The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4118 Red Mushroom Evolution


Zhang Binteng took the sky, he was going to start the human formal transmission.

But at this time, the black mushroom suddenly shoted a black ray, and the pen rushed to the void.

Just as a black light column is inserted into nine.

"Is there a halamight mushroom?"

Zhang Bin's face has a surprise.

But his heart is incomparable, because this is too coincident.

Coincidentally, it is incredible.

The last time, he became a black mushroom to prevent 10 powerful protection methods.

Don't you escape from the 1st, but quietly lurked back, filling in the black mushroom mountain?

Do you want to induce Zhang Bin?

This is not impossible.

Although it has only been less than half an hour, it is not impossible to cultivate a repair in the lightweight array, and it is not impossible to fix the injury.

He knew that Zhang Bin received 100 .

Plus the remaining 150 sheets, it is 250.

Also very horrible.

Therefore, he chooses that Zhang Bin in the black mushroom mountain is the best choice.


The black mushroom suddenly appeared a huge black hole, madly rotated.

Put the soul energy in the air.

You know, this time Zhang Bin has killed a lot of powerful care, countless beasts.

The soul energy of collapse in the void is extra extra.

There is no way to calculate.

"God, this is really red mushroom in evolution, swallowing the energy, absolutely able to evolve a black mushroom."

Yu Wencheng said, "The legend, the emeraldime can deviate the energy of the soul to a certain degree, and it is true."

" ..."

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, his eyes are also shot a hot radiant.

After all, this treasure is that the beast god of the beast is also a peek.

It is absolutely able to make his soul a lot.

That may be able to refine the beauty map.

Then you can seal the hunting god nail.

Moreover, his soul is powerful, and it will naturally improve the power.

It will also have a huge benefits to him attending the Era Wars.

Even, dealing with Jin Yi will also be more confident.

He flew over the past, and he looked at the empty eyes.

There is still a red mushroom in the mountains.

The topmost area has become black, and the rays are emitted from that area.

Moreover, the black hole is also from the black mushroom.

The energy among the voids is being swallowed.

Red mushrooms are slowly revivified, evolving to mushroom.

However, the emitted black light is also more rich, as in the substance, and is still rotating, sweeping.

The black light column goes deep into the distant place.

This momentum is too horrible.

It is definitely vibrating the most horrible gods in the Black Sea.


The blanked sound sounded, but it was the first and golden sky.

Two two suspended in black poisonous mist, looking at the eyes of surprises.

From the other party's situation, his injury has been completely recovered.

His body is also a sharp pressure and momentum shooting horrible.

He is a powerful existence, naturally see Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin did not stealth.

In fact, it is useless to stealth, and the law is too much more than Zhang Bin.

It can naturally find him easily.

"Zhang Lao San, , today is your death."

The 1st Protection is finally projected onto Zhang Bin's face and said.

"I want to thank me, if I don't have me to die, let the void are full of soul energy, how can this red mushroom evolve?" Zhang Bin said faintly.

He is truth, if this red mushroom is not swallowing countless soul energy, it will never evolve into a black mushroom.

And Zhang Bin's strength, there is no way to grab the law No. 1.

Therefore, this black mushroom lasts approach is almost no suspense.

In fact, the injury on the 1st Rights is not all healing, so he has not discussed Zhang Bin.

Of course, he still has a capture of Zhang Bin.

But I have to kill, but I am not sure.

Because Zhang Bin just fled to a distant place, he couldn't help Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin has 250 .

Moreover, he worried about Zhang Bin's war, the beast who was heard was taken away.

"Thank you? You killed the countless beasts of many people, but also killed 99 care. Our treasures of our hunting hall are also almost all of them. Don't kill you, I won't give it."

The law of protecting the law said that it was temperated.

"Then, kill me?"

Zhang Bin said, "I am afraid that you don't have this strength?"

"Zhang Lao San, you will die for me."

Jin Yan is suddenly shouting, his two eyes are red, with a murderous murder to Zhang Bin, and the hunting god in the hands is also swept.


Suddenly, the sound is scream, and the sky is black.

Cold bone.

Zhang Bin felt that his soul was stupid.

It seems that you have to fly out.

He asked him to understand that hunting god has a terrorist ability to deal with the soul.

Such artifacts are great.

Not will be subjected to hunting nails.

And Zhang Bin is also the heart in the heart, and the reason why Jin Yu dares to do it because it is in poisonous mist.

Once Zhang Bin uses the temple, he can escape into the black mushroom.

What's more, the protection method is also ready to be at any time.

Of course, Jin Yu may also be the time to gain treatment of treatment 1.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and immediately showed the most horrible voice.

I want to kill the golden.

Then he can get hunting.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yu sent a despulk.

His hunting is burst into the light of the dark, and he shrouded himself.

That horror sound is entered into this black area, and you will be able to eliminate yourself.

I can't hurt him at all.

The power of hunting god, is thoroughly showing.


Zhang Bin's mouth spurted a raging black flame.

Burning over the sky.

Unfortunately, hunting gods still bombed.

The banner flutters, all of which are all extinguished.


Zhang Bin was furious, and there was a Jiuzhou Ding in his hand.

I bombard the hunting god.


A loud noise.

The hunting god is shocking back and keeps swinging.

Helror the power of the power.

However, Jin Yan also retired a few hundred steps.

But Zhang Bin also retired for a dozen steps.

In other words, Jin Yu can fight against Zhang Bin with a magical hunting god.

This is simply a big miracle.

You know, Zhang Bin is now the strength, it can defeat the blend of 2,700 treasures.

And Jin Yan fused only only hundreds!

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