However, Zhang Bin is clearly known that if there is no big horror magic. This multi-object continent is still very dangerous, because in the black sea area, the location of the Magic Sound is close, and the other party can threaten any of this road by displaying the magic sound. Even more dangerous than Black Sea mainland.

Compare, the position of the master of the magic sound is closer.

And the place where the human ban is unlimited, and the other party can only rely on the people who are banned from the sea. Of course, if the mainland is less advanced, not very wide, the edge area is also a meeting affected.

Just like the two mainland Taikoo mainland, I don't know how many fairy emperors have been tempting to the sea, and then fall in the horrible ban on the sea, some of them entered the Black Sea area, basically there is no good end.

Even the black sea continent there are countless giant, and there is no self-policy, and the magic sound can be killed.

Zhang Bin shakes his head, no more thinking, he began to do test, throwing some plants, and what steel is on the mountain.

Then he shocked, all under the invasion of the red fog, was chemically formed into liquids and powder.

The powder is blown by the wind, and it will be flutter.

What is nothing else.

The plant is chemically produced by red mushrooms.

"I rely, it is really horrible."

Zhang Bin said dark, and his face also slammed the color.

Those steels are incomparably hard, but they can't afford the invasion of the fog.

Such a horrible poor poison, Zhang Bin has not seen it.

Today, Zhang Bin is also cultivated to cultivate the poison to the nine layers.

He also dare not let his body bare in the red fog, he has absolute grasp, you can't resist the body.

After all, the team members do not dare to stay more inside.

"Zhizhi ... from ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, suddenly, the three thousand Avenue God combined a set of armor, covering the body, covering Zhang Bin.

Then he slowly approached, let Taojia and red mist contact.


Unparalleled sounds.

The mask is slowly corroded.

However, the speed is relatively slow.

This is among Zhang Bin's expectations, but his face has floated a bright smile.

Because of 2900 paths, they all succeeded to the nine layers of the right.

These cranes are combined, and the defensive ability of the formation of the formation is really strong.

Even the horrible gas is also can't corrode quickly.

He also made ten beasts also lurked out and affected the gastris.

In fact, it is a test.

Ten beasts also supported the armor, and they can resist it for a while.

This is the big peace in this Bin.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin's heart-minded, the Ume people took out and took into the red fog.

Zhang Bin was observed in detail.

Then he was surprised to find that the umers did not be corroded.

However, it is also a very slow change, and it has become yellowish yellow.

Therefore, if it is a long-term place in such an environment for a long time, it is inevitably to fly to smoke.

The horror of the poison here is far more than Zhang Bin's estimate.

Zhang Bin received a beautiful man, and he took out his many powerful magic treasures.

Since it is necessary to hunt the law of the law.

It is necessary to use his magic weapon, if the magic weapon can't afford the corrosion of the gas, it will be a bit trouble.

Soon, the result came out.

Kyushu Ding, Libra, Cold Moon Knife, Crack Heaven, Denoma, God Fan can withstand the invasion of poisonous gas, but if it is in poisonous gas long, it will be corroded.

As for ordinary magic weapons, in poisonous gas, it is directly corroded, and only a few breathing time can be supported.

Being out of Zhang Bin, it is the most powerful or syringe, which is incomparably horrible to poisonous gas, it can't hurt it. It's just if you don't have something wrong.

" ..."

Zhang Bin made a joyful laugh.

He didn't have any delays and gently tied the needle into a huge red mushroom.

Show extraction and extraction and work hard.

Soon with a lot of red liquids.

Dispersing an incomparably dangerous atmosphere.

"This is definitely the most horrible and poor, if it is injected into the body, they are estimated to resist, and they will definitely become liquid." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He no longer delayed, silently silently went in.

Go to the central area of ​​the mountain.

Although Tao armor is corroded, Zhang Bin estimates that it can stick to about three hours.

And he has helmet.

Therefore, he did not worry too much.

He shakes the body, and it will make a variety of gods, turn into a black mushroom, burst into the light of the dark.

Standing straight to the horizon.

" ..."

In an instant, ten guilds will come.

They are too powerful.

It is easy to induce.

This is coming to picking black mushrooms.

"Ha ha ha ... so good, it's great, this era is finally evolving a black mushroom."

Laughing excitedly between 50, his face also floating the color of ecstasy.

The remaining nine people are also happy.

A black mushroom, if it is used to refine the drug, but it is possible that the souls and the body of the two people are all fits perfect.

Then you can go to the god.

What a wonderful thing will be.

"Not good, it is the bastard, he has gods, and even the syringe is not going in."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

However, he still didn't panic, quietly waiting for the enemy.

He does not believe that this ten prototypes have gods.

So, if it is a sudden attack, it is still possible to succeed.

At least, don't worry about the enemy's destruction.

Ten guards quickly combined the shroud and then quickly went to the mountains quickly.

This can be seen here.

Their shield is very uncommon, basically contains 2,600 magic.

That is, they all fused 2600.

They are very strong and horrible.


Toxic gases quickly corrode their track.

And they are also going deep into the way.

Soon, I came to Zhang Bin to become a black mushroom.

The strongest and speed is also the fastest in Phase 42.

Always in the forefront, so he is the first to explore the hand, caught the mushroom.

However, his hand just hit the mushroom, and he sent a scream.


Then his arm was rapidly corroded into a liquid.

The horrible high toxic is also through the blood, and it goes to the whole body.

He fell to the ground and rapidly became a black liquid.

Even his soul is coming out.

It is killed by the poison.

This is of course Zhang Bin, secretly taking the needle of the syringe into his hand, and injected the extracted high toxic injection.

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