The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4002, the death of the giant eagle

Jin Yi did not stealth at all, and he stood there.

His face is full of laughter.

The mouth is also drinking: "Open the city gate sneak attack, otherwise, all kill, one will not stay."

"I see you is a stupid, I have to fight our 100,000 gods, maybe, you won't think, today is your death."

Zhang Bin and the giant eagle are standing on the Pagoda, Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Kill the devil, kill the devil."

"Oil the idiot ..."

"We will win."

Many beasts are also crazy shouting.

The momentum is full of horror.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yi made a despise a clear laugh.

He walked in step by step and came directly to the city, and there were 320 horses in his hand.

That is, this time he changed the way of attack.

Attack the city wall directly, and attack the city.

When the weapon of the singer, you can kill how many beasts can be killed.

After that he kills it, you can do all the beasts.

" ..."

The giant eagle beast is crazy, and the blessing of the force of the array, I went to the wall.

The mouth is sprayed in the flames, and it is madly burn to Jin Yi.

Just want to prevent Jin Jin from using it to be so siege.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yi sent a despulse, his mouth spurted out of the dead cold, and turned off the black fire in an instant.

At the same time, the black sputum on his in the hall, burst into a black ray.

In an instant, I shot on the head of the giant beast.


The giant eagle beasts a long scream.

Directly dropped in the ground, it was a movement.

In other words, the soul of the giant eagle is destroyed.

There is no abilities of any resistance.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The 100,000 beasts have sent a big shout that dare not confidence, and their faces have also floated the color of fear.

What is powerful? It is definitely a number of two, but it does not resist the evil.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is extremely shocked.

He has never seen such a horrible soul attack.

It is his Zhang Bin, which is absolutely no capacity to resist.

If he is just he went to the city wall, he may also be as tragedious as the giant eagle beast.

And he finally understood that Jin Yi used four million years of refining to the devil's soul of the devil!

Just now Jin Yi is in dancing the giant eagle.

Only in dancing the giant eagle is to grasp the city.

In the super wisdom of Jin Yi, where do you know that many beasts are combined into a big array, the war will skyrocket? Moreover, there is also a big black fire of the giant eagle, Zhang Bin's death.

His 320 families may not be able to break the city.

"Unfortunately, just picked the giant eagle, did not kill the beast who had a dead cold water."

Jin Yi sighed in his heart, and his face was also regrettable.

At this time, he is also a bit hesitant, you can use all the characters, can you break the city and still kill most of the beast?

Otherwise, the beast is swars, he may not be able to resist it.

"Reduce ..."

Zhang Bin also felt a huge danger.

He didn't have any delay and shouted in his heart.

Suddenly destroyed the magic city quickly narrows, shrinks, and then shrinks.

It's so soon narrowed half.

It has been exposed to a few hundred kilometers.

This is the array area.

Jin Yi wants to attack the magic city, you must go deep into the array.

Therefore, Jin Yi will also be in a very dangerous situation.

Even if you can break the city, countless beasts and Jin Yi war, Jin Yi is likely to tragedy under the influence of the array.

" ..."

Jin Yi smiled secretly, but he was a lot of arrogance and crazy laugh. "You don't have to struggle. I am a horror that you don't want to think. For me, You are a group of antices. You practice to today's meaning, just come into whole me. Your body is my food, your bones make my armor make my helmet, your blood, let me integrate more. Let me become Strong. "

" ..."

Zhang Bin went to the city wall, with the fastest speed escapped from the giant eagle of the gods.

He began to work hard, but he was a smile and said: "Devil, you are not happy. It is too ridiculous. I can definitely tell you, the magic city is impossible, but you will die today. If you have any tricks, use it. "

"Your wisdom is extraordinary, unfortunately, you are me. You have to fall, and I will eat it."

Jin Yi looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, and said confident. "Now, you will look hard, how can I break the city, how to kill you all."

After finishing, he smiled and shouted, "swallowing the devil soul, go ..."

His voice has not yet fallen, and the swallowing magic soul is taken out from the black sputum on his in the hall.

Drill into the rock like lightning.

It's easier to go in.

As if, this is not the same as the rock hegears.

"Nima, this is so horrible, there is so horrible, there is so powerful squeezing?"

Zhang Bin's face changed, and the forehead was also a fine sweat.

For the first time, Zhang Bin felt incomparable tricky.

He really didn't think about it, Jin Yi actually was so hard.

It turned out to be a hard rock, which can be diverted, and it can easily destroy all the array.

Even, Jin Yi can arrange the array in the cave below, which in turn has deal with the city.

What does it really want to break the city?

"Hey ... idiot, now you see me?"

Jin Yi sent a laughter that was very crazy and arrogant.

Many of the faces of the beast becomes pale, most of them stabily thrown.

Even the town of Tiandong, the fox beast, and the three horrible gods of the Tiantong, the three horrible gods are no exception.

They have been full of confidence, I believe that Zhang Bin has such a horrible master, which can deal with the devil.

However, Jin Yi is relaxing to the giant eagle, and then use the devourd soul, and sneak into the earth.

In this way, let them be cold, scared.

This demon is simply invincible.

Do you have to fall by the devil today?

Soon, the devil's soul sneaked into the cave below.

Its two eyes are shot in black, which is bursting in a variety of cars.

... ...

The horrible voice sounded.

The entire blade is broken, and it is chemical into a fragmentation.

The horrible array is also a thorough smoke.

The magic city is completely exposed to Jin Yi's eyes.

The Devil of the Devil will soon latent up, it has become a black light, which takes the black sputum in Jin Yugang.

"Hey ... now you have to resist?"

Jin Yi said with a smile.

(Yesterday because of something, only three chapters, many people are very difficult. It's a day of dogs. Another day, the three uncles have updated all the book. Don't believe, you can find any of the seven chapters ( 15,000 words) book, can find me to lose. QQ browser, update the book in the top of the list, because it comes to the big recommendation, put all the chapters of the accumulation for a few months or even the half year. Just the so-called outbreak. Said average update, my book is the first. However, updated the first book, once the update is less, it will be madly and curse. I don't understand why? Who doesn't have a sudden thing? You have to ask for a loss, you will be sick. If you go to school, please have a holiday. I have been holiday? I have never broken a day. I have never said that every day must be more seven. Seven chapters, you know Know? People are not a codeword machine. Need inspiration, you need to be desperate to code the seven chapters. The three chapters are normal to update, and other books are basically three chapters. The chapter of the day is the update madness. Day seven chapters Just I have been in half a year. But now it is tired, tired. Can you understand?)

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