The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4170 Jinyi Wars Heis

Jin Yi is like a poisonous snake and found prey.

The look is highly concerned, all of which are concentrated.

In addition, he did not think that there was another artificial visit to the continent of the beast and the beast, so he still did not find Zhang Bin.

Of course, this is also because today's Zhang Bin has too much powerful, showing stealth and virtuality, and even the giant of Jin Yu is difficult to find.

Zhang Bin hooded behind a boulder, even, he took out the heavens and shook it in front of it.

He uses his eyes and knowledge that there is no way to find that Jin Yi is paying an exception.

However, in the mirror, he has found it.

In the shadow under a big tree, it stands a black shadow.

He is completely integrated with the environment.

It's hard to find it.

It is the black shadow that I have seen by Zhang Bin, and the other party also gave Zhang Bin a broken A.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin is used to deal with the prototype No. 1.

The black shadow does not seem to have a cash.

He seems to have no vitality, just standing there, as if he can stand forever.

Jin Yi's face is full of , he is like a poisonous snake slowly bed.

No movement was issued.

Even the grass did not move, thoroughly put the virtual noord to the extreme.

"It's a good Jin Yi, what kind of origin is he? How can he be strong?"

Zhang Bin really was very surprised.

He felt that Jin Yi was stronger than the last time, and there were a lot of power.

Even, Jin Yi will not be legged with him.

This is an opponent that is extremely horrible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is more vigilant.

It is also more careful.

He also expected the opportunity to grasp this good opportunity and kill the gold.

Then he can refine the horrible hunting god.

Get an incomparably horrible magic weapon.

The Era Wars are basically nothing to worry.

Slowly, Jin Yi is close to the black shadow, he suddenly launched an attack.

His body suddenly broke out the golden light, as if there were countless sun.

The golden light will be taken into black shadows like the matters, and the sky is also very bright.

The nearby trees instantly become ashes.

The air is also chemically formed into a flame.

At this moment, the Baiyun continent was covered by golden light and then swallowed by the flame.

A wide-unlimited ten mainland, burning a flame flame.

Everything has become ashes.

In this continent, you will never see a shadow.

I have seen any darkness.

So attack, it is simply awkward.

It is definitely not the beast or little God of the source.

Under such an attack, any strong enemy will be asze.

Jin Yi is now the strength, it will not be the Lord of the Magical Sound.

Even more powerful.

After all, Jin Yi is a living beast, he can move.

Even, he can also move an instantaneous movement that is extremely horrible.

You can instantly don't instantly.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin is strong, and he secretly shows the trial of the gods and unimpedo and Ice Tong, resisting such horror attacks, and did not make any movement.

He looked at the mirror in his eyes.

Pay attention to this terrorist war.

"Hey ... Jin Yi, you are finally here, today is your death ..."

The black shadow suddenly smiled, and his body suddenly shot a rich darkness, and it was crushed in the sky. The golden light was swallowed and covered.

The mainland blinks into a darkness.

The golden light and flames sent by Jin Yi were all destroyed.

The strength of the black shadow is also to let Zhang Bin are very shocking.

In the past, Zhang Bin has a black shadow to imprisonment, it is a moving.

Now he is so much strong, thinking that he can fight against black shadows.

But now he suddenly discovered that there is still no grasp.

"Black, Zone, I also want to deal with my Jin Yi? This is simply a big joke."

Jin Yi appeared, he stood proudly, his body burst into a rich golden light, and dark confrontation, a shares of the earth destroyed from his body.

It is too powerful.

"Ha ha……"

The black shadow made a contemptuous, "" Your district is a soul, although it is a lot, but the capital is very general, plus the soul and the body can not be perfect. Even the beast is not. For me, it is a simply one. I want to kill you, too easy. "

Jin Yi did not fear, he smiled and said: "For our beasts, the level is also divided into small gods, God, God, Shenwang, God, God, Great God Emperor, God, Master. You are a high-top black beast, it is really powerful, it is much stronger than my half God. Unfortunately, you are just a shadow, is you really dare to enter? I used to death beast God, is it Also can't deal with a shadow of the district? "

"I rely on, it seems that they are the beast god king, the level is very high ..."

Zhang Bin is very stunned and shocked.

And he also first knew the grade of God outside the universe, and it was divided into nine levels.

There is no real god.

The real god is a collective name of the sponsion of self-creation.

It is a genius in the little god.

Moreover, God outside the universe may be divided into multiple camps, beast, bright, dark system.

Of course, the beast is also likely to have a bright and dark system.

Therefore, there may be two camps in the beast system, and there are two camps in humans.

The relationship is intricate.

"Jin Yi, you are the death of the beast." The black shadow smiled and said, "I immediately handed over the dark god code, handed over the creation of the debris. The king may once again around you again."

"Dark God Dragon? Hypymeal?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, his heart was also cramping crazy.

Because there is a confined fragmentation in his heart, it is blended together.

This kind of treasure is of course, the better it.

And he got a box that had no way to open from the treasure house of the hunting hall.

Among them, there may be created fragments.

As for the dark god, Zhang Bin is also looking forward to it. If it is also in the box, then he is developed.

"Heus, today, I will destroy your shadow, take your soul. First pay, I will do it in the future. There will be a number of era of rage, and finally I will take it to you." Jin Yi's eyes shot a cold light, and his hands appeared a sharp sword, and his body exploded the stress and momentum.

He didn't have any delays, and a arrow rushed over.

A sword to black shadow.

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