The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4051, big old old age

It is not wide, only about one meter width.

About half a meter of the stairs.

Going to the ladder, Zhang Bin found that the gravity improved countless times, as if there were countless mountains rushing on his body.

Zhang Bin launched all the monopolism, and 1745 cars were floated on the back.

The speed of crawling is extraordinary.

Rapidly chasing the old man.

" ..."

The big face has become iron green, and it is also a fierce light.

He is also in the fastest speed.

The heart is in the doubt: "If Jin Cong is calculating such a scene, it will not go to the god of God with me?

I thought here, he was a little sad.

"You can't escape ..."

Zhang Bin rapidly, the forehead floated on the forehead, and burst into gray light.

Extremely shoot on the old man.

... ...

The elder armor has started cracks.

His legs have a bloody.

After all, Zhang Bin's soul attack is like the same, and the attack is very horrible.

The bubble artifact is also difficult to resist.

"You give me death ..."

The old elders are rushing, and there is a horrible magic weapon.

That is a black bountee, the moment is bigger, with a murderous border of destroying everything.


Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and he bombarded the Kyushu Ding.


In an instant, the beads bombarded in Jiuzhou Ding.

I sent a loud noise.

The beads are rebounded back.

However, Zhang Bin did not fall down.

After returning to the other than a dozen steps, Zhang Bin stabilized the body.

But the old man is fast.

And he continued to let the beads smashed.


Zhang Bin's mouth spurted his black fire, burning into the beads.

He also won the flying in the Kings.

Perhaps because of the flame, the attack of this bead is not very powerful.

So Zhang Bin did not retreat, he continued to quickly.

The speed is also getting faster and faster.

Slowly, he is close to.

"Dragonfly, you just don't know how to live, I will send you to the way."

The old man shouted and shouted, and his mouth suddenly spurted two destroys.

It turned into two ax in an instant.

Start madness to swallow energy in the world.

"Good ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and his own god fan appeared.

A fan of the two axes.


Suddenly hurricane whistling, madly rotating.

Wrap two ax and fly outside the Jiuyi cloud.

The horrible hurricane is also role in the old man.


The old man can't bear it, and it turned out from the ladder.


Zhang Bin also has no residence.

Quick down.

Just a few breathing time, he has already went to the ground.

Oh ...

Unpaid sounds.

The two axes who have been blown out will be flying back, and now it has become a big fever.

Focus on Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin was locked, and it was blown by the wind, but it was still back.

Zhang Bin uses a fan, it is to give it to himself.

If he is on the ladder, he is difficult to resist two ax an ax.

But there is a certain level of grasp on the ground.

One bead appeared in his two hands.

One of them spurted the flame of the volcano, and the axless burned ax was crazy.

Another capable is spraying a raging and cold water, and it has become a towering mountain.

The ax is sharp, and it is very hard.

Broken the flame, and then took a destruction of the horizon on the iceberg.

... ...

The iceberg is completely broken, and then he will continue to tend to completely bare Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin became three-headed six arms, holding the Libra, Kyushu Ding, cracking the sky ax, cold moon knife, but the sword, and the gentlers who have recently taken it.

Show all the magical, three gods, while slamming in the two ax.

Dangdang ...

Unparalleled sounds.

Spark splash.


Zhang Bin felt the power of extremely horrible.

The tiger mouth of his hand broke, and the magic weapon in his hand flew out.

And the two ax still did not collapse, or continue to be ignored Zhang Bin.

Of course, the power has fallen a lot.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

However, Zhang Bin is disappeared, and the replacement is the Tibetan Tower.

Zhang Bin himself has entered the Tibetan Tower.

In an instant, the ax is on the Tibetan Tower.

Dangdang ...

Two loud noises.

The Tibetan Tower is overfolded.

A deep crack appeared on the surface.

However, the two axes also start collapse, and it has become a bit of light. Smoke elimination.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin came out from the Tibetan Tower, and he made a contempt.

Targes are very powerful.

However, today yourself goes to have a deal with it.

However, if it is more than one person. It is a bit trouble.

But I want to use the charm to kill Zhang Bin, it is absolutely impossible.

He can hide in the space container and start the human formal transmission.

He can also use the god fan to take time, and you can also pass away.

It is also impossible to go to another continent.

He grabbed the treasure tower of the crack, and his face floated.

However, he quickly found that the crack slowly healed.

Obviously, the Tibetan Tower has a mysterious treasure, with strong repair.

Suddenly, his face has floated a brilliant smile.


At this time, the big elders fell to the ground and fell to the dizzy.

Blood fog is sprayed in your mouth.

After all, that is too high.


Zhang Bin is turned, and he is in a large ax.


The old man jumped up and took out a sharp sword, and Zhang Bin was crazy.

Dangdang ...

The two killed a group.

The magic weapon is bombarded and blasted splendid sparks.

What makes Zhang Bin secretly shocked, the big elders are very strong, especially this sword, is even more horrible.

It seems to be a artifact that is not asya.

At a time, Zhang Bin didn't get it.

However, Zhang Bin knows that this is a long and old.

It may have a most horrible ban, it is not a long time.

Sure enough, after about five minutes, the big old old turned and fled.

Dare to fight with Zhang Bin.

"I rely on, you still want to escape? It is too true."

Zhang Bin bruises, and he chased it on the same way, showing all the monopol.

It has launched the same attack like a water silver.

Dangdang ...

The old man is trying to resist.

But it is unable to resist, a non-preventive, and there is Zhang Bin, a knife.

Suddenly a leg is cut off.


The old man has made a sharp call, falling down.

Then Zhang Bin's ax is on his head.

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