The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4073 Crisis

Zhang Bin continued to confront, madly sentiment.


It is also a loud noise, an invisible bottleneck is broken.

Zhang Bin's voice is also finally cultivated to the top of the top of the top.

His voice of his piano once again improved, and even his piano also started just soft conversion, and very nature.

"Gill it ... The son is too powerful."

"Gill ... Playing the giant giant of the magic, it will be exciting, but not only can't kill the son, but let the son's voice of the son. This has broken through three bottlenecks."

In the Tibetan Tower, the Jie Di and the unstead of the demon were excited to laugh, and their faces were also ecstatic.

"This is too big, right?"

The Emperor and Ye Lian are also stunned, and the face is looked at. It is also said that it will not come.

This is in the war, the dangerous pole, and there are two magic gods in the tiger.

Zhang Bin actually can still feel quiet? Can you break through?

How big is his nerve? What is his talented?

"Hey ... Waiting for it, there is still such a harvest, not bad."

The magic balance was shocked, he smiled in his heart.

Every break through a bottleneck, and the body will become stronger, because mostly blend some of the sounds of sound.

After he went, it will be beneficial.

The strength will be strong.

There will be some bottom to cope.

What kind of cracks are he? Naturally worried that he won Zhang Bin, Ma will deal him, because he walked, the strength has fallen a lot.

After all, the soul should be completely fits with the body, and it takes a short time.

But if you are stronger, it is more likely to match his soul.

His soul is the soul, it needs to be a powerful body.

Therefore, for him, Zhang Bin's body is stronger, the better.

The face of Mahin is a gloomy.

But he still didn't lick, still waiting patiently.

Seeing Zhang Bin's breakthrough, I realized the mystery of just soft conversion.

The magic sound became crazy, and it began to convert crazy.

Steel is soft, soft to steel, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Power is also getting stronger.

The soft sound is induced, and the steel knife is tied.

The former makes you lost, let you relax your guard, the latter directly hits you.


Tensillions have continuously vomiting blood, and they can't resist such horror attacks.

Their face became pale.

Even someone exploded directly, it has become a broken meat and a blood mist.

Zhang Bin's tacit is good, and it is impossible to convert so fast.

Therefore, he is also vomiting blood.

However, he is a clear laugh, and his back has suddenly floated 100 cars.

More than 1,100.

Smartily together, the power of the field has also improved a lot.

Suddenly, everyone has a lot of comfort.

No one has vomited blood, no one has exploded.

But they are completely exciting, dumbfounded.

Looking at 1,100 light behind Zhang Bin with a sluggish eyes, I have never returned to God for a long time.

Just just the nine floors, it fusedly 1100 ways, what kind of cattle?

How is Zhang Bin's Tianfang?

Perhaps his talents can be more powerful than the most powerful.

"I rely, I am developed, I am absolutely developed, this guy is so talent?"

In the eyes of the magic heaven, it shot a hot radiant, and it was projected on Zhang Bin's body. I didn't have a way to move.

He seems to have seen it, he won Zhang Bin, became super genius, invincible the world, killing the gods, and became the beautiful scene of the top of the gods.

Don't say he, even the eyes of the hemp is also shot a red-hot light, and the face has a greedy color.

As for the Emperor and Charious Shen Yelian, it is thoroughly speechless. They all look at Zhang Bin like the monsters. I can't come back.

Zhang Bin has subverted their awareness.

The magic sound suddenly stagnant, and it is obviously thoroughly shocked.

However, it is only a moment to stop.

Then I rang immediately, and the power was again crazy again.

This time is not just soft to convert, but there are steels in the sound.

At the same time, there are two characteristics, as if the knife is cut, as if there is kindness, calling, let him lose resistance.

The power of this attack is horrible, it is simply killing.

Puff puff……

In an instant, there were countless people again sprayed blood, and even some people were broken.

Zhang Bin's field is completely guarded. Even if Zhang Bin is also working hard to fight the piano.

"Nima, this big horror actually so much?"

Zhang Bin broke in his heart, his face became extraordinary.

But his eyes are shooting out of light.

His mind is always moving, and there is 10 cars again.

Let the surface of the aperture reach 1110.

Sudden field is also greatly improved, and the ability of defense naturally also has high boat.

Let everyone turn to the danger.

The magic tone is completely anger, continue to show the softness, and the power continues to beer.

That is a very horror.

Zhang Bin is laughing, and his back will continue to float more apertures quickly, which is continuous.

Let his power continue to improve.

So they don't have a great battle like this.

The magic sound improves the power, Zhang Bin floats more aperture, and he issued a lot of power. Of course, Zhang Bin is also in the madness of understanding the sound, his voice is also continuously improved.

Everyone looked at Zhang Bin with a very shocking gaze, watching the aperture behind him from a few, raised more than 1,100, then 1200, 1300, 1400 ...

After three days and three nights, the aperture that Zhang Bin's roofed has reached 1900.

Everyone is already numb.

Even the magic balance and Ma Yao are also shocked as a fool.

Now they are a little worried, can the magic can kill Zhang Bin?

If you can't do it, they must first start to be strong, otherwise, wait for the magic sound to give up, they want to kill Zhang Bin is very difficult.

"Let's do it ..."

The Magic Heaven and Maida once again met.

Their face floats to laugh.


Almost at the same time, they have issued an incomparably horrible attack.

A black knife appeared in the hands of Mahun, crazy and a knife.

As for the magic world, it was ridicounded, and there was a sharp ax in his hands. He crazy axis of Zhang Bin's neck.

Of course, it has been fully utilized and has been used.

It is necessary to kill Zhang Bin.

At this time, Zhang Bin is striving to fight the magic sound, playing the piano full, and fully understand the way.

Fully expose the field.

Dare to have slightly distracted.

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