A few big characters written on the door, "Dai Tianmen".

Obviously, the beast that can climb the cliff can be said to be a peerless genius.

It will go to the beastinal community in the future.

So this door is called Shangtianmen.

"Dai Tianmen? Will n't it be a beast?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

He sinked it and immediately showed a stealth.

Then he narrowed his body and entered the umerail.

Driving that the Meishen sneaked into the rock.

He has to drill over the wall.

It is equivalent to being smuggler.

He worried that there will be any inspection, let him expose the horse feet.

The rocks in the Baiyun continent are very hard, but it still can't stop the ume.

So, slowly, Zhang Bin has dive over the rock.

I dive it into the soil, quickly.

Perhaps this level has never thought of, there will be people here.

I didn't think that there would be a beast that I don't want to walk, but I have dive it from underground.

So, there is no strict å.

Zhang Bin also easily mixed into the white cloud continent.

At this moment, Zhang Bin turned into a picture of a shock and beast, and the top of the head was full of earthquiste, and he walked in a city.

This city is very large, the street is also very wide.

A variety of beasts have, bustling, noisy

Although there is also a sense of hunger, it is not that obvious.

Therefore, the food needs will not be much.

However, in this city, there is still too many wine, the hotel.

Of course, there is also a magic shop, and the drug store, etc.

The beast here is very embarrassed, but there is no sign of each other.

It seems that it is not bad.

Because it is a helmet that is refined with the Biography of the Jiuding, it seems that it is the Ji Ding, the strength is also nine.

Therefore, he is not very weak, among the city, it is medium strength.

Therefore, there is no gain of the beast to find the slag.

Zhang Bin wandered around the city, and heard the conversation of many people in the ear.

Just want to know, this is a place.

After using three days, Zhang Bin finally sneaked, and then heard the secret about this continent.

It turns out that this is really not a beast, but after crossing this continent, it is the beast.

It is said that there is a ladder at the end of the mainland. As long as you are strong enough, you can slowly climb the beast from the ladder.

That is, it is still in the source universe.

After climbing out from the ladder, it is equal to climbing out the source of the source.

Those who have come from gravity mainland, almost all abilities go to the beast.

Because many beasts come with their loved ones, they are all put their loved ones in the space container, bringing to Baiyun Continental.

However, they are difficult to bring a lot of relatives to the beast.

Because you bring one person on you, the gravity of the climbing ladder will be doubled, and the two people will be doubled.

Three people three times.

With ten, it will increase ten times.

Therefore, they have to stay on the white clouds in the continent, and these beasts are prone to Baiyun mainland, and there are many many beasts in the sea.

Of course, there are also some beasts that we want to cultivate and become extremely powerful, bring all your loved ones to the beasts.

Just cultivate hard in Baiyun continent, strength is skyrocketing.

Therefore, Baiyun continent, there is a lot of horrible gods.

On the current strength of Zhang Bin, it is not possible to rank in Baiyun.

What makes Zhang Bin is darkly excited. Although the gods in Baiyun Continent is not a lot, he is very difficult to get new attributes.

Because most of the beasts climbed the ladder and went to the beast.

However, here is the practice of the road, it is prone to the peak.

Perhaps he can find a breakthrough to the nine layers here.

Otherwise, he may have to break through hundreds of millions of years, and may even break through this era, to the next era.

It is also known that the top genius in the Jiuding of Jiuding is also cultivating more than 8 million years to cultivate nine floors.

Zhang Bin is to practice to the end of the era, and only 300 billion years.

Don't look at the future progression, but you can't break through a few hundreds of millions of years.

After three days, Zhang Bin went to a lake.

This lake is very wide and the central area has an island.

And there is a powerful martial art door on the island.

It used to be a multi-purpose beast, which is of course climbing from the cliff.

With ten loved ones.

I want to take a god community together.

Therefore, in Baiyun continent, I cultivated 10 episodes, and finally it was strong ten times.

After that, I really took ten loved ones to the beast.

In these ten era, it also established a martial art - beast door.

This school is very cattle, just recruits super genius of the beasts.

It must be cultivated into the beast and can go to the beast.

Therefore, the disciple of the beast door is not much, but as long as it is the disciple of the beast door, you will go to the beast in the future.

All the sea beasts in Baiyun Continent expect to enter the beast door.

Zhang Bin came here, of course, want to join the beast door.

From here, I learned a breakthrough bottleneck, thereby quickly cultivating the nine floors.

Moreover, he may not be cultivated here, after mastering the method, you can leave, looking for aunt, capture the height of God.

Convergence more.

Of course, if you can get some new attributes from the white cloud continent, it is better.

For this, Zhang Bin also deliberately passed back to the sky, and then secretly went to the birthplace of the beast.

Self-killing a more genius eight-level shock beast, using the beasti to make a set of animal skin armor.

In this way, he looks like a eight-level shock and beast, like his realm.

If it is successful to join the beast door, the door of this school will definitely give pointers how he breaks through.

Everything is also water to the stream.

There is a stone bridge, across the lake, go to the island.

And on the bridge, it was very lively, stood a few hundred beasts.

However, they all have changed the Taoism, all of which have become human form.

Yes, the beast door is there a special provision, and any disciples must become humanoid, and the beasts that participate in the disciples are also the same.

However, as Zhang Bin's strength, you can easily see their original shape.

Octopus beast, snakeholder, Jin Peng beast, shark harvest, Peng Beast, ...

This is also the reason for Zhang Bin to refine the beast armor.

Worried about seeing the powerful beast.

The beast of Baiyun Continent is very good because the ancestors are God, so they are very good.

So, it is very powerful.

The selection of the gardens is also very simple, as long as any sea beast can go from the bridge to the island.

That is qualified.

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