Zhang Bin quietly came to the collapse of the mountains.

Driving the umers slowly down.

He has 100% of the grasp, Jin Yi and the law-only one, and Jin Yu is still cultivating in Fuiti.

Because there is only one verse, the speed of the covel is definitely no fast because he has two verses.

What's more, the number of three people in the other party is absolutely no good.

Therefore, even if they get the blood of the blood, it is impossible to integrate the three thousand Avenues.

He should still occupy a certain advantage.

However, there is no grasp. After all, the Tianjin of the Protecting Authority is also terrible, and it is a beast. It is estimated that it has been blended in more than 2,900 ways, and the war is certainly very horrible.

It is also a powerful than fox beasts and Yelian.

It is yourself, and there is no more grasp of the other party.

However, Zhang Bin is now almost improving to the limit. After all, 3001 kinds of Avenues have been successfully completed. Although there are still four avenues, these four major roads are of course killing pigs, raising chickens, anti-rushing.

However, these four avenues are new avenues, and no one will cultivate it into God.

Therefore, the blood of the blood river is not these four properties.

His Zhang Bin is also integrated into success, and it is necessary to feel a long time. It is definitely not that this era can be done, that is, the next episode is more difficult.

After all, I have only heard of a kind of self-created avenue, I have never heard of God who created a variety of avenues.

Because there is no strength to improve the strength during the period, the enemy has not raised the strength to the limit.

It is a good time he handed.

Soon, Zhang Bin lined up and appeared in a corner of Fu.

Then he saw that the white fog was rich and blocked everything.

He actually has no way to see the situation in the center area.

He will understand that Jin Yi three is cultivating it here, but it is extraordinary, the array is arranged, and it is started. Anyone wants to sneak into the way without discovery, almost impossible.

Only by yourself, blend 3001 avenues, plus the use of Wu Mei, the other party has not found it.

However, if you want to sneak in, it may still be discovered.

As a result, the purpose of his sneak attack is not reached.

Moreover, because of the influence of the array, you may still have a big loss.

When I think of this, Zhang Bin is a little hesitant, he shows the sky and observed.

The 3001 kinds of avenues, his soul is much stronger, the number of soul lights has reached a terrible 30,000, and it is exceptionally bright.

Slowly, he finally can't see clearly, there are two black shadows in the central area.

Very embarrassing.

However, but it is still possible to judge that it is Jin Yi and the law.

They muttered in their mouths, they are reading the verses, the verses on the walls are also blaming the rich black rays, and they are blaep in them.

Behind their back is also an explosion of many apertures.

Looking carefully, the aperture behind Jin Yi reached 2998, just two ways to integrate 3,000 avenues.

The protection method is more terrible. The aperture behind him actually reached 2999, and only one is three thousand.

They all blast the pressure and momentum that is extremely horrible.

It is terrible.

"Why didn't you see Jin Yu?"

Zhang Bin is dark and shaken, but the heart is extravagant.

He looked carefully and found only two futons.

It's really no third.

"Don't I don't have any accidents? Is it falling?"

Zhang Bin's face floated, perhaps, it was the last time, and they raided ten gods, and Jin Yu was fallen.

He is very tribute to his judgment.

Nowadays, the famous hunting hall has been mad, Jin Yi can't cultivate Jinzi.

Therefore, if Jin Yu is still alive, it must be cultivated here.

But even if there is anything, it may not exist.

"It seems that you can deal with them."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he was very taboo.

If this is just a long and prototype, he also has a certain level.

Go to the sneak attack, the fox beast and Ye Lian will go to less.

Unfortunately, this is not a lot, but the beast god.

Master too much secret law and magic.

He can burst out the power is absolutely terrible, and the fox beast and Ye Lian will not be the enemy of his move.

And I have sneaked the law, and there is also no grasp of it.

After all, the opponent's integration is only less than yourself.

And the other party cultivates more than one million era, not to mention Jin Yi's teachings.

Even if you use a broken AR to break the opponent's god, you may not kill each other.

However, Zhang Bin did not have any nervousness and panic.

He is slowly waiting here, waiting for the opportunity.

Because he knows, both of them must be robbed.

Once there is a human robbery, it is possible to kill another one.

It is to look at who is the day.

Waiting for three days and three nights, the opportunity is finally coming.

"Bang ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and the sky was also stacked in the sky.

"I go to the sky ..."

Jin Yi finished, he took out a space container in a pagoda, put on the ground, he flew in.

Yes, he began to fusion of the 2999 middle.

As for the protection of the law, it stopped cultivation, and a face was started to give the gold.

In fact, they have nothing to worry, and now they are going to fuse the three thousand Avenues.

Too much power has improved.

In the past, the prototype is much better than Zhang Bin.

Single singles, he can easily defeat Zhang Bin.

At that time, Zhang Bin fused 100 kinds than him.

And he deeply believes that this will be more powerful than this million years, and Zhang Bin is so bad, it is impossible to fiss a lot.

Therefore, he is definitely more than Zhang Bin.

What's more, Zhang Bin's ten beasts also have only one left.

So, in this millions, they never thought about it.

Is there an absolute confidence, not afraid that Zhang Bin came to attack.

Even if it is awarded the law, he also has absolute confidence to kill Zhang Bin.

"Jin Yi, it seems that your life is big."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, without any hesitation, he began action.

His mouth suddenly spurted the flames of the sky, caught in the past.

In an instant, this cave was overwhelmed by the horrible flame.

This is of course damaged by the law.

After all, the opponent has a very powerful god.

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