huijuxiang is also desperate.

Killing is getting more.

Slowly, the scars on Hui Li in Chuancun are more and more, and Jie Di is also hurt.

They are all blood to dye.

It seems like two blood.

But it is still desperately war.

The scream is also around.

"It's too hard, it seems to be the same as the other."

Many watches of the excitement shook their heads in the face, and their faces also have a sad color.

Humans are killing, where is there any hope?

"The Holy Team, on, kill her."

Sichuan Village Huijuxiang finally is in jeopardy, she suddenly shouted.

"Kill kill ..."

Suddenly more than a thousand, the nine layers of the big fairy, rushed out, and kill the swordsman with the murderous murder.

"Imprisoned ..."

Zhang Bin's feeling, he smiled.

Suddenly more than a thousand people can't move, become a wooden plastic mud carving.

Their face is filled with fear.

Struggling crazy, but there is no use.

"", no death, the god, pull out the sword, and burst into the murderousness of the sky. She rushed over, with the Jian Di, and attacked the Sichuan Village Huijiang.

Since the defeat of Huayi in the world has been set, there is no need to waste time.

I will kill Chuan Village Huijuxiang, and I can practice it later.

She also looks forward to some integration, quickly become stronger, and make a qualified .

"Dangdang ..."

The face of Hui Liquan in Chuancun is filled with fear.

Because she felt, imprisoning her beast seems to help the Sword Emperor.

Now there is a master to help the Sword Emperor.

Where is the possibility of life?

Take a few breathing time.

Just listening to a crack of screaming, Sichuan Village Hui Li's head was smashed by the Jie Di.

Her soul escaped, but he was shocked by the Sword Emperor and the Unexpected Devil.

Suddenly, her soul is rapidly extinguished. I sent a lot of shouts in my mouth: "No, no, no, I have cultivated into gods. I am going to God. Why do you want to die?"

"Because you assassinate me, grab my god into God. You are destined to tragedy."

The Jian Dynasty was clear and continued to shoot a horrible soul attack.

Shells on the soul of Huijuxi, Chuancun.

Finally, Sichuan Village Hui Li's soul lamp completely extinguished

And she is also completely fallen.

A generation of Xiongxiong, my heart is hit, and finally I was killed by Jian Di.

"Kill kill ..."

The Jie Di also a little bit of breath, and the sword put the body of Hui Li in Chuancun into pieces.

Then to show the god, it will become a Huijin.

The true bones of the Zhenki Village Hui Li.

"See the master."

The sword rushed out and rushed to the Jie Di.

"You are still alive, not bad."

The Sword Emperor's face has also floated the color.

Very sigh.

The time is rapidly lapse.

Soon it has been 30,000 years.

Zhang Bin, who was cultivated in the lightweight array, floated on the face.

In nearly 60 million years, he also only fused 5 kinds.

There are still 25 kinds of uncommon.

The cultivation is really not a step, no shortcut.

Even if the flesh and blood of the island beast is still so slow.

And it is getting slower.

"You can't go this way. You must think of an improvement of fusion speed."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He took out the soul bead that belongs to the island beast.

The color of the face floated on the face.

The soul beads were originally clean.

However, the soul beads of the island beast is a horrible toast.

Therefore, Zhang Bin will put it in the moon palace, and use your own soul light to shine nearly 60 million years. It is also displayed for purification of Universities for so long.

Finally, it was purified and pure.

He examined some of them and found no hidden dangers.

I will no longer delay, let the soul will take it.

Then crazy about it.

It took ten years to completely refine.

Zhang Bin's soul is powerful, and igniting the soul light is also skyrocketing, reaching 4100.

It has increased nearly a thousand.

This is simply putting satellite.

"God is now."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and suddenly he had a 84 days on his forehead.

Puff puff……

The sky is simultaneously shooting gray rays, bombards on the stone wall.


There is a fine crack in the stone wall.

"I rely on, this is too burning?"

Zhang Bin saw it stunned, and the soul attack actually could break the stone wall.

This power is flattering.

" ..."

Zhang Bin appeared in the prison in Tibetan Tower.

A gray rays shot a gray light, bombarded on a head of a nine-level ambient beast.


The beast is screaming, turning over the ground.

It turns directly into the body.

Because its soul is killed!

(This is the sixth chapter, try to make two chapters, make up the chapter owed yesterday.)

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