The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4048 You must die

Brain bumpy ...

Countless attacks crazy bombardment on the iceberg.

Send the same sound as the sky.

Detated cracks in the iceberg also have many huge caves.

However, with the support of the array, the iceberg is not collapsed.

Moreover, the iceberg is still expanding.

Quickly expand.

Because Zhang Bin still releases the dead cold.

From the cracks, it took a rapid shot, and even some of the beasts were sealed.

Although most of them break rid of escape, there is still a small part of being killed in the ice.

The beast of the gravity continent wears a cold helmet, showing ice, and the speed is too fast.

Suddenly, they can't resist it at all.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin appeared on the top of the iceberg, spraying countless dead cold water from above.

Like the Yangtze River, it is surmical.

Rolling like a sea fall.

"Refact ..."

Jin Cong's face changed, shouting crazy.

However, here is an island, an incomparably, a horrible array.

The gravity is large, it is simply against the sky.

Many beasts are strong, but they are still influenced by the array, and the speed is impossible to be too fast.

So, many of them avoid, being frozen inside.

Then it was killed.

Fortunately, the speed of the frozen is not too fast.

So most of them still returned, watching at the distance.

However, carefully calculate, they are inexplicably lost two thousand gods.

There were 150,000, now just 130,000.

The emergence of this iceberg has made them suffocate.

The entrance of this cave is a death trap.

"Set up a big array, guarding the raid."

Jin Cong's face has also become iron green, shouting crazy.

But his order is still too slow.

Because Zhang Bin went to the cold ice mountain under the cover of the rich white fog.

Kill it because of the uncomfortable gods group.

His head is on the Tibetan Tower, and the soul attack of the densely numbness is burst.

Go to the eight sides to take it.

It is shot on the head of many beasts.

Ah, ah ...

It's a boroughly sound.

The beast god fell like a cut wheat.

Terrible is that Zhang Bin moved in rapidly, wherever they lived, many beasts became the body.

"Kill kill ..."

The beasts in the Baiyun continent are all exhausted, they are also crazy, showing the attack and soul attacks.

Due Zhang Bin.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's speed is too fast, and they are not bombarded.

Instead, they are all thoroughly killed by the soul attacks from the Tibetan Tower.

Finally, the beast of Baiyun continent once again formed a large number of people.

But it is only 12, that is, only more than 120,000 beasts left.

The strength gap is not too big.

And Zhang Bin also stopped attack and went to the iceberg.

He looked at Jin Cong with a non-lightened gaze, saying faintly: "Oh ... Just do this, dare to deal with us? I tell you, you have to die today. You will not excerades."

He has such qualifications to say this.

Because he kills nearly 30,000 beasts in such a short time.

And his own losses can almost ignore.

The terrible thing is that the beast in the Baiyun mainland has almost no progress, in the face of Zhang Bin's iceberg, can't open, and I don't dare to go in.

This is a difficult thing that wants to break the law.

"Thunder Array, Combination ..."

Jin Cong is screaming straight, and it suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, the tens of millions behind him suddenly jumped out of 500,000 sea beasts.

They are all successful.

They are all collected together, combined into a special big array.

Rumbler ...

The dark clouds are laminated at the time of them.

Then, in the dark clouds, the dazzling Thunder was burst, and the murder of the sky was slammed into Zhang Bin.

The speed of lightning is fast, and it can be over to fight.

Power is natural is also very horrible.

An iceberg appeared on the island, and it is very high.

It is a good goal.

" ..."

Zhang Bin went, hiding behind the iceberg.

In an instant, the Thunder bombards on the iceberg.

Bang ...

The talented rock is huge, and the iceberg has a huge crack.

The hill is also collapsed.

The power of this attack is too terrible.

"Continue to attack, break the iceberg ..."

Jin Cong smiled and shouted.

His eyes are also shot the light of wisdom.

It is indeed a very sharp opponent.

Suddenly, the Thunder continued to be crazy.

The iceberg is bombarded seventeen.

Even Zhang Bin did not dare to release the dead cold water because water energy is electrically conductive.

He may tragedy.

The partial bias method is difficult to restrain the thunder attack.

Zhang Bin's brow deeply got deeply, he felt a little tricky.

He wanted to kill out and attacked the countless hunting team.

However, if he leaves, the iceberg here will be broken, and the array will be destroyed.

That is basically no possible win.


Zhang Bin took the teeth.

His body shakes, it appears behind the enemy.

He is always moving, and the eight thousand beasts are also coming out.

The combination became eight tens of thousands of teams.

Kill the enemy with a murder of the sky.

The beasts of the Baiyun continent are also very vigilant and instantly discovered.

What's more, I have Jin Cong reminded in the distance.

Therefore, they also have a horrible attack right away.

In an instant, the horrible war broke out completely.

Eight hundred thousands of 120,000.

The former has a mapping, and there is white fog stealth.

The latter is more, and there are many ways to fuse.

It's still half a catty, difficult to score.


Zhang Bin spurted the flame and cracked madly.

From time to time, it also spurts the dead cold water.

Have a seat iceberg.

Array the enemy.

And his belongings are the crazy attacks.

Brain bumpy ...

Dangdang ...

Ah, ah ...

Hey ...

Attack sound, screaming, that is continuously sound.

The beasts of the two camps were in the same way as cutting wheat, and there were hundreds of beasts in each second to become a corpse.

It's too cruel.

"One Ten Wan team attacks the iceberg, the rest of the rest ..."

Jin Cong's face has floated the cold laugh and shouting crazy.

At this time, the iceberg has been collapsed by the horrible thunder.

It is not so difficult to explode the iceberg.

Kill kill ...

Suddenly, an 10,000-person brigade showed the most horrible magic, crazy attacking the iceberg.

Just a dozen breathing time, the iceberg has been exploded.

This 10,000 teams have won the rocky cave in the same way.

The cave is still frozen.

Therefore, they can only show ice.

However, it is quirky that they have never come out.

The blade is not broken.

This is of course because there are hundreds of powerful beasts, and they attack the power, the speed is extremely terrible, and the inlet of the hole is narrow, and the enemy can only enter.

It is difficult to threaten them.

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