The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4089 Zhang Bin Wars Field

" ..."

Zhang Bin has a blessing in the fastest speed.

Flying rapidly and quickly came to the absence.

Even, he did not use a wooden bridge.

Instead, I jumped directly.

He crossed the abyss as the same arrow.

It will soon land in the hungry continent.

He flew up, the pen was straight to the sky.

At this moment, he regretted it, and did not leave a humanoid transfer in Zhen Tiancheng.

Otherwise, he can save the earthquake.

Although the Zhen Tianzu is now not too much, it is still possible to exchange the blood, and the source is endlessly provided to Zhang Bin.

This few billion years, Zhang Bin also came to take many times.

It is used to cultivate it.

Anyway, the more God is, the better.

" ..."

Zhang Bin scored the void, and quickly came to the Tiantian City.

At this time, the flight was completed.

I haven't come back to the body, I can't search the blood.

He is laughing madly.

However, he is very powerful, and he has induced Zhang Bin in an instant.

He found that he flew rapidly.

He didn't have any fear, and he looked at Zhang Bin in front of him.

Even, he also said: "You are one of the cosmodi people?"

He also swayed the black sea for a lot of money.

And Zhang Bin is now hanging on the beastmium armor, and it seems that he is a shock beast.

"You are a skyscraper? One of the three sons of the universe? Do you dare to come to us?"

Zhang Bin's light shot a cold light, and his body screamed to the extreme murder.

He looks for sale of skyscrapers and 400 billion years. But did not find it.

Didn't think, today is discovered.

It seems that the Era Wars can start in advance.

If you can kill each other, get the treasure of the other party, then you will be a lot.

"Hey ... You don't know me, not bad."

The skysclamise sent a crazy laugh. "I have heard your mission. Come come, we are single, see who is dead?"

"Very good, let me teach you."

Zhang Bin did not disclose himself that Zhang Bin's secrets, and his hands appeared in Jiuzhou Ding.

I bombarded the past.


The sound is scream, hurricane roar.

Murderous is also rushing.

The extreme horror.


The skyscide is also crazy, and the stone mill in his hand is crazy in Jiuzhou Ding.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash, air wave emptying.

It has become a huge mushroom cloud.

Ah ...

They both felt the horrible giant.

At the same time, an angry shout was sent.

They rapidly retreat, one step is a footprint, and the earth is also completely cracking.

The wall is also crashing.

However, they immediately rushed up and watched it again.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is intensive as the rain.

They killed the city from the city, killing from the city to the mountain.

Urbanization became a ruin, and the giant mountains also collapsed.

Then they fell into the void, the white clouds were shocked, and the big star fell quickly.

A piece of sun was thrown.

Finally, they fell into the black sea, crazy on the sea.

The black sea is wide and boundless, gravity horror.

It is very suitable for their wars.

They used their efforts.

Zhang Bin's body floated 2300 cars, and behind the ferris surfaced 2,500 cars.

Their fields are completely launched.

Crash crazy, fight.

bloody battle.

The Black Sea has set off the waves of the sky.

They have become a blurred black shadow, flashes in the black sea.

So, it's just too horror.

War of ten days and ten nights, still did not divide the victory.


It is a shocking day.

Two rapidly retreats, then boring on the tiger.

I watched Zhang Bin with a cold eyes, and said that I didn't think that you can also blend 2300, the first universe of this era. I didn't think of it, you actually cultivate There are two borders, and it is also cultivated to the next nine layers. It is no longer to take you. However, if I use the most horrible base card, you still die. "

Yes, although Zhang Bin's talent is higher than the Sky, it is more than 200 kinds than the other party, and it is less than 700 billion years. If only the body, he is not a ferrous opponent, so he shows the three gods plus Force, call two falsification skills to be able to fight with the Field.

The power of the skysclamise is really beyond Zhang Bin's expectation.

However, it is also reasonable.

Because Zhang Bin will know that the sale of God is helpful.

So, think about it, or is proud.

Zhang Bin rely on himself, still slowly catching a skyscraper.

"I didn't think that you can fuse 2,500. This is a incredible thing." Zhang Bin said, "But you want to kill me, it is definitely dream. You have a card. I also have a card." "

Zhang Bin did have a lot of big cards. For example, he still has ten strong beasts, and there are four powerful .

He also has a horrible death cold water bead and the dead black fire bead.

He also has a horrible magic weapon such as cracking ax, heavens, and the sword.

Even more horrible syringes.

"Hehe ... Your bottom card is a fart." The skysclamise made a contempt, "My basement is too much too much. As long as you use it, you will die. And I am safe."

He has no bragging, and there is a god to give him a medicament. As long as it takes, the strength can be upgraded ten times.

Today, his war and Zhang Bin are almost the same, and then upgrading ten times. Is it not easy to kill Zhang Bin?

"Why don't you use it?"

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Oh ..." Space smiled, "That is prepared for the Era Wan. Now it is a bit less than enough. I think you are the same. Bottom does not want to use it, the era Wars will be used."

He didn't think of it, and the shock of the beast in front of him was Zhang Bin.

Otherwise, he will not say this.

And his part of the drug, if you use it now, upgrade the true to the power.

Basically, you can invinciate in the world.

However, taking Dan medicine has increased ten times, and it is also able to continue to maintain, but it is a long period of time, the strength is absolutely not improved.

Therefore, the time that is best suited to take Dan medicine is the night before the end of the era.

At this point, the god reminded him.

"I understand what you mean, our strength is almost, not to live and die. There is no need to defeat, and there is no need to waste any bottom card." Zhang Bin looked at the sky and said that he said in cold and slammed: "But you kill my people. Do you think I will let you?"

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