The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3989 The soul is again stronger!

In the hall, Zhang Bin is searching for the soul.

His hand grabbed the head of the dinosaur beast, the dinosaur beast is also a scream.

Soon, I have finished reading.

"It turned out that this idiot has all been told, there is no reservation at all. I am doing useless."

Zhang Bin muttered, he didn't hesitate to kill the dinosaur beast.

Leave three beast king's bodies.

He grabbed the arm of the baba, and he went out.

He is proud to stand in front of the hall, drink: "Dinosaur beast, the beast king, Jin Peng beast Wang conspired me, now I have been killed, from today, there is only a shock city, there is no other city."

His voice rolling like Tianlei, letting any beasts heard.

Many beasts are completely dumbfounded, shocked, and the face is full of not a letter.

As for the sea eleet, dinosaur, Jin Peng's beasts are scared.


However, they are also not stupid, immediately close the city gate, no longer come out, and start the array immediately.

Start defense.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a scream, he went to the Dinosaur City, he also had a Jiuzhou Ding, his body shook, and it turned into a giant of a top day. Jiuzhou Ding is too big. Double, as if a mountain.

His back is also a 1140 cars.

The momentum of a nest of the earth is also blasted from his body.

Among the countless fear and the eyes, Zhang Bin hits Kyushu in the Dinosaur City.

At this time, the Dinosaur City's array has been fully launched.

A thick transparent shroud also appears, exudes an unsteady atmosphere.


A horrible to the extreme sound.

The shield is rapidly sinking.

Then Jiuzhou Ding bombards on the wall.


The city wall could not withstand Zhang Bin's terrorist attack, and instantly collapsed.

The shield is also followed with a thorough collapse.

Kyushu Ding is smashed on thousands of powerful dinosauries.


The screams of the shackles sound.

These thousands of powerful dinosaur beasts all smashed into pieces, all fall.

The scream is also abrupt.

A Ding City!

And it is arranged in a city that is incomparable to terror.

This strength is really horrible.

It is unacceptable to the beast here.

They never want to think that there will be such a strong eight-level beast.

It is a powerful beast that is not doing.

I saw that all Jin Peng beasts and sea energy beasts were scared, feared to the extreme.

However, the shock beasts in the Zhen Tiancheng have sent excitement excitement.

Their faces also have a strong worship and pride.

" ..."

Next, Zhang Bin is also made by the method, and Jin Pengcheng and the vital city have also been completely exploded.

All Jin Peng Beasts and the beasts are also killed.

Zhang Bin did not have any psychological burden.

He is human beings, is the dead enemy of the beast.

The beast here, any one killed, did not know how many humans.

At each era, there are countless life expectations. If you know the fairy magic of the era, you will enter the Black Sea area, and the sea beast in the Black Sea area will be gathered there, and the human beings will be killed, all eat all.

For them, it is the biggest feast.

Many of them cultivate soul exercises, so only the energy of human soul is only.

Some sea beasts are also unable to see human body, because they are not strong, they only swallow the blood of humanity.

So, there are only some human bodies to be saved.

After many era, drifting back to the human area.

These news, of course, Zhang Bin just got the soul of the Dinosaur Beast.

He can't wait to kill all the beasts.

However, he is clear that this is not done.

The black sea area is too wide.

Moreover, doing so, I will irritate the god of the gods, which will always send a powerful beast God to deal with Zhang Bin.

What's more, Zhang Bin has speculated that the beast god community must arrange the beast god to guard the Black Sea.

In the past, Zhang Bin thought the island beast was defeat.

But now it is not.

It is estimated that guarding the beast is in a very hidden place, and the crisis will not appear.

Let Zhang Bin have a little doubtful thing that the black cat beast god wants to deal with Zhang Bin, but did not use the guardian beast, but let the pet enter the source of the universe, is it worried that is discovered by Zhang Dong? Or the power of the black cat Limited, can't call the beast?

From this day, four cities in the hungry continent have destroyed three.

There is only a shock city.

God blood trading is not too much affected.

Because the blood and treasures of the three cities have fallen in Zhang Bin.

He also gave some to the shock, let them continue to trader God.

He can be used to cultivate your own and loved ones.

One month is soon passed.

The flesh and blood of death, and the soul bead is also suffering from today.

Change water every day.

Originally clean and transparent water will become dark as ink, exude rich death atmosphere.

Let Zhang Bin himself are secretly afraid.

If you use it yourself, it is so taking it, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Even, Zhang Bin also has a deeper idea. The black cat beast god is a continuous episode, letting pets to deal with Zhang Bin, if it can kill Zhang Bin, it is of course the best, if the pet is killed by Zhang Bin, then Bin will now look forward to eating dead cold fish, and then being poisoned.

So, maybe black cat beasts still inject any toxins and energy in the dead cold fish.

And there is such an idea.

Zhang Bin is more cautious, even if he has passed for a month, he is still not worried.

Continue with water.

What makes him angry is that the water is still a dark ask.

Even the container is corroded.

This proves that the black cat beast is really poisoned in the body of death.

Otherwise, after a month, the water will not become dark.

After another three months, the water finally did not change.

The flesh and meat also have a strange fragrance.

Zhang Bin grabbed the soul beads and observed in detail.

It has been found that it is already pure, and even a little toxin and devastating energy are not.

He didn't hesitate, and the soul of the soul was swallowed and started crazy.

Refining is very smooth.

There is no danger.

After a month, I took this soul to refine this soul.

Zhang Bin's soul has a lot of strong, and ignited soul lights are also 9,500.

This is a huge improving.

After all, cultivation to this point, Zhang Bin's soul is very difficult.

Even the soul beads of the powerful beasts, it is nothing to use.

After all, he has already refined four soul beads of the four soul.

His soul has been strong enough to be almost just.

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