The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4148, one kills

However, Zhang Bin himself thinks fine, and the hatred of himself and the pig old ancestors is not big.

He also conflicts with Zhang Bin with Zhang Bin in the Xianling continent and half-God continent.

Of course, this guy is also a nest, with the same flow.

In the middle of the hero, Zhang Bin kills the chicken door. At that time, the chicken old ancestors were in tracking the skyscrapers and the ancestors, and the pig old ancestored was also coming. Fortunately, Zhang Bin has a human shape to pass, and it is easy to escape.

"Seniors, I never lie, I have no hatred with Zhang Lao San."

Detached sweat flows on the forehead of the pig old ancestors.

And the face of the chicken old ancestors floated the blame, he looked at the murderous pig the ancestors like the idiot, and said, "Brothers, you are too careful? Isn't you worried that he is Zhang The old three? Zhang Yaos can be so strong? Can I practice so quickly to the nine floors, can defeat the little god of three thousand avenues? "

"I didn't doubt that he was Zhang Laosan. I am telling the truth, when will I be with Zhang Laosan?"

Pig old ancestors roared.

"Zhang Lao San in the Xianling continent, harming your killing pig empire, your future generation has to withdraw from the Xianling mainland. Is this not a hatred? In the past, do you have to say, must be revenge?"

The old elderly said.

"You fart. I haven't said that I want to find Zhang Wen three to revenge? I said that I want to find Zhang Wen three theoretical theory. That is not to be hatred. I still want to find him, let the pigs follow him."

Pig old ancestors said that they said.

" ..."

Zhang Bin began to applaud. He looked at the pig old ancestors with a strange look. "Congratulations, keep the life."

Although he is teasing two people, but it also has a test.

It is because he really has no great hatred with killing pig old ancestors.

Although the other party and the nursing old ancestor are very close, it is also a dark property, but he is not like a chicken old ancestors, but not hunting any universe.

Really, this genius is still very small.

Therefore, Zhang Bin wants to give him a chance to live.

And the performance of the pig old ancestors made him very satisfied.

He doesn't plan to kill him.

However, he is not killing himself.

More than 1800 universe were killed by him.

What horrible devil?

If he lives, he will continue to hunt the child of the next era.

So, kill.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

The color of the pig old ancestors floated.

He looked at the eldest ancestors with mercy, as if he saw that the elderly ancestors were miserable.

"Who are you?"

The face of the chicken old ancestors became pale, and the fine sweat was taken on the forehead.

His face has also flizes the color of fear.

"Don't you know me?"

Zhang Bin's evil smiled, and he made a good time, it turned back to his own appearance.

"You you are Zhang Lao San? How is this this?"

Yang Chicken old ancestors looked at Zhang Bin with dared to confuse, and scared the soul and flying.

Killing the pig old ancestors is also a scalp, but fortunately, fortunately, you are lucky. Otherwise, there will be doubt today.

"My own trial, trial all sins. You are sinful, and today I sentenced your death penalty." Zhang Bin's body burst into extreme majesty, and then screaming in his eyes It is shot on the eyes of a raised elderly ancestors.


The old chicken old ancestors made a scream.

Then I will stop it.

Because his soul is destroyed.

It's completely fallen.

Zhang Bin began to search for the body of chicken old ancestors and search for a lot of treasures.

But he certainly can't see it.

However, when you search for the chicken cage, Zhang Bin's eyes are bright.

His face has also floated a splendid smile.

Because this chicken cage is not simple, it is also a very powerful tool.

With this treasure, Zhang Bin can understand the mystery that combines the roar chicken.

Then fuse the way to the chicken.

"Zhang Lao San, I am willing to dedicate the killing knife ..."

Killing the pig old ancestors are very smart, I will be glad soon.

"Then thank you."

Zhang Bin smiled blindly, unlocked the imprisonment of the pig's old ancestors.

Today, he has to change again. In addition to hard work, it is necessary to integrate more.

The way to raise chickens and killings is the only choice.

As for the way, Zhang Bin is currently not integrated because he does not have a road to the road, that is in the hands of .

Therefore, he shot two gods, rescued the elderly ancestors and killing the pig old ancestors, his purpose is to get their tools.

This will make him blend two ways.

Then you can reach 3004.

Even if Jin Yi can also fusion 3001, it is still less than Zhang Bin.

Millennium is so talented, it is absolutely homemade, what is the way, Zhang Bin does not know.

Therefore, Jin Yi may fusion 3001.

So, then you can pull it close to Jin Yu's distance.

The reason why Jin Yi is so powerful because he mastered the horror of the beastinal community. If it is said that the strength of the body is not as good as Zhang Bin.

Of course, Jin Yi's soul should be more powerful than Zhang Bin.

However, Jin Yi's soul has suffered from heavy.

There has been no recovery.

Therefore, when the former Jin Yi's mixed escape, it is not too strong, and he did not grasp Zhang Bin who was still very weak. Have to win the rumor.

Otherwise, he can take a more talented Zhang Bin.

However, now Jin Yi's soul is certainly a lot to recover.

Therefore, only the soul of Jin Yi is more than Zhang Bin, but it is estimated that there is too much more than too much.

After all, the speed of recovery will not be so fast.

It is also necessary to have a process.

He closed the killing pig knife of the pig old ancestor without any guilt, if he didn't shoot, now the killing pig old ancestors fell, killing the pig knife is also in the hands of others.

Killing the pig old ancestors did not have any delays, and immediately took out the propriary and wiped out the referent mark.

Give Zhang Bin directly.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to refine it quickly.

It also refines the chicken cage.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin has two other jigs.

The treasures like the road have only more than 3,000 people since ancient times.

Among them, there were three thousand jigs that made people cultivated into the true gods. They took the road to the universe.

Even, it may be useful in the gods.

This is of course Zhang Bin, because even now, Zhang Bin took the heavens and sentiment, and found that the mystery is endless, and the trial is far from the end.

"Where did you know now?"

Zhang Bin looked at the killing pig and asked seriously.

(This is the seventh chapter, there is another chapter, is being code.)

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