Don't say they, even the enemies are stunned, and they look at Zhang Bin with a niche.

I didn't say it for a long time.

To be honest, it takes that Jin Cong is the predecessor who wants to be the gardens of the gardens. In the future, it will take Jin Cong to the beast of God, and it will be asylum. After all, Jin Cong's Tianfang is not good, but wisdom is good. Maybe it can be reused.

However, now Zhang Bin said this, but it is given another choice.

Zhang Bin's choice.

Think about it, it is also very good.

You must know that Zhang Bin only cultivates to nine, and it is only to cultivate it until nine, but the power is extremely powerful, and it is easy to defeat many of the beasts that combines more than a thousand way. Be killed by him, even a couple. What's more, his wisdom is high, undoubtedly far more than Jin Cong.

Such a person, after going to the beast, it will certainly become a big man.

Follow him, do his belongings, can you not develop?

Killing Jin Cong, I will never disclose the things that God's beast is destroyed.

Because I am also a murderer, killing the smartest Jin Cong, the beast door.

The only thing to worry is that Zhang Bin will follow the commitment?

Perhaps it is to see the disaster in thinking, obviously in considering Zhang Bin's proposal, killing him Jin Cong.

Jin Cong felt a crisis in the imminent death crisis. He looked at the disaster in the disaster with alert. God beast, naturally, will not let you go, only the dead, will not leak the secret. He is a poison, lie to you kill me, then lie to you, kill you. He has achieved the purpose. And, you Shelter, I will take me to the god community in the future, I will recommend you to the ancestors, you will be reused. What is it? It is still a very distant distance from the cultivation into the beast, let alone, he is a universe Can you win a unknown at the Era Wan? "

"Jin Cong, you don't want to be a lotus flower." Zhang Bin said, "The disaster beast and I have a better than shelter you. Otherwise, even if I don't deal with it, it will never have a chance to go to the beast. The gods. Because I will have been cultivating in the white cloud mainland, even, I will arrange the array in the ladder. Any beast wants to get my consent. Maybe you now have food in the disaster in the disaster Because there are many fruit trees. However, waiting for the disaster era, you can only starve to death. If you come out, we will kill us. With my cooperation, there is no life in life, and there is also super good in the beast. The future. The fool chooses to cooperate with you. "

"You fart ..."

Jin Cong's face is extraordinarily ugly.

Cold sweat is also taken from his forehead.

Because Zhang Bin's words are too reasonable.

As long as the disaster beast is not stupid, he will choose to cooperate with Zhang Bin.

"Hahaha ... Cooperate is happy."

The disaster beast laughed, "" Yu Shao, I will mix with you in the future. "

"Happy cooperation, you will never regret today's choice."

Zhang Bin's face has also floated a bright smile.

"My , actually received a belonging to a subordinate, entangled in the disaster beast in the black forest. This Jin Cong is over."

Ten gods were shocked to the extreme, and the wisdom of Zhang Bin had a five-body investment.

With this boss, you can have no future.

"Disaster, you - how can you?"

Jin Cong looks at the disaster, and said angrily.

At the same time he continued to retreat.

He is bright in his heart, and the disaster beast will be kill it immediately.

"Oh ... Jin Cong, you are guilty, because you want to win less, pick up the battle of Baiyun mainland and gravity mainland God, so that countless beasts and sea beasts are falling. So, I have to kill you to revenge. You can't kill, I have to kill you. "There was a sharp knife in the hands of the disaster, step by step, and he broke the rich murderous and horrible suffocation.

" ..."

Zhang Bin laughed up, and his sleeves showed.

"Don't come over, don't come over ... Disaster beast, you change your mind now, otherwise, you are absolutely not good."

Jinsheng retreats behind and said angry.

"Death ..."

The disaster defeater laughed, and the lightning did the same, and he went to Jin Cong.


The knife broke the empty, the sound was scream.

Murderous, horror.

"You give me death ..."

Jin Cong smiled, and there were two kinds of destruction in his hand.

I was thrown out quickly.

In an instant, I got a high altitude and became two sharp ax.

Madly swallow energy in the world.

Issued a violent pressure and momentum.

"Hey ..."

However, the disaster beast did not let go of Jin Cong, but continue to slap in the head of Jin Cong.

Suddenly, Jin Cong became half.

Even the voice of the scream is not sent, it turns into a body.

Pour it on the ground.

"Suo saved me ..."

The disaster beast does not have any pauses, and the fastest speed is rushed to the valley.

It only has to rush out of the valley, if Zhang Bin is willing to save it, or can break the two ax.

After all, Zhang Bin has a ten beast.

It is very powerful.

Unfortunately, the speed of these two ax phagocytosis is too fast.

When I blinked, I was swallowed, and I went crazy.

That is completely locked the disaster beast.

And the disaster beast has not yet ran out the valley.

Zhang Bin, of course, will not enter this horrible valley.

It is said that people entering will be unlucky, and they can even fall.

What's more, even if there is no such concern, Zhang Bin also does not want to disaster relief.

After all, Zhang Bin is human, not a beast.

In the future, he went to the goddom, not the beast.

He is not allowed to be all the beasts of Baiyun Continental.


The disaster is certainly not sitting, it is crazy, and a knife is smashed on the ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

The knife of the savage beast flew to the air.

Then both axons on the head of the disaster beast like lightning.


A armor is crushing instantly.

Then the disaster beast was chipped into pieces.

Ah ... I am not willing ...

The disaster beast has issued a scream that is incomparable.

Then I will be silent.

Because its soul is also destroyed.


The body of the disaster beast flew out of the valley under the role of inertia.

Drop in Zhang Bin's eyes.

"I hope there is something that I have not."

Zhang Bin muttered, he showed the secret law, and forced the blood of the defeater in the first time, all put it into the jade bottle.

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