The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4006 is not dead


When I was thrown down the magic city, Zhang Bin has already flying to the abyss side.

He showed the god of the gecko wall, just like lightning.

He wants to see the changes below.

Look at Jin Yi will not really fall.

The enemy of Jin Yi, if it is not dead, he is in a heart.

Even if Zhang Bin's tachips exceeded the other party, people used to be the beast god of the beast, and they had an extraordinary, and the monopolism of countless beasts can refine the horror magic weapon. It can draw a murder. There are many more people. Ability and Universities, all of which is unable to master Zhang Bin's stage.

Therefore, Zhang Bin deals with Jin Yu, the only way is wisdom.

Zhang Bin's speed is very fast, only a dozen breathing is a few hundred kilometers.

His forehead also floated with a densely lanterns, bursting the strange light, shining on a rich white mist.

So he faintly saw that Jin Yu fell into the blood river, and he didn't take a head.

Then, the magic city is also falling in the blood river.

Same as sinking.

Just arouse some , there is no movement.

After that, I completely recovered calm, and the blood river was slowly flowing, exudes a rich death.

Zhang Bin quietly observed.

I have been waiting for almost three days and three nights, and I still have no movement.

He secretly grows up, Jin Yi is dead?

He immediately concentrated on the disodies of the beauty map seal.

Want to infiltrate and will then refine.

Since Jin Yi is already falling, the soul in the inside will rule it, and it is a good opportunity for him.

But the weird thing happened, his spiritual force is not infiltrated, it is exactly the same.

"Not good, Jin Yi is still dead."

Zhang Bin's face is slightly changed, and the two eyes emit a cold light, and they projected on the blood river.

Perspective, amplification of the magics is also thoroughly started.

He wants to see the situation below the blood river.

Unfortunately, the blood river is too weird, and it is not projected.

However, because of the enlargement, he still saw a horrible scene.

In the blood red, there are some worms that are so large, the color is also a blood, and it seems to have only one eye, even, the eyes are red.

So, it seems that it is the same as the blood.

Today, there is no such insects to swim from the distance, and the dive.

"It seems that the last time, these worms showed horrible light attack. Even the stone wall couldn't resist. Maybe the artifact can't resist. However, the last time dropped the snake crocodile king's meat, what monster was eaten What? "Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

He felt that Jin Yi may not die, it may be because of the horror of the skeletal armor.

However, Jin Yi is also subject to no number of insects.

However, Zhang Bin still has more doubts.

If Jin Yi is attacked. Why should I struggle for a while.

However, the river is very calm.

"Don't Jin Yi, is adsorbed by horrible gravity in the river. It can't move. Can only be an attack? If this is the case, Jin Yizhang can't stand it for a long time." Zhang Bin analyzed in his heart.

His face became a bit bad.

Although Jin Yi may be in jeopardy, but it is possible to escape.

After all, Jin Yi is not an ordinary beast, but the beast god from the beast.

There are a lot of horror.

"It seems that I still have to prepare for both hands."

Zhang Bin's eyes shot a wisdom of the light, his face also floated the color.

Today, his strength will not be subjected to Jindu, absolutely beyond.

However, the other party refines the horror, the poisonous swallowing magic soul.

There is also the defense ability horrible to the ultimate armor.

I am not the opponent of each other.

If you are quickly powerful, pull away and Jin Yu's gap.

Then I may break the defense of the other's armor, kill the horrible swallowing magic soul.

Kill King Jin again.

But he is still very uneasy in his heart.

The strength of That Jin Wei naturally flew.

He wants to pull the distance from Jin Yi, where can you do it?

"Master, you don't worry too much, no number of era, no gains can escape in the abyss. Jin Yi is again, it is also trapped below. He can't escape. Even if he can devour the blood The cultivation becomes strong, but it also needs a long time, because he is not blessed. And you have two blessings, as long as you get more attributes, the speed will be much faster. What more, you can Go to the height of the gods. Integrate 3005 avenues ... "

The rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind.

"It seems that the do things are in the sky."

Zhang Bin sighed, his own means used to use it, think it can kill Jin Yi.

The result is this.

Instead, Jin Yi is blessed.

And he must also continue to be madly, in order to cope with future terrorist crisis.

Therefore, this time, Jinyi may be useless.

He is not known, if he is not him, Jin Yi can easily kill all the beasts, get all the blood, integrate 1300 Avenue, and let the gods have swallowed all the bones of all the beasts, which evolved the point of super horror . He can go to the blood river. Take some blood back. Constructing in Fuhua. It is only a thousand years, Jin Yi will integrate 3,000 avenues.


Therefore, this time Zhang Bin depends on Jin Yu, still has a role.

Jin Yi may die in the blood river.

If you can get rid of it, it is also very long-lasting.

Zhang Bin hated a while, and she can't kill, and kill the gold.

However, he knew that he didn't have Jin Yili's terrible anti-armor, and it was sent to death.

He no longer delayed, and he quickly swayed.

Many of the beasts are here to welcome Zhang Bin, and they have made a shocking voice. "We won, the devil is dead, the snake is long ..."

It seems that it is extraordinary.

In fact, they have heard the sentence of Jin Yi, saying that Zhang Bin is a hobbure of human fake.

But certainly don't believe it, just think that Jin Yi is going to die, it is necessary to pull a pad, want to use this way to die Zhang Bin.

For these beasts, Zhang Bin did not have to kill the heart.

After all, they basically can't get the beasts, and they will not go to hunger.

Will not be unfavorable to humans.

"I climbed the cliff to try, see if I can go."

Zhang Bin is lifting his head, looking at the cliff of the towering day, saying faintly.

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