The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4061 Terrorist Statue

"Help? Is there anything in this?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated a deep doubts.

However, he did not fear anything.

Fast it quickly.

This is a very broad cave.

There is water in the mountain, and many fruit trees have been cultivated.

Full of fruit.

In this case, it is definitely safe, or even don't worry that there is no food.

Of course, if you encounter a disaster era, the fruit tree will not be a result, you must go outside to find food.

However, Zhang Bin still likes it here.

He has a special plan in the future.

You must find a safe base in the Baiyun continent.

The original site of God beast is not appropriate, one is because of a horrible shadow, if he Zhang Bin's identity leaks, the other party will definitely deal with him, as his current strength, it is far from the opponent.

The two are Jin Yi very familiar with the beast door. In the future, Jin Yi is getting off, and it will come to God and beast. Maybe you can find the humanoid transfer array left by Zhang Bin.

But here is too much safe, so horrible bad, if you don't master the array of words here, anyone enters all ever, after all, is a horrible bad luck.

I want to come, even Jin Yizhen armor is also difficult to resist.

This cave is also arranged in unbeatable bad luck, gravity, space solidification, time stagnation.

However, unlock Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin launched the trial and scales.

So, he is still very easy to chase behind Jin Cong.

He briefly see, where can Jin Cong flee?

Jinsheng runs on one side and shouts for life.

I don't know if it is a bluff, or there is a weird in this cave.

Finally, Jin Cong ran into a dark and evil temple.

Zhang Bin naturally chased it without hesitation.

In the depths of this hall, a horrible beast statue is placed.

It seems like the disaster beast that is killed by the destroyed, as if a huge weasel.

Exctends an incomparable evil atmosphere.

To be honest, Zhang Bin did not see any beast statue in the beast door, but did not expect that in such a cave, it is still seen a beast statue.

"The ancestors, help ..."

Jin Cong is now kneeling in front of this rat, and even the head and shouts.

Zhang Bin looked at the eyes of vigilant and walked slowly.

He even became three-headed six arms, there was a crack sky ax, Kyushu Ding, Yan Tianjian, cold moon knife, Libra ...

His body is also a super powerful breath.

In the past, he could see the statue of the statue when he was in the earth.

The beast statue is not impossible.

You know, just a beast god projection, it is powerful, he is not an opponent.

Therefore, Zhang Bin also dared to have anything.

"The ancestors, please take your hand, kill him ..."

Jin Cong shouted again.

"... ..."

The horrible voice sounded, the statue of the statue looked up the yellow rays.

The two eyes are also open, and they burst into the cold to the extreme light, they will take them on Zhang Bin.

A glory also appeared.

As the big sea rising tide, swept to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's eyes were squinted, shot, like a knife.

Just oppose the statue.

The mouth is also cold and said: "Do you actually be asylum?"

"The ancestor, killed him ..."

Jin Cong's eyes flashed the color, and smiled and shouted.


A sound of a horrible sound, of course, from the mouth of the statue.

Sudden horror sound waves appear, swept the world, the palace is shaking.

Flying gray is also full of days.

This momentum is really too horrible.

The statue of the beast gods suddenly stood up, and it became a yellow light and pounced to Zhang Bin.

A paw grasps Zhang Bin's forehead like lightning.


Zhang Bin was angry, and his ax in his hand went to the paw.

But it is an empty.

The other party's speed is too fast.

I caught the forehead before blinking.

Zhang Bin fell back, Jiuzhou Ding is also a lightning.

The area of ​​Jiuzhou Ding is large.

It is finally blocked the paw.


A loud sound, spark splash.


Zhang Bin felt a huge incredible force.

His tiger has crackled, and his throat is a sweet and sprayed.

His people also fell to the ground immediately and continued to roll up.

Finally, I hit it on the wall of the hall.

Booms a loud noise.

There is a hole in the wall of the hall.

Zhang Bin flew out.

It is very wolf.

Anti-view the beast statue, but it is only three steps.

Just steadily.

This strength is really horrible.


Almost at the same time, Jin Cong and the beast statue shot out.

Jin Cong looked at Zhang Bin, who hasn't got up yet. I. Hahaha ... "

Zhang Bin didn't do it. He climbed up and looked at the statue of the beast. His face was filled with jealousy.

He felt a threat of death.

How did he think of it, in such a cave, there is a beast statue, and it can also have the strength of the horrible.

In this case, that one black cat beast statue, why can't I show God?

Also let a pet kill him?

Don't this be a statue of the beast?

There is no relationship with the beast god of the beast.

But what is this? Do you have such a horrible force?

Perhaps, it is a magic weapon, which is refined by Jin Cong.

As long as I kill Jin Cong, I can relieve the crisis.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin has no delay, and his forehead has floated a lot of eyes.

It took directly to shoot a lot of gray rays, and shooted into Jin Cong.

Unfortunately, Jin Cong is very fragile, and the wisdom is very high, and it will prevent this trick.

He hid behind the statue.

The mouth is also a clear laugh, "Dragonfly, I have said, I want to kill me, I can only dream. And, laugh at the end, I am the best. In the past, I lost it in front of you. It's not to say, my wisdom is Yama. I can only show that your war has exceeded me too much. However, I use wisdom, I finally lure you here, next year, it is your hacking day. On, kill him ...... "


The statue once again took a rich to the ultimate murder, and wrapped in a destruction of the horizon to attack Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's eyes once again shot the horrible soul attack, and shot on the head of the statue, even in the eyes.

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