The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4044 Tiger Beast

Hurricane blown on the flame, the flame fly back.

The knife of the slam beast is chemically formed, and the neck of Zhang Bin is embarrassed.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin shouted, and the cracks in his hands were all on the knife.


A sound sound is sounded.

Spark splash, let the sun and the moon are light, and the sky is discolored.

The Tiger Beast felt that a horrible force came, and it was not refunded behind him. He had retired 58 steps, but he stabilized the body, but Zhang Bin was returned 60 steps.

Obviously, this trick, Zhang Bin falls in the lower air.

And the tiger beasts are much stronger than the Ju Peng beast just now.

One is more than 100 kinds of roads, two is a lot of talents than that of the Peng Peng beast, and it is terrible to be terrible.

"it is good……"

All the beasts in Baiyun continent have sent a very excited shout.

Their eyes are also bright and hot.

Even Jin Cong's face has also floated.

Zhang Bin's strength is very strong, but it is weaker than the hint of the mamberry.

If one one is one, the slam beast may not win.

But now is two-go, there is a more powerful mysterious beast.

Can that still win?

Even if Zhang Bin can escape, the morale will fall.

They killed the whole army, and the ending did not susperate.

"Ha ha ha ... kid, this is arrogant."

"Kid, you actually dare to pay one-on-one, is there no super genius in the Baiyun mainland?"

The tiger beast and the mysterious beast are also laughing at the same time.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin was just a despised scream, he hooked his hand.

A pair makes them in the past.

"Death ..."

The tiger beast and the mysterious beast shouted at the same time, and the fastest speed rushed over.


The mysterious beast is crazy to show the soul attack.

And the tiger beast is dancing, and Zhang Bin has launched the same attack like the wind.

Zhang Bin had to let go of the black fire of the dead and wrap themselves.

It is also the super power of his soul, and thoroughly understand the black god of the dead.

So, the black fire will not hurt himself.

And use the dead god black fire defense, it is incomparable.

It is also Zhang Bin who dares to be a one-to-one.

And there is a black fire defense, and the soul attack of the mysterious beast cannot make something threat to him.

As long as he is full of fierce and beasts.

The strength of the tiger beast is extremely horrible, and the control of the wind is also a horrified point.

It shows a hurricane, blowing the flame, and can't blame him.

Even if the flame is burning on its knife, it can also control the flame blowing the knife on the knife.

It is difficult to hurt its knife.

This ability is simply against the sky.

The body of the tiger beast is like electricity, and it is like a ghost, the knife in the hand has become thousands of tens of millions, and it has been rushed to the extreme murder to Zhang Bin's whole body.

Zhang Bin danced three horrible magic weapons and tried to resist.

But there is only the work of the horn, there is no power.

It's all over the wind.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other and the sound is shocked.

The war is extremely scarce and fierce.

"Hahaha ... Tiger Beast is mighty ..."

"Kill him, kill the bastard ..."

The beast of Baiyun Continent is incomparable, and it is crazy.

The face of the beast of the gravity continent has become paleble, and they are very worried.

As for the magic and the moon, it is also more tense and worried.


Just when Zhang Bin and the Tiger Beast killed difficult, the Xuanwu Beast suddenly rushed over, and directly rushed into the black fire area released by Zhang Bin.

It has a set of ice helmets.

In fact, it is condensed with the cold ice.

There is a part of the power of death, the flame is difficult to hurt the ice helmet, but the ice helmet is also a way to extinguish the flame.

" ..."

All the eyes of the martai beasts shot at the same time, and the horrible soul attack.

Strongly shooting to Zhang Bin's head, as for two changing heads, it won't attack.

Nowadays, it will naturally improve too much from the distance.

What's more, Zhang Bin and the Tiger Beast Wars have fallen in the wind.

This is the real killing.

"Death ..."

The tiger beast also rushed over, the knife in his hand was complete, and the knife was shocked, and Zhang Bin was covered, so that he did not avoid it.

"Be careful……"

All the beasts of the gravity continent have a big shot, and they have a horrible shout.


Zhang Bin suddenly roared, and his forehead also floated 200 heaves.

At the same time, the gray shot, and smashed the tiger beast.

As for the soul attack of the mysterious beast, it tries to use the Kyushu Ding to resist.

But of course, it is not all blocking, because the brain of the mysterious beast is too much, and the moment appears in all directions. The soul attack toward Zhang Bin will naturally come from four sides.

At this moment, the tiger and beast is a bit hesitant. It is back and retreats, avoiding the soul attack, or not hiding, continue to attack?

It quickly chose the latter.

Because this opportunity is a thousand years.

Zhang Bin attacked the soul of the mysterious beast, and he would have suffered from heavy, and his own knife can definitely kill him.

But you can avoid it, and Zhang Bin, who has been hurt, but it can escape.


So, it is also crazy, and the eyes are closed. The armor is also blasted, but his knife is not hesitant to continue to ignore Zhang Bin.


Almost at the same time, the soul of Xuanwu Beast is hit on Zhang Bin's armor, and Zhang Bin's soul attack is also bombarded on the armor of the Mammaking beast.

... ...

The broken sound sounded.

The armor of the tiger beast was worn by the cave. Zhang Bin's soul attack was on his head.


The scream of screaming.

The tiger beast turned over to the ground, rolling a few times, just move.

Because his soul is destroyed.

It watched Zhang Bin's soul attack.

Zhang Bin integrates the soul beads of many strong beasts, and also refines the soul beads from the death of the death of the gods of the beast, and he is also cultivating the nine floors, blending 1745 roads, soul Powerful pole, ignited 100,000 soul lights, and exceptionally bright.

His soul attack is definitely will not be subjected to Xuanwu Beast, and even more stronger.

If the Mammoth is not so greed, I want to seize this good opportunity to kill Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin used a soul attack, it also could avoid it.

That Bin wants to kill it, it is very difficult.

Therefore, this time Zhang Bin killed the tiger and beast. In addition to the powerful strength, he rely on his super wisdom.

" ... ..."

The broken voice sounded, and Zhang Bin's armor was also broken.

Resist the soul attack that could not be mysterious.

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