The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4122 Dead Escape

Seeing Zhang Bin's attack on so many attacks, it is extremely charming, "Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

The sound of the nurses sister is exactly the same, almost there is no difference.

However, this is not sent by the nurses, because the nurse sister can come over.

This is Zhang Bin you sent out.

Because absorbing the essence of the black mushroom, Zhang Bin's soul has skyrocketed.

And the sound of the sound is to show it by the soul.

For example, Zhang Bin's homesick song is singing with the soul, so the power is endless.

The voice of the nurses sister, and the same sound should be cooperated with the soul.

Therefore, this time he sent the sound of the sound of the monopoli naturally skyrocket.

Instant, prototype No. 1, black boat, magic painting, magic attack all paused.

Only a gold-handed attack is not affected. It is obviously it is difficult to affect the owner of the golden hand. After all, his body is not in the source, and the hand is cross-border.

At the same time, Zhang Bin took out, crazy, one nine-state, in the golden hand.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Zhang Bin issued a painful voice, his mouth flowed into blood.

But he is a special legend, and the power of terror has changed the direction.

He has become a black lightning, which is taken.

The speed is incredible.

After all, the attack of the golden hand is too horrible, which contains an infinite energy.

It is also Zhang Bin's powerful, in order to resist a trick.

So, borrowed the energy of the golden hand, plus his own magic, and the speed is naturally incredible.

"you wanna die……"

At this time, I was also awake at this time. That was a furious anger, and I chased the murderous murder.

The speed is definitely faster than Zhang Bin.

After all, he is a super powerful little god, and even a single gun horse will fight against golders.

The black boat, the magic painting is also chemical into lightning, crazy chasing it.

The speed is also a little bit better than Zhang Bin.

The golden hand is also crazy from heaven, and slamming the head of Zhang Bin.

Obviously, they must kill Zhang Bin.

Because Zhang Bin extracted the essence of black mushrooms, it integrates into the soul.

Then, Zhang Bin's soul became the most amazing spiritan medicine. If it is available, the efficacy will not be subtle mushroom.


Zhang Bin was furious, once again, I bled Jiuzhou in the golden hand.


It is a horrible to the extreme giant.

Sparks again.

Zhang Bin spurted his blood fog, but he still borrowed the energy of each other, changed the direction and enhanced speed.

The jealousy, once opened and prototypes, the distance of the magic painting, the black ship.

However, his speed is so fast, but there is no way to start the human form of transmission.

Only if the speed is slow and in the case of no movement.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is also in a very dangerous situation.

The horror is that there is a golden hand in the sky, and I can attack Zhang Bin at any time.

If you attack a few times, Zhang Bin may be exploded.

Zhang Bin's strength is still far from being smashed.

Dangdang ...

Zhang Bin continued to hit eight times in a row.

He also suffered heavy.

However, he has not been taken by the law, the black boat, and the magic painting.

"Hahaha ... You can't escape, you will die today."

The protection method shouted in the back, and his face was full of laughter.

His body is also ambiguous and unbearable.

"Want to kill me? You are too ridiculous."

Zhang Bin quickly smiled, and he once again resist the hit of the golden hand, soared again.

I went to the Black Sea in the blink of an eye.

Fall into the Black Sea like the meteorite.

Rapidly sink.


Golden hand crazy a boxing in the black sea.

After a deep bombard, I had a big hole until the sea.

The Black Sea is also a wave of waves.


However, I didn't hear Zhang Bin's scream, and I didn't see Zhang Bin's movie.

He disappeared like a ghost, as if there was no existence.


Protecting the law No. 1, the magic painting, the black boat came to the black sea.

All sinking into the sea and began to chase Zhang Bin crazy.

As for the golden hand, it is very unwilling to give up, and slowly collect it.

It has become a golden ray that disappears in the depths of void.

"Ha ha……"

They didn't see it. Zhang Bin was able to control the umers and floated on the sea.

In the flow of the wave.

Because it is not in motion, even the golden hand did not find his existence.

As for the law-only one, black boat, magic painting naturally didn't see it, still looking at the bottom of the sea.

About three hours later, Zhang Bin was coming out of the uriten, and he flew back to a major continent.

Going to the mushroom mountain.

Picking the black mushroom with almost no essence.

Even if there is no essence, it is also a super treasure.

It can make his two souls stronger.

Enhance the strength of the soul, absolutely improve the speed of cultivation, and improve the power.

Especially the power of the sound of the sound can improve more.

" ..."

Then Zhang Bin slammed, he launched the human form of transfer, I saw the white light, he lostly like a ghost, like never appeared.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The prototype No. 1 is finally giving up chasing Zhang Bin, returning to the black mushroom, found that the black mushroom without the essence is also disappeared, obviously being taken back by Zhang Bin, and he is almost crazy.

His teeth are almost bitten, and the lungs are almost exploded.

Zhang Bin not only destroyed the hunting hall, but also destroyed many people of many beasts, and also took away all the treasures of hunting hall, and even taking black mushrooms.

Can he not angry?

"As long as the ancestors are in treasured treasures, our hunting will reunite."

Jin Yu is also an urgent rule, but he quickly calm down and said.

"What? What do you say?"

Protect the law.

"Tibet the treasure under the treasure house, that is, Jin Yi's old ancestor, only the family can know this secret. But now I am hunting the temple to life and death. I can only say it. We will take the treasure now. Only you have the ability to break the floor ... "Golden said seriously.

He is bright in his heart. Nowadays, there are only two continents.

If Zhang Bin has become stronger again, then kills, if they have, they are really difficult to resist.

Maybe it will be traged.

So, I can only take a treasure, leave here, go anywhere.

"Is there such a thing?"

The face of the prototype is floating.

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