The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4014 opens the door

Zhen Tiandong, a wide conference room.

Zhang Bin is paying attention to this treasure.

He is the most careful or God, not only from the two killed hungry wolf beasts, but also a lot of blood from the treasure house of the hungry wolf, and founded that There are 15 attributes in God blood.

That is to say, if he refines these blood, it can be fused to fusion 15.

This is really coming to open the door.

You must know that in the gravity mainland, Zhang Bin can no longer get more attributes, and no longer fuse more.

But from this situation, in Baiyun Continent, he can also integrate more, and may even break through the nine floors here.

It is a very correct choice to come here.

It may be related to your life and death.

After all, now I am looking for it, but I may not be able to find it.

Because of the mystery of the Gods, it is certainly hidden in a very hidden place.

The marks that he had made have been discovered, and it is erased.

It may be difficult than the day.

Where is it better to improve the white cloud mainland?

There are also many treasures, all kinds of genius, various artifacts.

There are also a variety of Dan medicine.

Naturally, there are also many cultivation of cultivation, which records the jade jade cultivation and feelings.

"The long, the medicinal medicine and treasures here also have experience and experience, can I make me quickly break through the bottleneck?"

Zhang Bin asked.

After reading a lot of treasures, he took the eyes to Zhang Bin's face, sinking: "How do you first look at your basics? If you cultivate hundreds of era, you should send it, then you should It can break through quickly. If the foundation is not enough, it is not enough to add our treasure of our vibration, it is not enough to make you breakthrough. I ask you, how many era are you cultivated? "

This is indeed that he is in urgential to know, there is two ways, one is brave and refined, fast breakthrough, powerful, so that you can save in the short term and spend any difficulties. There is also a method, that is, the same method is the same, basically do not use any treasures, just hard practice, feelings, a little bit is strong, this power is very slow, breaking the bottleneck is very slow. However, the foundation is extra solid. If the latter, then he suddenly used the genius, and it was easy to break the bottleneck.

"This, I was born this era, more than 25 million years."

Zhang Bin said a bit awkwardly.

He is also a way to ask breakthrough to the Dharma, naturally, you will tell the truth.

There is also a lot of cultivation and cultivation experience, which may really give him a bright road.

It is not necessary to go to the beast door.

"Hey? Are you born this era? I cultivate more than 25 million years?"

The dumpy jumped, and the face was full of shock and did not dare to confuse the color.

He is really difficult to believe that they will have such a horrible genius, only to cultivate more than 2,500 billion years, and can be so strong that they can easily kill the beasts?


Zhang Bin's face was full of sincere colors. "You see, can I break through the bottleneck quickly?"

"Your talent is so good, it is so strong that it is so anxious to break through. This will make your foundation uncomfortable. You'd better practice and feel slowly, use a few era to temper and improve yourself , Lay the foundation, make up for the defect, and then seek breakthroughs. "The dumpling of the hot eyes looked at Zhang Bin, excited.

This is indeed a golden rose.

If Zhang Bin is not the son of the universe, don't participate in the horrible era bat, he really doesn't have to be so anxious.

Just as the same, the same, slowly cultivation and lay the foundation.

In the future, breakthroughs will also be water to the stream, and the war will become extremely horrible.

Invincible with realm is affirmative.

"Because I am one of the universe of this era. I have to participate in the Era Wars. I have to be strong in this era."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

"I guessed that you are one of the universe, but you can threate you on your talent and strength."

The face is full of deep doubts on the face.

"That is not necessarily, one of which is called Long Shao, is the disciple of hunting hall, talent surpassing three thousand true gods, terrible is that he is hosted by a soul from the beast world ..." Zhang Bin and Jin Yi battle After told that Jin Yi was said by him, he fell into the blood river, but he judged that Jin Yi was only trapped, did not fall, the end of the era, it will be able to get off.


After hearing the donkey, his mouth is a cold breath, and his face is full of shock.

He looked at Zhang Bin like his monster.

I can't believe that he actually broke out such a horrible war in gravity mainland and Jinyi.

Zhang Bin and Jin Wei's wisdom still have strength, which makes him getting like.

However, such a genius must fall one.

"I must help the dragonfly, so that he is quickly strong, in the future, the magic is able to kill Jin Yi. Then our vibration is developed. It is said that if the super genius has went to the beast, it will become The big figures of the beast will be free to enter the source of the source. The earthquake can always exist forever, and inheritance will never break. Even, he may also take me to the beast. "Dragonfly Shouting, his face also floated the color of the ecstasy.

He is arranged, Zhang Bin is not one of the universe, but the universe three, his opponent is and airspace.

However, it has been got to help the gods and skyscrapers, and may not be willing to get touched in the future.

Also, if Jin Yizhang is out of the future, he will not let Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin and Jin Wei have a horrible war.

What's more, the beauty map can only be seal the hound of the hound to the end of this era.

Therefore, if Zhang Bin can't be strong, especially the soul, if you can't exceed Jin Yi, the tragedy may be large.

Because the hunting nails can threaten Zhang Bin's life, let alone Jin Yi also have horrible swallowing soul.

Waiting for this era, maybe he can also prepare any more horrible bottom cards.

Therefore, Zhang Bin uses Jin Yi's threat to the threat of Jin Yi, and there is no mistake.

After a while, the dam creehed down.

He hesitantly said: "Your talent is undoubtedly excellent, there are many adventures, but the progress is too fast. It is very difficult to break through a bottleneck. It is very difficult. If you must be in accordance with the cultivation of our vibrating people, you must Painting for hundreds of millions of years, then taking special medicinal herbs, then it can break through. However, since you have such a horrible opponent, you must break through, before the end of the era, it is best to cultivate the nine floors. Successful or breakthrough to the beast. Therefore, you must really go to the beast door cultivation. "

In fact, Zhang Bin also in detail in these days, and only the beast door has the ability to make Zhang Bin breakthrough in a relatively fast speed.

Therefore, he went to the beast door in the first time. It was originally do not want to have any disputes. It became a disciple of the beast.

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