The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4163, Shenjia, True

And the destroying arrow is also a hole in the nine sets of gods, it is completely crashed.

It has become a bit of light, dissipating in the void.

There is no hurt to Zhang Bin.

It is to know that Zhang Bin knew the law of the column of God, but it was a lot of gods.

Although it is a godde, it is not very good, but it is not much more.

"How can this be?"

All the guards have been stunned, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

God alone is quite rare.

That is made of materials used in the gods or beasts.

Although they can refine the gods, they don't find good materials.

Therefore, their armor can only be a pseudo-god armor, of course, the most cattle pseudo-god armor.

However, Zhang Bin actually has nine sets of gods.

This is incredible.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin is strong, it is also to be injured, and that Bin will die.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin was completely angry, he was crazy.

The majestic explosion is out.

Enveloping Wei.

Then the chain on his neck is taken out.

I'm set on the head of Wei.



His armor is broken.

However, he is also a member of the array, so it seems that it is extremely horrible.

The chain is on his head, there is no energy to kill him.

It can be seen that this chain is very powerful, but it is still far more than the mortality.

" ..."

However, Zhang Bin's soul attack is followed, and it is shot on his eyelids instantly.

Since the armor collapsed.

His eyelids also resist the soul attack of Zhang Bin.

The eyelids are instantly broken.

Gray rays shot on his eye beads.


Wei Yun sent a scream, and he retired.

The array is back to back.


Zhang Bin was shouting crazy, rushed over.

It has launched the same attack as the wind and the rain.

He is very worried, there is an arrow in Wei's body.

Then he is really likely traged.

So, he must kill the other party with the fastest speed.

Dangdang ...

Wei Wei is very strong, one of his hands, the other, and dances the ax, crazy and Zhang Bin.

If the other guards are also crazy attack Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin issued a soul attack, crazy bombardment.

Bombard each other's armor, bombarded on the eyes.

Ah, ah ...

There is no guard by Zhang Bin to kill.

I was screaming on the ground.

However, under the coverage of many guards, Wei Gan is quickly converted, and went behind.

His face is full of anger, and it is also full of horror.

Just now he is almost hooked by Zhang Bin.

For him, this is simply shameless.

He also figured out a loss of arrow, smiling and shot to Zhang Bin.


The arrow is made into lightning, with a murder of the sky, I came to Zhang Bin in front of Blink.

Zhang Bin quickly dodged, but there was no use, and the arrow was killed in death.

Rapidly change the direction and shoot his eyes.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a clear laugh.

His stone mill is also ignorant on the arrow of the god.

The horror is that stone mill is also easily wearing it.

You know, this is a magical jumber.

"Trial ..."

"Killing pigs ..."

Zhang Bin shouted crazy.

Scales are on the arrow.

Still being worn.

Then Zhang Bin's killing the pig knife is also awkward on the arrow.


Kill the pig knife is also wore.

It's so powerful.

Then Zhang Bin did not have a way to resist, and instantly was shot.

And it is shot on the eye.

"Hey, he is dead."

Numerous guards are crazy, they seem to have seen that Zhang Bin has become a corpse and lying on the beautiful scene of the ground.

Unfortunately, they will be disappointed.

Because Zhang Bin's body appeared again, it was a set of sets.

Just put five sets in the hole, and it was completely collapsed.

Still can't hurt Zhang Bin.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

All the guards have made a crazy shout, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Ji Zhang Bin's nine sets of gods were wearing a hole, and they did not repair yet, how can they be repaired for thousands of years.

However, how did he have five sets of gods?

This is also too bullying.


Zhang Bin shouted crazy, he received a scale, killing pig knife, stone mill. After all, I was worn by the cave, and the power will be bigger. But he has a artifact, and his hands appeared in his hand, sword, knife. And it is the artifact that can improve the power of ten times. He kills the guards with a murder.

Dangdang ...

Ah, ah ...

The guard once again fell like a cut wheat.

Can't resist it at all.

The more people who die, the weaker the power of the array.

Zhang Bin kills people, the faster it is.

At this moment, Wei Nan is a little regret, and regret that he did not use two inquiry.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin may not be able to resist it.

However, he only has two artificial arrows.

after all. This is the skin and the blood of the god of the god.

And there is only a giant of the Lord of the Magic Sound to refine.

He can have two, it is already very disappeared.

But now the two characters are used, but they still have no kill Zhang Bin.

How can this be good?

"Using the ..."

There is a guard yelling in madness.

Suddenly, Wei Wei woke up, and his face floated.

He has a 100 lystheat in his hand.

I suddenly threw it on my head.

Suddenly, it will become a numerous magic, caravan to swallow energy in the world.

The earth is also shot a countless yellow spot, and it has been swallowed quickly.

"Nima, they also have a niche? Is it, is the ?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he did not fear.

His mouth suddenly spurted with the turmoil of the dead.

Crazy singed.

Let this underground space become a fire sea.

" ..."

Many guards immediately spurt their death and cold water, and quickly extinguished the flames.

But Zhang Bin is suddenly jumping.

I used it as the same arrow.

The magic weapon in the hands madly kills the multi-characterized magic weapon, because it has not been swallowed to too much energy.

Power is not strong.

In an instant, I was pushed into pieces, and it was a little bit of light, dissipated in the void.

The 100 destroyed characters did not play role.

All guards are awkward, they don't understand, how can Zhang Bin may have such a rich experience? It's so easy to break into many characters?

"You gave me die ..."

Zhang Bin fell from the sky, killing the murder of the sky to them.

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