The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4077 Black Boat

"God, this is too fierce and powerful."

Everyone saw Zhang Bin to easily defeat the magic heavens and numbness in the big array, and easily break the gate of the cave.

They are all stunned and shocked.

Have a deeper understanding of Zhang Bin's power.

No wonder Zhang Bin can fight the magic sound and saved them.


Zhang Bin's speed is getting faster and faster.

Soon from a mountainside mountainside.


The magic heavens and Maida have already had an authentic mouth, flying.

The pen is straight to the exit of the black sea mainland.

Their face is filled with fear.

Although the Black Sea is very dangerous, there is a line of life.

If it is killing with Zhang Bin, there is no such thing.

They dare not think that Zhang Bin will be so strong.

This time is really kicking the iron board.

"You can't escape ..."

Zhang Bin also flew up, and the lightning was chased.

He will never let them go.

Soon, the three of them got out of the mainland and went to the Black Sea area.

Zhang Bin showed too much magical, speed, space, time, and virtual.

And he also cultivated the universal movement of the moment.

That is to move from Jin Yi's instant to enlightenment, which is created.

Therefore, Zhang Bin quickly chased two people.


He crazy put the magic weapon to two.


The magic balance and Ma Yu shouted, showing the most horrible tricks, and the blood battle Zhang Bin.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other.

Sound shock.

A few breathing time.

Ah ...

Just listening to the two sorrows, the neck of the two was cut off, and the head was dropped.

Their bodies are also crashed on the sea.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The two bastards have made a sound of invisible and grievances.

Then I will stop it.

Because their soul is also devastated.

Two demon gods are also completely fallen.

"You are a vicious born, also to make God? Killing you is the removal."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

He banned their bodies and skull, and he was in the body.

But he suddenly lifted his head and went to the past with a vigilant gaze.

Then he saw that a black ship was silent.

Thousand kilometers wide, tens of thousands of kilometers long.

Hanging black sails, the hull is also black, just like a ghost.

The surrounding light is swallowed and will become a dark.

A horrible death atmosphere is also exuded from the black ship.

"Black boat? It is so inexplicably encountered with black boats? One of the biggest horror of the ban on the sea?"

Zhang Bin is a spirit, and his face is also a slight change.

If he did not fight the magic, Zhang Bin never had any fear.

Because he blends 1998, the powerful beast is strong.

Self-confidence is not afraid of any big horror.

However, he just confronted the magic sound and saw the terrorist strength of the Lord of the Magic.

If it is fighting with the main face of the magic, he is the possibility of fiasco.

Terrible is that it is too coincidental now.

Maybe the black boat is the master of the magic sound to deal with him.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is a bit worried.

He did not travel, but quickly retreat quickly.

Standing straight to the Black Sea Continent.

In fact, it is to refund the reef.

But at this time, the horror song sounded, "Black Day, Black Sea, Black Boat, take you to our hometown, the dark is home, the emperor is bones, come, you go to the hometown ..."

This song is extremely horrible, as if it sounds in Zhang Bin's soul.

Zhang Bin's body suddenly stagnant.

Not back.

His face has a long desire.

Start slowly to go to the black ship.

In other words, Zhang Bin lost.

The power of this voice is also unable to resist.

He absolutely looked at any big horror.

There are countless era, it is a certain reason.

"Master ... wake up ..."

The voice of the rabbit rang in Zhang Bin's mind.

However, there is no way to wake up.

Zhang Bin still step by step to the black ship.

"Not good, black boat ..."

At this time, Ye Lian and Qin Emperor, there is still a black sea continent, appearing on that reef.

They also sent a fear shouting.

"Gong ..."

The Sword Emperor and the undead devil shouted, and they rushed to the past.

However, Ye Lian is a grabbing two.

Qin Emperor also came to help.

"let me go……"

The Sword Emperor and the Undead Devil also sent an angry shouting.

Unfortunately, Yin Emperor and Ye Lian did not let them open, and the Shi Tong will ban them all of them.

"No no no no……"

Two two of them shouted, and their eyes have flowed over.

Because two of them looked at Zhang Bin on the black ship.

"You go too to send ... There is no meaning."

Qin Emperor and Ye Lian said almost simultaneously.

Zhang Bin stepped on the black boat, the black boat launched, slowly went deep into the black sea area.

The sound is still, "Black Day, Black Sea, Black Boat, takes you to hometown, the dark is home, the emperor is bones, come, you can go to the hometown ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly laughed from madness, the sound is like a crack, rushed into the cloud.

I actually pressed the song, let the world, only his voice.

And his body has suddenly skyrocket, so that he has skyrocketed.

It became a top giant.

He slammed Kyushu Ding, ax, destroyed the sword, bombarded on the deck of the black ship.

Dangdang ...

Unparalleled sounds.

Spark splash, the Black Sea has become bright.

The black ship is also sinking, and it almost has touched.

However, the deck is hard, or there is no crack.

"Ping ..."

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly opened, spurting the flame of the sea, falling on the black ship.

Crazy cars.

However, the black ship seems to be immortal, or it is intact.

Even, the flame is inexplicably extinguished.

No, it is the embodiment of the Dark Taoity.

Because there is a dark from the cabin of the paint as ink.

Wherever you have, the black fire is completely extinguished.

The horror is that the song sounds again, it is sent from the cabin, "Black Day, Black Sea, Black Boat, takes you to hometown, the dark is home, the emperor is bones, come, you want you to go to the hometown ... "

Zhang Bin's face was slightly changed, he immediately slammed the knee, took out the sound of the piano and started crazy playing.

The piano sounds rapidly and started against this incomparably horrible song.

"The original son is a lost look, I got a black boat, but this is too risky?"

Jian Di, no demon god, Yin Emperor, Ye Lian is awake, shouting in the heart.

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