The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4020 finally breaks!

Even if you speculate on the enemy's toxic tissue and strategy, even if you know the crisis is approaching, Zhang Bin is still unhappy, it doesn't know anything.

He is still working hard to refine the medicinal medicine, absorb the drug, and prepare breakthroughs.

And Xiao and Jintao also have many elders and disciples standing outside the martial arts. Even, all disciples have also surrounded the martial arts, and a pair is giving Zhang Bin's protective flowers, their faces write Full of concern.

One is a movie emperor.

It is difficult to see the flaw.

Even, there is a word in your mouth, "The heavens of the heroic brothers are so good, I don't know what kind of point of the sky. Teacher, you must spend the sky. Once you spend, you are super A powerful master, now you can go to kill your opponent. Don't wait until the end of the era. "

And Zhang Bin even in cultivation, he also heard the language.

He is even more admire, and the wisdom of the smart is too high and the performance is too in place.

Therefore, he even got open his eyes and gratefully looked at the extra.

A look that is confused.

"Hehe ... This guy is sold, but also gives a small number of money."

"This guy is very good, but the wisdom is too low, and it is not worthy of such a body."

"It's too stupid, but too little is too smart, calculates the ring, where is he can see?"


Many disciples in the wilderness are laughing in my heart, and even secretly talked in secret.

In fact, they are all the souls of the beast, all of which are all wary.

Of course, there are some super geniuses that are more than the beasts, and do not need to take other beasts or humans.

Therefore, they are really a family, naturally cooperate with tacit understanding.

Any genius entered the gods, naturally, like a sheep, it is easy to destroy the soul, even, can read the memory of the soul. After the pale beasts, there are so few flaws, and the outside world is circulated, just the bigity of the character. It can't be asserted is wary.

"This idiot will not try to start the humanoid transfer, so he does not know the big array of blocking the heavens and the earth. Waiting for him to break through, let go of the heavens and the earth ... After he spent the robbery, you can directly induce He. It is too easy. My wisdom is really invincible. "Gu is also smug in his heart.

He is bright in his heart. If Zhang Bin breaks through the sky, it will raise, then after he wins, he still replaces Zhang Binqian robbery, he will not pass the strength.

Therefore, waiting for Zhang Bin to be robbed, it is the best point in time.

Zhang Bin no longer pays attention to the outside world, but concentrates on refining the drug.

At the same time, he is madly sent and summarized the trial.

Yes, he has to break through, or must fall on the trial, after all, it is his own way, and it is best to be best at himself, the best talent.

So billions of years of cultivation and feelings, the process of countless wars is also played back in Zhang Bin's mind. In the past, he also rebuened in the mind in the process of being a judge in all years.

Recently read the secrets of cultivation, cultivation experience, feelings, breakthroughs, and it is also in his mind.

He is concluding, analyzing, and talking to his trial.

The trial is too high, overlooking everything.

The trial is invincible, and any resistance is futile.

The trial scorpion peeling, can find any weaknesses.

The trial is just selfless, punish any sin, ignoring any power.


Slowly, a miserable breath makes up from Zhang Bin's body.

Let the world bow down and let the sun and the moon are bleak.

Let all the disciples of all the beasts slowly pour a fear of fear.

Dan medicine is very powerful, the drug is very strong, even if only one capable is taken, the drug is still endless.

It has been made into a strange energy, and the special breath of Zhang Bin feels together.

Slowly, into a golden flame, caught crazy in Zhang Bin's body.

After three years, the flames were thoroughly formed, even from Zhang Bin's body, it took a few meters to height.

The heavens and the earth rules of the nine-level trials in Zhang Bin have finally begun to melt.

The speed is incomparable.

It's slow to make people referrally.

But Zhang Bin did not be discouraged, and he didn't worry. He continued to trust, thinking.

Tour in the trial of the trial.

With his feelings, the golden flame is also getting bigger, the higher the temperature, and the speed of melting the rules of the heavens and the earth is also stronger.

But the quirky is, no matter how horror, it is still not allowed to completely melt into liquid, can't be integrated with Zhang Bin's body.

However, the sky is a golden cloud that appears layers, and the world has become a golden.

It seems that it is magnificent.

There are more and more golden clouds, which are quickly compressed, condensed.

It becomes fine and thick thick as gold as gold.


Suddenly, a horrible voice sounded, the clouds in the sky were cracked.

A huge crack appeared.

Flying out of a golden dragon, I still put up the golden flame of the bears.

It is shot down, and the low-altitude is hovering.

Suddenly, the beautiful buildings of the beast doors have become flying ash, and even the walls are the same.

Therefore, only one instant, the plant and buildings around the martial arts have disappeared.

Many disciples of the beasts burned the flames of the bears.

They screamed, quickly escaped to the distance, only to Shi Shi and Ice Into, put the fire on the body.

But they look also also a special wolf.

However, their faces are full of shocking, of course, the larvity of shocking Zhang Bin is so horrible.

So, can Zhang Bin pass?

If it is not in the past, isn't it empty?

Of course, the tension and worry is too small.

After all, he has long seen Zhang Bin's body as his own.

But he also secretly secretly, the face is also filled with the color.

If he wins the next day, it is absolutely not in the past, and it will fall directly.

Fortunately, my wisdom is against the sky, I have to count everything.

He widened his eyes and was concerned about Zhang Bin.


The golden fire dragon flashed like the lightning, and the speed was too fast.

It turned out to be entangled in Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, the golden flame bear burn, crazy, burn Zhang Bin.

An airtight of a destruction is also leaked, and the breath of death is also extravalent.

"God, where is it?"

All the disciples of the beast doors are all stunned, and it is also said that it will not come out for a long time.

(There are things in the morning, just a chapter. Update at 9:00 pm.)

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