The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4110 Terror

The cave houses in the 41st.

The 41st warfare is sitting in the knees.

Among his dragon pool, it is also 20 care.

Their face floated on the face.

"For more than a thousand years, there is no effect of the snake blowhouse. Can only be held in the rabbit."

The law of law was laughed and said.

"I am afraid that he has not sneaked in this ability."

Trunage No. 23.

"He has this ability. He is Old San, with a magical hair, can sneak into any array without being discovered ..."

Said, "and he will choose the weakest care method, and No. 41 is the weakest."

The disciple from the retreat from the continent has not been killed yet. Therefore, they naturally said all the secrets of Zhang Lao San.

Therefore, they have developed such a stupid approach.

Waiting Zhang Bin to go to the door to send death.

And this secret, they did not tell anyone.

Even, even Yu Wen Chengtian also I don't know.

"Maybe he dare not souse it."

Another guardian is depressed.

"If he doesn't dare to deal with us, he will definitely die in our hands. So, he will definitely, we will wait patiently."

The 22nd lawfaction said confidently.

Zhang Bin observed for a long time outside the cave, and did not find any danger.

He started to act.

However, he did not sneak into the Cave of House 41.

There is also no password to sneak into the cave.

He went straight to the Cave of the 35th.

Driving a beautiful man, slowly sneaking into it.

Then he found that there was no one in the Dongfu.

He has sneaked into a Dongfu, No. 34, and did not find anyone.

"Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​I went to the two cave, there was no one in it ... have you determined that they have not been out?"

Zhang Bin horses contact Yu Wen Cheng Tian.

"They didn't go out. But there is no in the cave house? So, they will always gather in a cave, may be waiting for you to go to the door. Plan to cancel it." Yu Wen Cheng Tian's wisdom against the sky, I thought in an instant. The key is the way, it will be returned immediately.

In fact, Zhang Bin has been worried about this, so he does not sneak into the Cave of the 41st.

After all, the 41st care method is the weakest, and it is best to use it.

Zhang Bin did not retreat, but more careful exploration.

There was a 40 cave.

I found that there were 19 cave.

There are 21 cave.

As for the cave house, he did not sneak in.

He is also to speculate with his toes, it is a horror, twenty care is in it.

If he sneaked in, it may be discovered.

"I still have to pay attention to them, this is a good opportunity. If you hear a horror war, turn off the array, then I have to take out." Zhang Bin passed the news to Yu Wencheng.

Yu Wen Chengtian has been special cultivation, and the future of the golden hall.

Naturally, it can be controlled.

This is also Zhang Bin's reliance.

"In order to be afraid of the situation, I still transfer to your Longchi, it is always possible to manipulate the array. Even

He is worthy of wisdom, and the courage is also huge.

Only with Zhang Bin, you can find Zhang Bin's crisis in time.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin may not be saved.

Even if you can, he will also expose it, you can foresee it.

"Don't worry, let's analyze it again."

Yu Wen became the dragon pool of Zhang Bin, "said 22 people's cave, one of these 22.

However, which one is, it still needs to be confirmed. Therefore, it is best to go to the Dongfu of the 41st, if someone is, that is, if there is no one, it is not, caught in another cave. "

"You are right, this is a major relationship, you must have no luck."

Zhang Bin nodded.

At this moment, he felt the spicy and stability of Yu Wenfei.

Such a Xiong, if there is a super good hero, it will inevitably become a horrible giant.

He went to the wing to end into the cave.

Show the virtual unimportant, stealth, and space, show the ultimate.

Plus the magical black American, not found in the 41 41 mark.

But Zhang Bin has seen each other.

"Someone is the 41st ... This is properly trapped."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the dragon pool.

"They are very poisonous, the wisdom is also very high. I really can't be underestimated."

In Zhang Bin Longchu, Yu Wen Chengma said.

Of course, he also admire Zhang Bin.

I didn't even sneak into the cave house No. 41, so I found the empty house.

It can also be known that the other party is arranged in the horror.

Otherwise, this time Zhang Bin is really dangerous.

The possibility of being anticinked is great.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and he was able to sneak out of the public.

Soon, he has sneaked into the cave house of the 21st care method.

This guy is sitting in the lobby of the cave house.

There is a 2,710 aura behind it, and the horrible to the ultimate pressure and momentum are burst.

"If the 19 people are hidden in his body, I also have a way to escape."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "as long as you escape into the magic nature."

The Devil's Rocket is Zhang Bin's artifact, with powerful defense, there is a space.

He enters and starts the human shaped transfer.

After all, Yu Wenfei can make the blast explosion, there is no way to block the world.

Slowly, Zhang Bin has laid out since then in the body of the law.

The horrible voice is also ringing, "Hey, don't move, take the needle."

Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin's syringe has jamped into the opposite body.

Take the horrible high toxic injection.


This guy makes a scream.

But there is no way to pass.

Then, the liquid is formed as a liquid.

It is miserable.

However, Zhang Bin is a first step to get the other party's space container.

I got 10 stabilitators from inside.

"Hey ... successful. And it is very easy."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"Hahaha, the poison of this red mushroom is scarked. Killing people did not see blood."

Yu Wen Cheng smiled and said, "Unfortunately, he did not get his god blood."

"Don't unfortunately, when he is cultivating, I have found that he integrates, I am blended."

Zhang Bin said, "Otherwise, I will not be in this case, I will explode him."

Although it is said that the other party may vibrate other ways to protect the law.

But he is still willing to take risks.

Refining to Zhang Bin's point of this, it is very difficult to get a new attribute hem.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not willing to waste.

He didn't have any delays, and immediately sneak out ...

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