The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4028 has such a good thing?

"any solution?"

The eight elder faces have been looking forward to the color, but it is also mixed with a slice.

If it is in the past, they are of course confident that Jinsheng is, because Jin Cong's wisdom is too high, never makes mistakes.

However, this time, they saw that the gold was completely touched by the teenager, it was simply a defeat.

Jin Cong even lifted by the other party, even Jinsuit was completely cold.

You must know that the debut of Zhang Bin's death is to prevent Zhang Bin from suicide's mind, it is Jincom.

More terrible is that the resident of the beast door is lost, the beast is also destroyed by the other party.

All the origins are because Jintong wants to win Zhang Bin's body.

It is more laughing that they have also cultivated Zhang Bin, helping him break through the bottlenecks that are difficult to break through.

This is simply a big joke, Jin Cong's personal aura has long been eclipsed in their minds.

After that, they also think about it. Don't blindly from Jin Cong in the future, Jinsheng is not always right.

Looking at the doubts on many elders, Jin Cong feels very wronged.

He is bright in his heart, and they have collapsed his worship, they will never trust him as before.

However, his city is very deep, but he did not show these bad emotions.

He said seriously: "We used to estimate his forces wrong, thinking that he was just a single gun, and did not think that his body also took a thousand beasts. So, we won't lose it. Otherwise, finally He is still to be killed by us. Now we know his forces, and we know that he is very delicate. We naturally win him. Here is the Baiyun mainland, which is our site. We just remove them want hunting The fact that there is any of the gains of the white cloud continent, let all the martial arts and families join, it is easy to deal with them. "

Many old ages did not believe in Jin Cong, but listened to this approach, their eyes also lit up the light, and their faces also floated on the face.

Baiyun continent is wide, too many martial arts, and there are too many families.

Any martial art, any family is basically false god.

It is the kind of harm that cultivates the beast, but there is no way to go through the beast of the beast.

They can only stay here.

Therefore, the number of pseudo-gods in the Baiyun continent is actually a lot.

How can I have more than 100,000.

Most of them are blended.

A small part even fused more than 1,000 ways.

If you join hands, go to deal with the thousand beasts, isn't it easy to be confusable?

"This way, we start to act."

The old man said excitedly.

"If you can open this treasure house, you can live. Otherwise, kill innocent."

At this moment, Zhang Bin stood in front of the treasure house, and looked at the captive of the town of Tiandong to catch back with the cold eyes.

These three prisoners are actually very strong, all cultivated to nine levels.

It can be said that it is the most powerful beast of the beast city, and it is also the most powerful person of the beast.

"I am me, I can't open ..."

Three gods said that they were in battle, and they explained fine.

To open this treasure house, you must be a multi-genius of Multi-person, they only use the blood of blood in the lock, then transport the spirit, the lock will open, the door will open.

And it is really saved in some ancient bodies.

But not a lot, because it is used by the genius.

However, due to the genius to go to the beast world, he will leave a blood, so there is a little blood in it.

That is definitely a more than 1,000 ways, even more than two thousand.

"It's not said that your old ancestors have blended 2500 ways. He went to the beast to the god community. He must left his blood, and the blood is there possible?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Because it is too far, it should be not there."

A beast war is trusted.

"Then I ask you, Tao Tao once opened this treasure house? His talent is very good, there should be this ability."

Zhang Bin has a little death, but he still wants to open it.

"He passed. However, only he came in. Even the eight elders did not go in. Because the income is not enough."

This beast is said.

"I rely, I actually kill the key?"

Zhang Bin is very depressed, this is a bit troublesome.

At this time, I always came in to report, "Yu Shao, Zhen Tianzu's long, the long-awaited,"

The Dao is really coming, with many guards.

Zhang Bin received him in a luxurious hall.

"Dragonfly, you are too big ..."

The dumpling of the embarrassment is to look at Zhang Bin, and praise.

It never thought that Zhang Bin not only broke through the bottleneck in the cultivation resources of the beast door, and cultivated to nine.

And his body also has a thousand gods, which is simply an incredible thing.

Although it has never been to the mainland, it is also a book that is leaving from the ancestors. What is the situation of the gravity mainland, which is definitely a state of killing each other.

Zhang Bin can take a thousand gods, which is simply a matter of anti-day.

Even if Zhang Bin showed powerful strength, he did not necessarily follow it when he was climbing the death cliff.

Because it falls, it will die.

Even if they determine that Zhang Bin can climb up, it may not be believed, because it may be eaten.

After all, in the process of climbing the cliff, food is very lacking because there is a need to consume too much energy.

It is precisely because of these reasons, Jin Cong and Jintao did not dare to think that Zhang Bin's body actually took a thousand beasts.

Only the end of the sad reminder.

"Not worth mentioning."

Zhang Bin said that it was clearly written.

He can do it all, it is the embodiment of strength and intelligence.

He took 100,000 gods in the Gravity continent, and the battle is Jin Yi, which has achieved trust in many beasts.

This thousand strong beasts are willing to enter his space container and come to Baiyun Continent with him.

Doors and proclaimed, only seriously said: "The situation is a bit uncomfortable, and the disciples of the beast are in contacting many families and martial arts, which are confused, saying that you are from gravity mainland, it is really devil, you want to hunting Baiyun Mainland God beast, gets their blood, cultivation. They are working, may soon come here to deal with you. You have to prepare. "

"Is there such a good thing?"

Zhang Bin not only did not fear, but his face has floated the color of surprises.

The eyes are also shot in the eyes.

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