The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4037 Silk Peeling

"Continue to practice, waiting for them to attack."

Zhang Bin did not panic.

Then he took two beautiful women to the ancient blood library.

Try an attacking blood library once again.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin lifted the crack sky ax, crazy, cut.

The sound of an earth-shattering sound is sent, and the spark is also very embarrassing.

However, the fart is not.

The defense of this blood bank is too horrible.

Xie Zhang Bin tried the attack of many magics, but it was still a lantern.

"Stupid, you can't even play a treasure house, I am too disappointed."

Month thousand incense, her face has also floated the color of disappointment.

The magic is also looked at it while smiling, and a boy is watching Zhang Bin.

"Yes, the apprentice is incompetent. Look at Master you."

Zhang Bin said.

He doesn't believe that the month can also open this treasure house, it is impossible.

"Master can be easy to open, but this treasure house is to be scrapped." The month is proudly lifted, and said confident.

"I will be scrapped in the scrap, as long as you get the blood inside."

Zhang Bin didn't hesitate to say, "Master, please?"

I almost laughed out on the side of the magic looking.

She felt that this pair is really interesting.

"Apprentice, you immediately arrange a light-yin backflow, let this treasure house will turn into the treasure house in the past, the treasure gallery will become a material. This treasure house naturally scrapped, the blood inside will take it. I have a hand. "The monarch said faintly.

"I am arranged?"

Zhang Bin pointed his nose asked.

"Some disciples serve their old, of course, is you arranged, is it still me?"

Zhang Bin was glanced at the month.

Zhang Bin screamed, putting your hands, "I don't have this ability, I can't arrange the time to quickly let the time the time of the era, I want to know that there is no number of era, maybe a few trillion era may be a few talents. It may also be a few million era. "

"Why? How many thousand billion era?"

The month and the moon and the magic eyes are widened.

Is there such an old treasure in the world?

Don't you be anniunted over time?

"If it is just this era refining, I have long thought of it."

Zhang Bin said faintly. "This treasure is definitely a big man refining, and it really has already cultivated the way to the ultimate. Even the beautiful people have sneaked into it. Even the black fire is also can't burn. Even, I doubt, this It is not only the blood in it, but also a very important treasure. And it is very important to me. "

He is not guess, but there is reason.

He believes that this treasure house is Jin Yi refining, maybe he gets from where he is.

Anyway, this should be the magic weapon of Jin Yi.

There must be a soul of Jin Yi inside.

Maybe there is a certain connection with the hunting god.

It may even be a certain relationship with Jin Yuli.

Jin Yi is undoubtedly super genius, and it must have a power and status in the god of the beast.

On his wisdom, I want him to fall, that is too difficult.

The general beast god may not want to provoke such a dead enemy.

Therefore, it should be very safe.

However, the situation is reverse.

Jin Yi fell, and it may even be a soul.

Maybe because he got a super treasure, triggering more powerful beast gods.

This super treasure may even put in this treasure house.

Only Jin Yi can open and get it.

And Jin Yi has made special arrangements because of it, so he still resurrected.

But only resurrect is his soul, and resurrect in the hunting god.

After that, he was able to control the hunting god to the Black Sea area and became the treasure of the temple of the hunting hall.

I have been hunting to kill god, beast, swallow the soul, slowly recover.

But for some reason, its soul can't give birth to the body, can only win the house, and must take his own family.

So, it has been waiting patiently, and I don't know how many era.

May be a few million era.

It is because it has not waited until the body of the super genius.

Until the hunting hall has a super genius, he is more satisfied, only getting out, and won the rumor.

Zhang Bin has absolute grasp, and Jin Yi will come to Baiyun Continent in the future.

Will open this treasure house, take away the super treasures hidden in it.

Once Jin Yi got this treasure, then there is no longer than that.

That Jin Ji kills the human world, is a big disaster, and even Zhang Bin may tragedy.

Therefore, Zhang Bin wants to take the way to take the treasure in this treasure house.

Even if you can't, you have to seal this treasure house, let Jin Yi can't find it.

As for the opening of this treasure house, now he doesn't expect, and even him doubt, it is coming here than Jin Yi's powerful beast gods. I want to open the treasure house, but I haven't done it.

However, Zhang Bin still has a deep doubt, that is, Jin Yi went to the mainland of gravity, it is clear that he has the ability to climb the cliff, because he also has a dead cold water. But he did not come to Baiyun continent. The beast of Baiyun continent is clearly more than the beasts of the mainland, and more powerful, he can get more blood, and you can get more gods.

That's why?

"Is it because it is not completely powerful, Jin Yi dares to come? Because there is ambush, it is ambush for it. It is everything about it. Do you know that Jin Yi will resurrect? Know him will open Baolo? I did a special arrangement. When Jin Yi stepped into the fall? And Jin Yi also knew that it is very dangerous, so he is tossing in the mainland, looking forward to refining, a scorber armor that is extremely horrible, integrates more Perhaps it is still the idea of ​​deepening a deep god? "

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

I thought here, he secretly made a chill.

It seems that there is no such security you think by Baiyun Continent, and there is no such thing as you think.

Darkness Waiting for Jin Yi's beast is estimated because it is not to stop.

After all, the other party is also the enemy of the beast door.

However, if you disclose it, it is the secret of humanity, and the big disaster will come.

I'm be extraordinary.

I have thought so much, but Zhang Bin's face still has no movement.

He is just a heart-minded, and two beautiful women have received their own central Dantian.

His consistence begins to explain to two beautiful women who have to go out.

Two beautiful women are much smaller than him, even if wearing a beast armor, it is also easy to see flaws by super powerful beasts.

(With the publicity of the website, today can only be two chapters, but, at 12 o'clock in the evening will be updated.)

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