The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4085 Ye Lian to the gods

"Nima, I must have a magic sound. If you want to win my, you must prepare for me to kill." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "So, I must cultivate into God in the Black Sea area. That You can stay in the Black Sea area, thus rapidly become strong, enhance strength, strong tens of thousands of times, and go to the Lord of Magic Sound. "

He is more than 10,000 times, then it can still be done.

Today he also cultivates the nine floors.

If he can practice to the nine layers of the top, there is no problem with a few times.

If he integrates 3005 avenues, it can be strong.

Refining into the god, on this basis, can be strong enough.

Therefore, if he is god, it is possible to get rid of the Lord of the Magic.

After all, it is possible to Zhibo.

The battle is too horrible.

The Lord of the Magic Sound has only the soul left, and it is still sleepy, can't come out.

The war is terrible, and there is still a limit.

But the Lord of the Magic Sound, there is a case where there is an incomparably horrible origin.

In the past, it may be one of the most horrible giants of the beast.

Even, there may be a more mysterious origin.

Therefore, Zhang Bin wants to kill the Lord of Magic, that is, it is a beautiful dream.

Zhang Bin got the Yuxian Dongfu and came to the outside.

His mind, the Tibetan Tower becomes large, falling on the ground, the window of the second layer is also open.

"Go out, here is a safe place."

Zhang Bin said.

" ..."

Everyone flew out quickly and fell on the ground.

There are more than 98 million quantities.

In other words, this war has more than 100 million human fallen, killed by the magic sound.

The crowd first greeted Zhang Binzhi zero, and then they started to see the place where they stayed fine.

They are very powerful.

Most of them have been cultivated to the top 9th floor.

After all, it is in exchange for cultivation of numerous era.

Therefore, their knowledge is extremely powerful.

There is a special discovery in an instant.

"God, is this a continent?"

"How is it possible?"

"God, I must be dreaming. I returned to the continent?"


They all made a shouty shout, and the face is also full of ecstasy and dare not confidence.

Since ancient times, people who go to the Black Sea area have not lived back.

Unless it is cultivated to become a god, there is a possibility.

However, they have come back?

Especially comparative god Yelian, ecstasy to an additional point.

She cultivated into a lot of age, but because she didn't dare to go out of the black sea, worried that they were hunted by the beast.

Therefore, it has never reached the human area, and there is no way to go to the god.

But now she is back, but I can go to the god.

Even, the emperor is also tearing, she didn't think of her dream, her luck is so good. I can still return to the human area, and she has a breakthrough, she can practice into god before the end of this era, then go to the gods?

"Yes, here is a co-continent."

Zhang Bin said faintly said, "But I hope that


Everyone is ecstatic to the extreme, and the chest is guaranteed.

I scattered it in three or two or two.

Although the human area has a rapid robbery, it is safe to at least these billions of years.

Before the coming of the era, they can go to the Black Sea area.

I can even return to the Black Sea Continent again.

If this time is ready, they may even explore a security route that enters and exports to the black sea area.

At the end of each era, you can go to the Black Sea area to avoid the era of the era, and you can return to the human world again, then it is very safe.

This is the plan they think about countless years.

But there is no way to practice.

Because they have no way to return to the human world.

"Zhang Bin, thank you, I am going to the gods now, I will meet in the gods."

Ye Lian looked at Zhang Bin with gratitude, there was a jade jade in his hand. "I just cultivate purification into a small god realm, this is my cultivation experience, it should be useful, maybe you can make you more Quickly cultivate to the nine layers of the close. "

"Thank you."

Zhang Bin is also very happy, I took the jade.

His purification is still far from being cultivated to the nine floors.

With the cultivation experience of Ye Lian, he will certainly make the purification to progress quickly.

"I also have some attributes of the blood, which may not use you."

Ye Lian is a spatial container.

Zhang Bin took over, looked at it, just shook his head, said: "I have a few kinds of gods. You will stay."

If you want to say the amount of God, he should be the most.

Ye Lian took the space container back, and her eyes fell on the face of the Emperor, said: "Qin Emperor, I am waiting for you in the gods ..."


They flew up, crossed void, and went to the special ban on the continent.

The footprints left by the three thousand rows, which are also clearly floating on the sea.

On the white fog, it is far away, deep into the sky, and is completely blocked by white fog.

Ye Lian came to the footprint of the purification attribute.

"You said friends, goodbye, I look forward to meeting in the gods ..."

Ye Lian finished, she stepped out, it has fallen into footprints.

She looked back and deeply looked at everyone and rapidly.

Stepping on the footprint.

Qin Emperor, no death, the face of the Jian Di floated.

Mercy God is really going to the god.

Only Zhang Bin, deeply sighed.

A fear of the face floated.

If Ye Lian does not enter the Black Sea area, it is no chance to become God.

I have fallen early.

So, can she go to the gods, or a big unknown.

To know, the beast of the black sea area, because there is no need to be robbed, the talents are slightly good, plus luck, so you can cultivate into the beast, but cultivate into the beast, you want to go to the beast, that is still a difficult Unfair, no one is in all.

Most of them are killed by other beasts, and they have been eaten by a more talented beast.


Suddenly, a scream of scream came from the sky.

It seems that the sound of Ye Lian.

"You are here, I will go see."

Zhang Bin's face changed, and his step has been left on the sea.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin felt the horror of gravity, and the seawater was also rapidly rotated, issued the power of swallowing the heavens and the earth, and the role was in Zhang Bin, and Zhang Bin was swallowed in.

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