The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4168 Homemade Trial Thunder

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly laughed in his heart.

In the past, he made a trial of the trial, but also as much as possible to make the sound of the trial together, but it was a combination of rough, but did not produce a plus one equal to three effects, and even two. Don't say that it is five.

However, with such a secret law, he is the power that can improve the attack.

After all, Zhang Bin currently the most powerful magical trial and sound, and the sound of the sound is so powerful because he has enlightened from the sound of the old nurse sister.

He immediately is just a way.

Sign in the majesty, "review - judge ..."

Suddenly sound shocking, better than thunder.

Although I haven't pressed the magic sound, it is to let the interference come to the magic sound.

The power of his trial monopol is also soaring.

Those who killed his guards were miserable. They all suffered a horrible attack, shivering, retreat, face full of fear, and even a few males in the hand fell to the ground.

Zhang Bin will also be polite, he continues to madly show the trial of the trial.

At the same time, the artifact in the hand is crazy on their body.

Boom ...

Their body exploded, and the head was also exploded.

I was screaming on the ground, turned into a body.

The rest of the guards are completely dumbfounded, and their faces are filled with a color.

Why can't I believe that Zhang Bin suddenly realized the mystery that combined with the trial of the trial and sound?

Enhance the power and defense.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin will let them? He continued to show the trial of the trial.

Cage them.

Let them be escaping.

Also let them shake, and the power is declined.

And Zhang Bin's magic weapon is also crazy, one by one down on the ground.

The heads become rotten watermelons.

Just a dozen breathing time, 35 guards were all exploded by Zhang Bin.

There is no living.

"Ha ha ha ... happy ..."

Zhang Bin stood up, showing a laughter.

His body is also blaming the power and momentum of the world.

At this moment, he seems to have an invincible God of War.

The Lord of the Magic Sound is completely angry, continue to be crazy is to show the magic sound.

It has become a rolling wave, crazy, bombarded Zhang Bin.

At the same time, all the gods in this continent heard the summon.

They are covered.

Kill the sound area.

It constitutes a horrible desalination of the god.

Enclose Zhang Bin to it.

Zhang Bin did not escape.

Because of the crazy attack, interception, blocking, so that his speed is very slow.

"Review - Judgment ..."

Zhang Bin had to continue to madly wars.

Fully show trials and sounds.

The magic weapon in your hand is also working hard to intercept the attacks of many strange gods.

However, he can't resist it.

After all, there are more than 30,000 little gods, the combined destroying the gods itself is terrible, and now it is in the magic area.

Hey ...

Zhang Bin has been hit in many times, repeatedly turned over.

Climb up multiple times and continue to wars.

But he has no way to go out.

Moreover, it is again attacked to the center position of the sound wave area.

This time is more critical.

But Zhang Bin still has no regrets. If he does not break into this, but to chase the ordinary little god, they also ran into the sound area.

Then he may be more miserable, because they combined with the attack of the gods, far away from 35 guards.

"I found a kind of Lei Yin killing, see if you are using it?"

Yu Wen Chengtian suddenly found a gold paper. He has written the secret to the secret of the thunder, which is a magical secret method that makes the Thunder and the voices and the perfect combination of the trend. Unborseful power.

Zhang Bin is big, his means quickly read.

As far as his cultivation, it is a moment.

However, he is amended and turned into a trial.

That is to say, let the trial of the hike, the Thunder, there is a sound of the sound, and it is perfect.

"Review - Judgment ..."

Zhang Bin greeted, accompanied by a rolling thunder.

The sound is also earth-shattering, and it is more loud than the previous voice.

This is the money.

Many small gods who have killed Zhang Bin are full of faces, and the magic weapons in their hands are falling there. I don't know what it is.

Zhang Bin is also polite?

He turned into a black light, slaughtered these little gods.

He wanted to bypass them.

But now he wants to kill all.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruel to yourself.

"Ah ...

The scream of the scream, many small gods continued to be killed by Zhang Bin.

Camera becomes a body.

They can't escape.

Enveloped by Zhang Bin's field, all imprisoned, even many faded on the ground.

But there are also some very powerful, still in a negative resistance.

However, Zhang Bin, who has tried the tricks of the trick, where can they resist?

Just take a dozen minutes, Zhang Bin killed all them.

One does not stay.

Then he took their body, and also collected all the soul energy.

He is proud to rush.

Although the magic sound is still crazy, it has become powerless.

Zhang Bin is not in the injury.

Obviously, the Lord of the Magic Sound also knows that he killed Zhang Bin.


Yu Wen Cheng is happy, but it is a deep sigh.

"Don't sigh, even if there is no little god, the human beings in this continent will not be killed by the beast."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the Tibetan Tower. Levels kill the enemy. "

What wisdom he is, naturally, knowing that Yu Wen has worried about human beings on the mainland.

Although he also picked them, he would not take them, most of them are the future generations of the guard of the Lord of the magic.

No one knows that they will hate him.

He is only able to do it without slaughtering them.

"I am not worried about them, I am sighing their fate."

Yu Wen Cheng said, "So many days, it is hard to practice into the god, but today is all fallen. In the future, if people also cultivate into God, can they go to the gods?"

"It is estimated to be difficult, in the black sea region, it is equal to cheating."

Zhang Bin said. Robbery. Heavy mainland, so many beasts, there is almost no way to go to Baiyun mainland. And the white cloud mainland, so many beasts, but also have accumulated, but it is also killed by me. Go to the gods and beasts, that is It is very difficult. "

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