The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4124 Mystery of Mushroom Evolution

After half an hour in foot, Zhang Bin collected the energy of the soul on the mainland.

Compressed into a huge sphere.

He also sighed: "Unfortunately, if it is collected, the energy will be much more. More than 400 billion years, there is still some soul energy to decompose, collapsed."

"If the end of the era, all the soul energy will break down, then it is not collected. It can be collected so much, it is already very disappeared. Moreover, these unruly soul energy is very advanced." Yu Wen Cheng Tian said.

At the end of the era, although the Black Sea area does not have the era robbery, there will be a change in heaven and earth, energy dissipation, and some plants. The energy of the soul in the air will indeed decompose and collapse quickly, which is thoroughly erased the impressions of the soul that fall into the giant, and cut the possibility of resurrection.

It is said that even if it passes the time, there is no way to cross a era.

Therefore, Zhang Bin wants to save the snow and the wool must be in this era.

Zhang Bin has went to the white cloud mainland, and the energy of the soul here is all collected.

He passed back to the gravity mainland.

Go back to a major continent.

Most of the mainland is a desolate, no sea beasts.

Because it has fallen.

Zhang Bin went to the black mushrooms in the first time. Of course, he showed stealth and arrogant, and it was in the evening.

Just don't want anyone to be induced.

After all, it may take the law and is also hidden here.

That is a horrible strong enemy.

He did not grasp the defeat or kill each other, even if there is 250 .

He picks up a largest red mushroom that looks.

Then he took out the huge soul sphere, let the red mushroom contact.

The red mist is horrible, and even the energy of the soul may also be poisoned.

Therefore, this soul energy group is slowly disintegrating.

Let Zhang Bin are disappointed that this red mushroom has no change.

Do not swallow these soul energy at all.

He also sent the soul energy group to other red mushrooms.

But there is also no reaction.

Zhang Bin sighed. He also thought of two black mushrooms, so that the two of his two fellows quickly became able to cultivate it to the nine layers of the nine layers.

Then he showed three gods to strengthen and the war will skyrocket.

It seems that he thinks too simple.

However, Zhang Bin did not give up, thinking about half a day, took out the syringe and extracted some soul energy.

Directly injects a big red mushroom.

But there is still no reaction.

Zhang Bin injected a few red mushrooms, but it was still the same.

He shook his head.

Yu Wen Cheng Tian also shook his head.

If it is so easy to evil mushroom, the 100 guards of the hunting hall, it is impossible to wait for tens of thousands of era.

Zhang Bin is still very unwilling, he is eyebrow, thinking finely.

Then try a variety of ways.

Pouring from God.

Pouring in the cold water.

Use Thunder, flame bombardment.

Even he also extracted the energy essence of the soul and injected it again into the red mushroom.

But all failed.

"I don't believe it."

Zhang Bin biting his teeth, he took out the black mushroom without essence, and then extracted with a syringe.

It is finally extracted to a little liquid.

Then, insert it to the handle of a red mushroom.

Magical things happened.

The small piece of the shank becomes black.

Unfortunately, there is no way to change.

However, Zhang Bin's face has flooled and excited.

Even Yu Wen's eyes are also bright, and the face floats.

Because there is a change.

Zhang Bin raised some soul energy, showing space secret law, wrapped in red mushroom.

Unfortunately, there is still no change.

"It's impossible, the previous black mushroom is the evolution of energy evolution. Now this mushroom has evolved, transported the soul energy, how did it change?"

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of doubts.

"The amount changes the change. It may be too small."

Yu Wen became the sky.

"Is there too few?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of thinking. He thought, the Tibetan Tower fell, and he took himself with this red mushroom.

The Tibetan Tower is very magical, in such a horrible red mist, it is not corroded.

Of course, if it is placed here, it is still unable to resist.

Zhang Bin's secret law, drove the red mist in the tower.

Then he let the soul spread, let the soul energy among this space be exceptionally rich.

Watch again, but unfortunately, he is still disappointed.

Because the red mushroom still does not swallow the energy, it still has no evolution.

"Forced me to use the trick."

Zhang Bin is a great anger. He has a heart, and there is a kettle in his hand.

This is the god pot, which is the mainland of the golden hall.

It can naturally generate god water naturally, can cultivate immortal medicine.

Can also stimulate the potential.

Zhang Bin took out a basin and poured some Shenquan.

Then, the black mushroom did not have any essentials became a powder, integrated into the Shenquan.

The water horses becomes dark as ink, but it is a special atmosphere.

Zhang Bin took it in the syringe and then injected into the handle of this red mushroom.

The rate of injection is very slow.

The area where the mushroom handle is black is also slowly expanded.

All injected, there is a black area with copper money.

And the magical thing is finally happening.

This red mushroom begins slowly engraving the soul energy in the air.

The black area is also slowly expanded.

"My God, I am successful!"

Zhang Bin and Yu Wencheng shocked the extreme, and their faces also have a strong ecstasy.

They finally try to make the mystery of the evolution of red mushrooms.

The previous red mushroom is caused by the energy evolution of the soul, so it is integrated into the water with the powder of the black mushroom, and it can evolve the soul energy.

During the opening, if it absorbs the red mushroom evolving, it is injected into another red mushroom, and it can make it evolve.

The former hunting hall did not find this mystery, just because of the evolution of black mushrooms, it was robbed by the golden hand, or it may be eaten directly by the most powerful protection. It does not do such a trial at all.

"Unfortunately, the conditions of absorbing the energy evolution of soul are more demanding, compared, need too much soul energy. Otherwise, you can get black mushrooms, then you really make a fortune." Zhang Bin mouth muttered, " Cultivating a lot of souls is very powerful, and there will be no fear. "

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