In an instant, the singularity of the strange piano sounded.

Flood to the world, with a strange magic.

It has become a weird sound wave, and the magic sound from the distance is entangled together.

Hydrange the horror magic of the magic sound.

Suddenly, all lost humans are all awake.

Many people have a fear of fear, because they find that they have already gone out of the city, and even a far distance, and the city's shroud also raised.

At this time they understood, the magic sound rang again.

The Emperor, the emperor is oil, can't fight in playing the piano.

So they are completely lost.

But how can they be awake now?

Is it that Minshen woke up, play again?

Thinking of this, all of them have brought the past.

Then they saw that the Emperor was lying on the ground, like a dead.

The piano is that teenager.

He is still playing, there is a great momentum.

Sound waves are also rapidly spread, and it is easy to fight the magic sound.

Let the magic lose power.

It is difficult to confuse them.

"God, this boy is so amazing? Can you play the sound of the sound? And can you fight against the extreme magic sound?"

They completely earthquake, and their faces were filled with hardships.

"It's a magical teenager. Now there are two people to fight the piano to fight the magic sound. Perhaps it will allow Tensill to spend a robbery."

Charious Shen Ye Lily looked at Zhang Bin with a singular look, and her face has also floated a strong acoustic.

"Master ..."

The sound of the sound is also awake from the lost, she is nervously rushed into the wall, holding the Qin Emperor in the arms.

She carefully looked at it and found that the Emperor also had an angry, and was slowly restored.

She is only in my heart.

She also looked at Zhang Bin with a hot eye, looking at this magical teenager.

"We have saved ..."

Everyone finally woken up, they all sent the voice.

Zhang Bin did not have any rays, his brows were slightly smashed.

Because he must fully bulk the piano, but also to zoom unique to fight the magic sound.

In other words, this magic is too horrible.

As far as his current strength is also confronted.

After all, it is necessary to show the sound and zoom energy at the same time, and the time is not much problem.

But if it is long, he can't support it.

Specifically, only continuous play for one month, he can't support it.

This is still a very far from the source of the magic.

If it is face-to-face and magic, he may support it for a minute.

With such awareness, Zhang Bin is very frustrated.

And he also finally understood that the magical sound is great.

If you want to destroy the magic sound, you may have to blend three thousand avenues, and you can practice all the nine layers.

Even not insurance.

Rotary, Zhang Bin is very wronged and depressed.

Naturally, I don't want to see 10 billion people fall.

But he can't always play the piano here.

He must go to look for it, try hard.

what should I do?

However, he is still calm down.

Continue to play, and he tried to feel the sound of the voice, and experienced the horror of the magic.

And he continued to recall the scene of the old nurse sister to show the sound.

In the confrontation of the magic sound, he found that his progress is like.

The feelings of the sound of the sound are also inveracted.

The sound of the nurse sister is also slowly in-depth.

And his ability to play the piano is also slowly improved.

The piano has become more smooth, and it has become more beautiful.

It's easy to fight the magic tone.

Gradually, Zhang Bin closed his eyes, but his hand continued to play.

That is extra kind.

The time is also rapidly lapse.

Soon, it has passed a month.

Zhang Bin still does not feel anything, this is because his voice has made a lot.

It is fully exceeding its expectations.

Qin Emperor has finally returned to most, and the white hair is also black.

She watched Zhang Bin bombing in a very shocking gaze, and her face was filled with appreciation and ecstasy.

At this moment, she was appreciated and admired by Zhang Bin's fellow.

She clearly knows that Zhang Bin is born this era and is only two million years.

But it is possible to cultivate nine floors, and can also erase her soul imprint, refine the syllable, explaining Zhang Bin's soul than her.

Now he can play the piano to fight the magic sound and save 10 billion people.

Adhere to a month, or if you don't have something wrong.

Can such a teenager, can it be a peerless genius?

Time will continue to pass quickly.

Qin Emperor was full of healing.

Zhang Bin is playing hard to play, fighting against horror.

The Qinyin enveloped the city and let anyone will not be lost.

" ... I cultivate the road to the nine-story medium?"

Zhang Bin suddenly wake up from the mysterious realm, and then his face floated.

Because he found that his body and soul blend more voices of the world rules.

It becomes more powerful.

Yes, the top nine floors, also have initial, medium, late, peak, great success.

From the beginning of the early stage to the medium term, it takes a long time, and may even take a few era.

Because of such a realm, there is only one trace from God, the body and the soul are also strong to terrible.

It is very difficult to improve again.

However, Zhang Bin bombed the piano and the magic, and then the voice of the nurses sister.

His progress is like.

As if the cheats are opened.

Zhang Bin himself can't believe it, do you have?

It's really Hong Fuqi.

He continued to play, this time he played the horror of the hometown song.

It can be said that it is a black patent.

It is also a terrible horror.

However, just use to fight the magic sound.

Therefore, hundreds of millions of people are not affected.

The magic sound may also feel the difficulty of Zhang Bin, and the power is slowly improved.

It became more and more, and the realm of the soul is, people are ready to move, it is difficult to resist.

Zhang Bin felt a little bit of powerful.

His forehead emerged from the bean sweat.

But he didn't fear any fear.

I work hard to feel the sound abilities, and learn from confrontation.

He grows quickly.

His piano power is also slowly improved.

Can continue to fight against the magic.

" ..."

Suddenly, the magic sound changed, and suddenly it was like a big knife.

Fierce, fierce.

As if countless thunder sounds in the air.

It is like a coolee friction in the pot.

Powerful improvement does not know how many times.

Billions of people feel a knife into the heart.


Their mouth is sprayed in the mouth ...

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